Your favorite home workout routine?


Oct 23, 2017
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What's your favorite home workout routine that is feasible, fast and efficient? I'd like to try it. I don't have equipment except an ez curl and some cement block weights from the 1990s. I have to shake this covid fat and sloth. It's terrible.

So...what you got?

Here are some tips I learned over the years to help with motivation, but i don't have a routine. That's where you come in.


1. Turn off phone and remove all distractions for 30 minutes
2. Actually change into work out clothes
3. Turn pump you up music on.

That's all I got. It works though.
Fortunately, I have a decent enough setup at home - squat stands, bench, Olympic bar, trap bar, 200kg + of plates, dumbbells and an airdyne for conditioning. I'm able to do my basic barbell routine of SOHP, deadlift, bench press and squat, and use the airdyne if the weather is poor and I'm not able to get out for a long walk.

I do have music on sometimes, but don't feel it's necessary to get me motivated, I tend to have a cup of coffee on the go, and will usually write out my intended sessions the night before so I'm good to go the next day.
I've got kettlebell pairs from 4KG to 28KG, two doorway pull up bars (one up high, and one at ankle height that gets removed when not in use), a pussypad to put around the bottom bar, and Woody bands (yellow, red, green, blue). I wanted to buy some dipping parallettes, but as we live in an apartment, where space is at a premium and my wife put her foot down.

- BW Complex:
Push Ups - Chins - Squats
- Double KB Complex:
Press - Row - Swing
- RB Facepull
- RB Nordic Curl
- BW Neck Bridge

I also run 5km twice a week, but the paths have been icy since mid December, so I need to get back to that.


As for music, I have a bit of 80's metal or 90's hiphop.
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Went to the football track and found 2 heavy paving blocks. Between making up 10 exercises with them, variations of pull ups on the goal post and sprint cycles, it was exhausting and fun workout when the world was in depression.

While on the clock getting paid, write out your lifts for the day.
Recruit someone to lift with you one or 2 times, not everyday that shit gets old.
Send nudes to your mom asking if you made any gains.
I actually follow it.

It's how I like to eat anyway and I think it's a great option for strength athletes/people who want to be jacked.
Is it true you can't use seasonings? I guess at its core food is supposed to be utility, not an indulgence.
Is it true you can't use seasonings? I guess at its core food is supposed to be utility, not an indulgence.
I use salt, pepper, and other spices all the time. Stan is super big on adequate sodium intake. Where have you seen that you can’t use seasonings?
I use salt, pepper, and other spices all the time. Stan is super big on adequate sodium intake. Where have you seen that you can’t use seasonings?
I thought I gathered that anything that causes bloating or gas like onions and garlic were not allowed. I suppose that doesn't preclude other spices though.
I think you should buy some resistance bands that attach to a door so you can work your pulling muscles and add more variety overall. Maybe get a pull up bar once you build enough strength for it
I thought I gathered that anything that causes bloating or gas like onions and garlic were not allowed. I suppose that doesn't preclude other spices though.

Dude, you said seasonings lol. Be more accurate with your words.

It’s not that they’re not allowed, it’s just as you said, things like onions can cause bloating/gas. I still eat some sautéed onion every day with a meal.
Dude, you said seasonings lol. be more accurate with your words.

It’s not that they’re not allowed, it’s just as you said, things like onions can cause bloating/gas. I still eat some sautéed onion every day with a meal.
I just assumed if garlic and onion were nixed that onion powder and garlic powder would be too lol
Another favorite is failing at things that looked simple from someone else. Like Muscle Ups.
I thought I gathered that anything that causes bloating or gas like onions and garlic were not allowed. I suppose that doesn't preclude other spices though.

He likes low FODMAP foods that don't cause gas and bloating which allows you to eat more food if you're trying to gain weight. That varies from person to person depending on your tolerance.
What is the vertical diet outside of low gas food? It looked like mostly a red meat and rice diet from Stan doing guest interviews.
What is the vertical diet outside of low gas food? It looked like mostly a red meat and rice diet from Stan doing guest interviews.
There’s a bit more too it than that. You can find a lot of extended YouTube videos on it, but this guy on Reddit sums a lot of it up.

Agree with what was said above, although if you're serious about lifting weights and building muscle, the only way is to do heavy weights, home training just won't do it unless you're willing to invest in a barbell and at least a couple of 45 pounds (20 kg) of weight ( and a few lighter ones).

In addition, there is a certain sense of camaraderie and spirit in gyms. You meet with like-minded people, share tips and tricks. You need as much as 30 minutes to get a good workout.

If you want to avoid going to the gym, but still want to do some hard work, try dividing your workouts into home and outside (say, a park or a street)

Focus more on muscle mass, slow contraction, and reps/sets. You can also buy injectable steroids credit card this will improve the effect, you can learn more here.

1. a pair of dumbbells ( not too heavy)

2. flexible bench that can be moved below the horizontal and the inclined angle

3. (optional) For more serious gain, consider a large barbell (long barbell) and a set of weights with which you can challenge yourself. This is difficult, however, because for some heavy lifts you need a rack or a partner.

4. ABS Wheel is an amazing tool for the core, greatly underestimated and ridiculed by the bodybuilding community.

This is where you should do most of your cardio, speed laps. There are many interesting workouts you can do outside, besides jogging. Not to mention that you don't sweat over your carpet and have fresh air and a sense of freedom. ( especially after dark)

1. TRX is an amazing tool that you hang on a tree, an old gate, a wall (you need to have a hook), a street light, and can work your ass off. You can practice any part of the body. Great for both cardio and strength training

2. Kettlebells (weight depends on your strength and fitness level). You can do so much with it, and it requires minimal space. Although it is better to use it outside.

3. Jumping Rope - Great for warm-ups, as well as for vigorous cardio once you get a little better.

4. A mat on which you can lie/ sit.

In your external session, focus on the outline. Ideally, work with time ( or count repetitions). Usually you only need 20-30 minutes to completely destroy yourself, if you have little time and you are ready to ""sweat blood"".""

An example of ""Outside"" might be:

1. Burp (60 seconds)

Break for 20 seconds

2. Jumping rope (60 seconds)

Break for 20 seconds

3. deep lunges with a length of 20 meters (for 60 seconds)

Break for 20 seconds

4. high jump on the spot, tapping the palm of your hand on your knees in the air ( 60 seconds)

Break for 20 seconds

5. the star jumps in place ( to cool down from the previous one) ( 60 seconds)

Break for 20 seconds

6. TRX - whatever you like ( 60 seconds)

Rest for 60 seconds and repeat the round. Make a total of 3 rounds.

It looks easy, but it can ruin you for a couple of days if you're not used to it. There are literally hundreds of options here, explore the internet and be creative.

Sorry for the long post, I wanted to give you a practical example.

Hope this helps
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