Crime Police Shoot Man In Back, Riots and Unrest Ensue

I think we're talking past each other. And that's fine. I don't personally think Capitalism is the cause for the decline but, regarding your last paragraph, I'll concede that maybe the work-life balance has impacted that dynamic a bit. I still don't think capitalism alone is the reason why youngsters aren't respecting elders or their communities. There's just a lack of parentage and time spent with children that's causing that decline. I'm sure you'll opine that this is cause the parents are too busy working multiple jobs as cogs in the grand Capitalist machine, but if that's the case, I'd suggest that they not have so many fucking children in the first place (or at least delay until they're able to raise that child properly). But to each his own I suppose.
For sure there's cultural variation. So in Japan even today the average young person on the street is probably more likely to help a random old person who is seemingly in need than a random young person on the streets of Detroit or Chicago. But the incentive structure under capitalism will erode the traditional family structure and lead to lower birth and marriage rates which in different cultures will have different specific effects but overall still atomizes the family.
This is true in many ways but none of that has to lead to a decline in the nuclear family at least to this degree. You know what you also find in liberal free markets? Feminism. The nuclear family could survive capitalism but it don't stand a chance against feminism.
Hmm, its a potentially a chicken and egg situation. My counter would be the idea is that the capitalist structure saw feminism as useful because allowing women into the labor market would benefit the capitalist class. Expand the supply of labor to cheapen its value, similar to how many in the business class have an under the table tolerance for illegal immigration. Notice how mainstream feminism is often not the anti-capitalist kind, its often this stale corporate approved kind where the ideal of equality is that women should strive to become equally replaceable cogs in the machine("we need more women in the workforce!") or equally exploitative managers("we need more female CEOs!").

I do agree that the excesses of capitalism can be reigned in by a traditional culture, that's how America was before the 60s despite its grave flaws like racial segregation. We had what Samuel Huntington called an "Anglo-Protestant" culture which didn't mean that everyone had to be an Anglo-Saxon Protestant but rather that we had a shared culture that was influenced by that tradition that people generally assimilated to even if they weren't Anglo-Saxon like the Irish and Italian Catholics or, to a lesser extent, the Jews.

But the problem is that capitalism trends towards eroding that culture and traditional families. So unless each generation is conscious of these effects and consciously tries to offset them, by emphasizing the importance of the family and of parenthood and so on, capitalism will atomize the family and erode traditional culture replacing it with this kind of globalized pop culture. As long as you can sell movie tickets or CDs and so on you're a "winner" under capitalism even if you're peddling the most degenerate filth.
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That's up to a jury, the people around at the time had every right to perceive him as a threat.
Playing vigilante in that case is not even legal, AFAIK. Once he walked/jogged away, anyone chasing him is putting themselves and others in danger.

Also, how did the cops miss this guy? He ran up to them with his arms in the air, then somehow drove home. It was only 30 minutes away, but crossing state borders is a big no no there.
No doubt he will plea out any weapon charges that are cut and dry, but what I have seen from the vids, the shootings were self defense. Unless more vids come out, he has a good chance of walking.

All these people are either low IQ or criminals or have mental issues and this is what happens when you put all these people together.
That felon who pointed a handgun at him and then got "disarmed" appeared to be trying to murder him. The guy hitting him in the back of the head appears to have malicious intent that I would interpret as attempted murder, and the guy throwing a molotov cocktail seemed to be attempting to end his life.

You just keep up your narrative though. Just driving more and more voters away from your platform.

Has the guy who got shot in the arm been charged yet? He tried to murder that kid and clearly escalated a situation where he could’ve been killed himself. He tried to murder that kid and clearly escalated a situation where he could’ve been killed himself.I’m not understanding why he gets to skate.
No evidence that they were trying to murder him. In fact, it seems like only one person did murder that night.

clearly trolling.
and bad at trolling too

Link to the New York Times breakdown. Didn't even fire first.
I'm wondering. Assuming (!) the first kill would be treated as murder, would he still be able to claim self defense for the second?

Why in the world would you assume that? He was attacked by a mob of people, that’s why he shot the first person. The mob continued to attack, two more people were shot.

Then the city returned to normal. Funny how that works.
Yeah but he shot someone in the head. So... he can obviously be perceived as a threat by everyone on the street.

chasing a fleeing man and throwing a flaming item at him doesn’t seem like someone who is acting out of fear

but time will tell
We're not a democracy. You know the difference between a democracy and a democratic republic, right?

You are aware that throwing a brick at someone also has nothing to do with democracy, right? How is it even possible to not spot a facetious post mocking the common chant of these deranged criminals?
chasing a fleeing man and throwing a flaming item at him doesn’t seem like someone who is acting out of fear

but time will tell

That was the guy who was shot in the head initially, and nothing was flaming, not that it matter either way.
Why in the world would you assume that? He was attacked by a mob of people, that’s why he shot the first person. The mob continued to attack, two more people were shot.

