What's an average training week for you look like?

Bench MWFSat

Arms, abs, upper back thrown in.
Just curious to see the fellas in here and what you do weekly.

For me the last few years its been powerlifting. 3-5x a week...some cardio here and there based on bodyfat goals etc.

Recently I decided to start muay thai. Havent gone to a gym yet because im dealing with some other issues but ill be starting in 2 weeks ayyy

So my normal week right now looks like this

1 mile run
2 rounds jump rope
2 rounds shadow boxing
5 rounds on the heavy bag
3 rounds clinch on the bag
Core stuff

2 "feeler" sets with 1 top set per exercise. Add weight linearly. Typically 6-8 reps, 5 exercises per day. Its a pretty low volume program. Not extremely fatiguing but if i need a rest day i just take one.

How about you guys?

Sunday is off.

Mon-friday everyday 10 x 100 bicep curls
Sat-Sun 5 x 10 weighted cock press
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Sun - Squat, Bench, Weighted Chin Ups
Mon - HIC (Sprints and/or Boxing)
Tue - Deadlift, Press, Weighted Chin Ups
Wed - HIC (Sprints and/or Boxing)
Thu - Squat, Bench, Weighted Chin Ups
Fri - E (Rowing or Jogging or Rucking)
Sat - Off

Follow 3 Weeks BLOCKs
Week 1 - 3-10 x 5 @ 65%
Week 2 - 3-10 x 5 @ 75%
Week 3 - 3-10 x 3 @ 85%

Week 4 - 3-10 x 5 @ 66%
Week 5 - 3-10 x 5 @ 76%
Week 6 - 3-10 x 3 @ 86%

Etc. with +1% per BLOCK. The total volume is based current diet/sleep, etc.

For your weight training days, you keep your intensity low right? cuz back to back like that seems crazy
For your weight training days, you keep your intensity low right? cuz back to back like that seems crazy

Typically do 3 Weeks blocks, 3x5 @ 65%, 3x5 @ 75% and 3x3 @ 85%. Deadlifts are Always 3 reps. % are bumped by +1% every 3 weeks (every new block).

It's basically a 5/3/1 method that avoids Failure, has more frequency, includes chin ups and allows for more volume (you could do between 3-10 sets based on diet/sleep/stress. i usually hover between 3-5, but 3 is the minimum)
Currently hypertrophy work 3-4 times per week going trough different rep ranges every week. My main goal is to find a way to train to reduce taxation and still get strength and muscle gainz. Soccer 1-3 times per week. Planning on dropping soccer for some kick boxing.
Taking a break from boxing?
Taking a break from boxing?
Yeah. I havent been boxing for 8 months at least. New job, and quality of work outs went down. Trying to make a group for privates in kick boxing.

And would really like to work these kicks. I have huge and strong legs. It is a shame I am not a good kicker. Should be able to at least low kick.
Day 1

Day 2
Front Squat

Day 3
You all have a lot of free time except the guy who works around his kid's schedule. Props to you guys for the good workouts but props especially to him.
Only got Mondays thru Wednesdays cant spend the whole week at the gym

Chest press
Pectoral fly
Tricep press/pectoral
BB Curl
BB hammer curl

Leg extend
Leg curl
Leg press
One leg calf press
Side lateral
Machine shoulder press
Upright row
Core workout

Front pulldown
Seated row
Machine row/hammer strength
Pushdown bar
Two arm tricep ext
Core workout

I ride my bike at least 2 days per week. If I find myself riding more I take an extra day of rest or a scale back my lifting just a tad.
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Heavy Press
Volume Sumo DL
Volume Bench
Row Variation


Heavy Squats
Heavy Sumo DL
Face Pulls


Heavy Bench
Volume Squat
Volume Press
Row Variation


60-90 of LISS most days


Dynamic warmup on lifting days
Static stretching after every workout
Mo: Beer and countersrike
Tu:beer and counterstrike
We:beer and team fortress 2
Th:beer and cod 2
Fr: beer and battlefield 2
Over 3 times a week is over kill for grappling.

What is? Lifting, running, sprints, HIIT, mobility work?

Depends on the person and how diligent they are with their recovery. If you're under-recovered then even 1 time per week could wreck you. Lifting 3+ is fine if your body responds well to the training. Sounds like it didn't work for you and that sucks, but everyone is different.
What is? Lifting, running, sprints, HIIT, mobility work?

