Opinion Left wing Joe Rogan on Liberal Outrage Culture "You're Making More Republicans!"

Yep, they walked away from Gillette. And now they are sitting back watching Gillette crumble. Not much of an outrage honestly.

I don't think it's crumbling as much as you want to believe it is.. in fact the stock is still showing a positive trend.. just like Europe isn't "dying" either

Conservatives have the thinnest skin, get upset by virtually anything
I don't think it's crumbling as much as you want to believe it is.. in fact the stock is still showing a positive trend.. just like Europe isn't "dying" either

Got some friends in Boston that know for a fact that the main Gilette factory has laid off quite a few people lately. Not a good sign.

Conservatives have the thinnest skin, get upset by virtually anything
You already knew this wasn't true before you posted it.
"Thinnest" skin compared to who?? what group?? And you know which I'm talking about.
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I think data shows people actually going more independent than anything.
Let's see.. typical left wing outrage
- African Americans are being disproportionately targeted by police

Right wing outrage
- Too many interracial couples on TV
The amount of crimes they disproportionately commit... Ever think of that?
I thought he did good, he wasn't a head beating ryno, I think Sanders did good too even though he's at the bottom of the list of Dem's I would want to see in the office, well in 2016 now he's a lot higher that I think about it.

When Joe asked him about negotiating drug prices, his answer made me want to shit in my hand, and throw it at the TV.
It sounds like he’s coming up with excuses to promote “right wing” ideas.
He’s kinda like” Im really on the left about every issue but.......I did my comedy act at a college and no one was laughing so now I have to vote for Trump

Are you serious with this shit? <Lmaoo><Lmaoo><Lmaoo><Lmaoo>

I think you're the one who should do stand-up 'cause that was actually quite funny in a "this is so dumb and stupid, it's amusing" way.
This thread is kind of hypnotizing.

I love the juxtaposition of talking being woke, while his guest was one of the most inauthentic people I have ever seen.

I didn't believe a word he said, and I don't think he believes a word he said.

"No Joe. Negotiating prices with pharma is a bad idea. Bernie is wrong. Things are more complicated then that. Lobbying doesn't explain that."


Of course you didn't believe a word he said. You're a Bernie Bro. <Lmaoo>
I voted for Obama dumbass.

Then after watching all of his policies and promises fail, I realized liberals are simply unwilling or unable to fix difficult issues.

The left of today, open borders/free healthcare for illegals/soft on crime/soft on foreign policy/etc... you literally have to be mentally ill to support. They consider Obama just short of literally Hitler.

I voted for Obama, too.

But I voted for him more out of the novelty of finally having a Black President.

Once that novelty wore off, I observed for 8 years that he's as inept at keeping promises as past Caucasian presidents. So here we are....with Trump (who saved us from what could've been a country-destroying Hag in the White House) and we are better off for it and I don't give a fuck what the far-left dipshits here think (they are all brainwashed by CNN/MSDNC anyway)
Imagine posting this “cartoon”, thinking it’s funny, and using that AV...


Imagine this guy :
seeing what this poster is putting up in Sherdog under his picture(and name)...I doubt he'd be thrilled to see how stupid is he is making him look. <{outtahere}>
If you change your opinion on an issue, just because you want to disagree with someone else, you are an idiot. If you are moving right just to distance yourself from some loons further left than yourself, then you never really cared about the issues. Same goes for the right.

The fuck?

So because I want to stay far away from the morons acting like morons, that means I don't care about the issues?

What kind of broad-brush bullshit is that, Lowman? <Huh2>
The fuck?

So because I want to stay far away from the morons acting like morons, that means I don't care about the issues?

What kind of broad-brush bullshit is that, Lowman? <Huh2>
Are you changing your political views simply because of some weird moron? You arent going to start supporting open borders just because crazy racist are wanting to remove all non whites. If a crazy person is all it takes for you to change your political views, did you ever really care about the issues?
Imagine this guy :
seeing what this poster is putting up in Sherdog under his picture(and name)...I doubt he'd be thrilled to see how stupid is he is making him look. <{outtahere}>

That’s literally a poster you’d expect to see in some high school losers basement room. And you’d imagine the person is a homosexual.
Imagine this guy :
seeing what this poster is putting up in Sherdog under his picture(and name)...I doubt he'd be thrilled to see how stupid is he is making him look. <{outtahere}>


But for real, dud in the AV is a fuckin weirdo.

Imagine being older than 22 and dressing like that...
That’s literally a poster you’d expect to see in some high school losers basement room. And you’d imagine the person is a homosexual.

Bro, you can’t even get laid by a man with a poster like that...
I'm sure it does happen, but I don't think it's very common. I personally know a lot of liberals who fucking hate SJW far leftist types just as much as conservatives do. I think reasonable liberals will feel no need to move to the right because of far left idiots, just as conservatives feel no need to move to the left because of far right shithead white supremacists.
Exactly. I’ve never had the thought: Gee, PC culture is a drag, so fuck universal healthcare and the environment, let’s get some tax cuts for the 1%.

Anybody who has had this kind of shift in thinking was likely going to anyways.