Then the city returned to normal. Funny how that works.

I haven't even looked into it. My question was theoretical in nature. Let's assume a different case: Assume Stephen Paddock would have tried to flee after murdering scores of people. Someone goes after him and attacks him with some sort of weapon. Would it still be treated as self defense?
Playing vigilante in that case is not even legal, AFAIK. Once he walked/jogged away, anyone chasing him is putting themselves and others in danger.

Also, how did the cops miss this guy? He ran up to them with his arms in the air, then somehow drove home. It was only 30 minutes away, but crossing state borders is a big no no there.

It's all part of the same incident, it's not like it was even minutes after the first shooting that people are trying to stop him.

To everyone else it looks like he's trying to flee the scene of a murder that he committed.
Apparently you're allowed to just shoot anyone that tries to stop you after shooting someone in the head until you fill the street with bodies and it's 100% justified because a guy was coming right for ya!

You're ignoring the fact that the only guys he shot were the ones that came flying in at him like they were attacking. One guy ran at him and he didn't get shot, then the skateboarder jumped like he was going to try and kick him in the head and did get shot.
I'm talking about family values. Respect for your elders, respect for your community, a sense of responsibility and decency. All of which is lacking severely in certain population groups in America today. I got no beef with immigrants as long as the have those values i just mentioned. Italians, Mexicans, South Asians, East Asians all have these values ingrained in them.
I largely agree about those groups, but the same can be said about black immigrant groups as well, like Nigerians and Jamaicans. African immigrants and their descendants as a whole are the best educated group in the US. If you look at the black students at top universities, they tend to have an immigrant background. Same thing if you look at a lot of successful black politicians of late. Barack Obama (Kenyan father), Kamala Harris (Jamaican father), Susan Rice (Jamaican grandparents on mother's side), Eric Holder (Barbadian father and grandparents on mother's side), Colin Powell (Jamaican parents), etc.
Nigerian immigrants have the highest levels of education in this city and the nation, surpassing whites and Asians, according to Census data bolstered by an analysis of 13 annual Houston-area surveys conducted by Rice University.

Although they make up a tiny portion of the U.S. population, a whopping 17 percent of all Nigerians in this country held master's degrees while 4 percent had a doctorate, according to the 2006 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. In addition, 37 percent had bachelor's degrees.

To put those numbers in perspective, 8 percent of the white population in the U.S. had master's degrees, according to the Census survey. And 1 percent held doctorates. About 19 percent of white residents had bachelor's degrees. Asians come closer to the Nigerians with 12 percent holding master's degrees and 3 percent having doctorates.

The Nigerian numbers are "strikingly high," said Roderick Harrison, demographer at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, a Washington, D.C., think tank that specializes in researching black issues. "There is no doubt that these are highly educated professionals who are probably working in the petrochemical, medical and business sectors in Houston."

Immigrant blacks are more likely than U.S.-born blacks to have a college degree or to be married. Compared with all U.S. immigrants, immigrant blacks are more likely to hold U.S. citizenship and to speak English proficiently.
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You're ignoring the fact that the only guys he shot were the ones that came flying in at him like they were attacking. One guy ran at him and he didn't get shot, then the skateboarder jumped like he was going to try and kick him in the head and did get shot.

I'm not ignoring that at all. I've said repeatedly he likely had legal justification for self defense but at the same time so did everyone else involved since he just opened someone's head with a rifle.

You are aware that throwing a brick at someone also has nothing to do with democracy, right? How is it even possible to not spot a facetious post mocking the common chant of these deranged criminals?
Er, because sarcasm doesn't often translate well in text and it isn't unprecedented for you to day something stupid? Just a few explanations for why it is possible not to spot a facetious post...
The kid killed three terrorists. Good riddance. Three men, all three criminals, were killed after chasing and attacking this guy. Yet you indoctrinated folks are so far gone you stand by supporting terror mobs and still have the gall to refer to the kid as a right wing terrorist. Which group is using terror as political tool here?

Let's talk about the real issue of unequal force used on blacks vs whites, lets talk about potential solutions to these problems. BLM doesn't actually want to discuss any of this, they want to cause terror. I don't respect anyone associated or affiliated with BLM, it is a terrorist organization. They do not have any writings on potential solutions, their entire intended goal is stated as "non-violent civil disobedience" The perpetuation of colorism is the only thing BLM has done successfully. Blacks are marching at warp speed toward self segregation and white supremacists are thrilled. It's the most ass backwards organization around today.
This is actually some really good work by New York Times piecing together all videos they could find on the incident from Sofia media.

Seriously everyone should read this before commenting further to get an understanding. One big didbit that might help the kid, someone else fired a shot into the air as the guy with the bag was rushing him.