Depends on the person and how diligent they are with their recovery. If you're under-recovered then even 1 time per week could wreck you. Lifting 3+ is fine if your body responds well to the training. Sounds like it didn't work for you and that sucks, but everyone is different.

From personal experience +3 is detremental I used to do 4, 5 times a week lifting. You sacrafice grappling for lifting. You only need to lift twice a week and do HIIT circuits other days.
Mobility work I do every day my routine is fairly complex.
Taking a break from muaythai and working on rehabbing an old knee surgery, leg is still atrophied, weaker and less mobile than my good leg plus some general gpp.

Monday - hour zone 2 aerobic, lower body strength , core, hill sprints

Tuesday - upper body strength push / pull / assistance, HIIT, core

Wednesday - hour zone 2 aerobic, core, finisher

Thursday- lower body strength, HIIT, core

Friday- hour zone 2 aerobic, upper body strength push / pull / assistance, core

Saturday - HIIT, track work, random outdoor calethetics workout, try and go for a hike in the afternoon weather dependent.

Sunday - rest + some form of active recovery ( pools, sauna, massage, yoga etc )

Been using the Matt Wenning warmup on lifting days and aim to do some mobility work every day especially on my bad leg.
Right now I'm doing a x3 split for power/strength going between 3 sets of 3 and 5 sets of 5 alternate weeks on the main lift; 3 sets of 6-8 on compound accessory; 2 sets of 15 on isolation accessory.

Day 1
Barbell Squat
Leg Press
Hamstring Curl
Standing Calf
Farmers Walks
Planks (max time)

Day 2
Bench Press
DB Bench Press
Seated dips
Standing Tricep Extensions
Hanging leg raise (max reps)

Day 3
Deadlift (ramping to 1 x 5)
Seated rows
Seated barbell good mornings
Planks (max time)

I keep things pretty straightforward. I'm getting good weekly gains with this variation right now and I have no reason to increase the frequency. I also do a 15 minute cardio at the end of each workout and another 10 minutes in the sauna. On my off days I do some LISS via walking for an hour.
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It varies from week to week. I only take rest days when I feel I need them. That doesn't mean I go super hard/heavy every day, but I've gone 3 weeks without a true rest day with no ill effects. I just listen to what my body tells me. In a general sense my routine looks like this:

Day 1:
Cardio ----> usually the bike for 30 to 45 minutes
Weights -----> I always do super sets with medium weight/high reps. Like this:
Shoulder press 80/40lbs x12/10, x10/8, x10/8
Flys (front/side) 40lbs x10/8, x10/8, x8/8
Shrugs 180lbs x25, x25, x25
3 sets of all 3 exercises with about 45 seconds to 1 min break between sets, then I'll do Upright rows 75lbs 4 sets of 12.
Then I'll do 15~20 minutes of core training.

Day 2:
Same as day 1, but a different body part, usually Chest, Triceps and biceps on day 2. Core and cardio the same.

Day 3:
Cardio 45~60 minutes, sometimes 2 cardio sessions a day.
Core training, but more exercises and a longer core session, usually 30 minutes or so.

Day 4:
Same as day 1 & 2, but focus on back. Pull ups, Deadlifts, Rows and Farmers walk being my main exercises. Cardio and core work as well.

Day 5:
Same as day 1, 2 & 4, with cardio and core work, legs are the focus muscle this day. Since I ride the bike every day, I don't go crazy on leg day. Usually just 6 pyramid sets of squats, and calf raises.

Day 6:
Same as day 3, with the focus being on cardio and core. No weights.

Day 7:
Depends how I feel. If I feel I need a rest day, I take it. If not, I begin my workout cycle back at Day 1 again.

Core exercises I like to do include:

Dead bugs
Plank taps
Side planks, but I add movement to them by touching the floor with my opposite hand, then raising it straight back to the ceiling
Cat arches
Pelvic Bridges
Hip dips
Side bends
Leg raises
Hanging leg raises
Mountain climbers
Push ups -----> I do an exercise that involves doing a push up, then after you finish the push up, you bring your knee up to touch your elbow/tricep. Alternating legs on each push up.

I also like to incorporate lots of rope skipping and jumping jacks into my core routine.

Doing this routine, with slight variations, has gotten me into probably the best shape of my life. I've dropped 20+ lbs since the end of July, and have abs again for the first time since I can remember (25 years or so). I feel great, and cardivascularly I'm in phenomenal shape.
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