Your fitness goals for 2020

Actually, I hope you dont have any major health issues. Guessing you have a case of the sniffles?
  • 170kg (375lbs) deadlift
  • 85kg (187lbs) bench
  • 10k in ~50 /<50 minutes, depending on the evenness of the route
  • 5k in ~23/21 minutes, depending on the evenness of the route
  • 3k in 12 minutes or less
  • Get back to ~77kg (170lbs), currently i'm at 83kg (183lbs).
I just want to go back to my former strength levels of late last year. Max bench was 110kg but now I can't go over 60kg without wrist pain.
Start taking gear properly (dabbled years ago) And hit over 800kg powerlifting total in comp

current pbs in gym

Squat 245 kg (knee sleeves)
275kg (Wraps)

Bench 185 kg paused

Deadlift 280 kg
Start taking gear properly (dabbled years ago) And hit over 800kg powerlifting total in comp

current pbs in gym

Squat 245 kg (knee sleeves)
275kg (Wraps)

Bench 185 kg paused

Deadlift 280 kg
Lofty, but I like your first sentence.
The sad part is that I very much likely outlift you in every PL lift and I dont even care about it.

There are athletes and there are powerlifters.
Deadlift 5 x 500
Bench 5 x 315
Squat 5 x 405
Press 5 x 185
Pull Ups 5 x BW(210)+90
5K in 20 mins
Be able to go 80% for 10 x 3 mins rounds in Boxing.

Lol suspect.
Total 180kg+ at Masters Nationals (Olympic WL) as an 81kg 50-54 age Male

Competed two weeks ago and totaled 175kg with more in the tank. Snatch 73kg, C&J 102kg. Went 6 for 6 and this was a 7kg meet PR. I'd love to shoot for 77/78 and 105 in April.

Main goal - train smart and don't get hurt. Also, snatches - catch lower
Add 8kg of mass. Unsure if this could potentially be lean muscle or if I'd be dreamin'. Either way I just wanna be stronger and a healthier weight.

Stick with BJJ and get a few stripes on my white belt. No delusions here, I know it's gonna be a long road to blue belt.
Deadlift 5 x 500
Bench 5 x 315
Squat 5 x 405
Press 5 x 185
Pull Ups 5 x BW(210)+90
5K in 20 mins
Be able to go 80% for 10 x 3 mins rounds in Boxing.

That shit's weak bro, are you in your 50's?
Add 8kg of mass. Unsure if this could potentially be lean muscle or if I'd be dreamin'. Either way I just wanna be stronger and a healthier weight.

Stick with BJJ and get a few stripes on my white belt. No delusions here, I know it's gonna be a long road to blue belt.
8kg of muscle is 17.5lbs. You might be able to put on that much weight but not muscle. A nobbie lifter with great genetics might be able to put on 10lbs of muscle in the first year, if you're intermediate, forget about it.
200lbs overhead on my axle bar and 20minutes or under on my 5k, same day.
Deadlift 5 x 500
Bench 5 x 315
Squat 5 x 405
Press 5 x 185
Pull Ups 5 x BW(210)+90
5K in 20 mins
Be able to go 80% for 10 x 3 mins rounds in Boxing.

obviously you are quite strong. How far off are you right now? I’m especially interested in your five k time.
Thought i'd be fun to share our goals and look back on theme next year.

About 12%BF

Get stronger, more flexible and explosive.
180+lbs at the same body fat
Work on my lef arm that was neglected due to wrist injury
Get better at pull up's
Work on my overall striking and wrestling technique
You're close to me. I'm 5'10" and 185, about 18 percent BF though. My end goal is 12 percent bf but be about 190-200 lbs. I feel it's achievable without juicing. But not realistic at 40 to do this year or the next. As long as I progress, I'm happy. I've been lifting consistently for about ten years but not serious while I was boxing cause I didn't want to put on too much weight. Now that I'm out of that game, I've been going pretty hard over the past two years. Really need to dial it in.
You're close to me. I'm 5'10" and 185, about 18 percent BF though. My end goal is 12 percent bf but be about 190-200 lbs. I feel it's achievable without juicing. But not realistic at 40 to do this year or the next. As long as I progress, I'm happy. I've been lifting consistently for about ten years but not serious while I was boxing cause I didn't want to put on too much weight. Now that I'm out of that game, I've been going pretty hard over the past two years. Really need to dial it in.
TRT is always an option, im a bit different, im gonna turn 20 soon so im still not in prime years yet, but im probably never gonna get much over 180lbs just cuz i also want to stay athletic and fast, which is kinda hard to do when you're that heavy at my height. But srs tho, TRT is a great from what i hear, no real negatives to it, except for the cost.

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