Crime Police Shoot Man In Back, Riots and Unrest Ensue

I'm not sure, but he certainly shot someone in the head right before that and literally everyone on the street had the right to perceive him as a threat.

Ok, but oddly enough the guy standing right beside him giving aid to the pedo doesn't seem afraid. Of course he wasn't attacking the kid either.

So show me how they articulated this alleged citizen's arrest?
I largely agree about those groups, but the same can be said about black immigrant groups as well, like Nigerians and Jamaicans. African immigrants and their descendants as a whole are the best educated group in the US. If you look at the black students at top universities, they tend to have an immigrant background. Same thing if you look at a lot of successful black politicians of late. Barack Obama (Kenyan father), Kamala Harris (Jamaican father), Susan Rice (Jamaican grandparents on mother's side), Eric Holder (Barbadian father and grandparents on mother's side), Colin Powell (Jamaican parents), etc.

For sure. I'd add Ghanians to that list too. Completely different mind set. A lot of the Africans coming over from those countries have a completely different mindset than the African-Americans born and raised here. Not knocking African Americans per se. Just pointing out that these immigrant groups are coming over with both parents pushing them. It's the ace card that they hold.
The fucking little prick was looking for trouble. Gas him and put a lien on his estate, assuming his hick ass even has any money.
Ok, but oddly enough the guy standing right beside him giving aid to the pedo doesn't seem afraid. Of course he wasn't attacking the kid either.

So show me how they articulated this alleged citizen's arrest?

You don't need to articulate anything in such a high pressure situation where people are getting shot.

You have every right to stop the perceived threat.
This post is correct, self defense doesn't apply when you create the situation and put yourself in danger on purpose. Classic example is you can't walk out into the middle of the street and then shoot at cars for trying to run you over

But there is a video of the kid before the shooting. He claimed to work at one of the businesses (kid lived 17 miled away, people saying he lives out of state is true but is a bit misleading to make it sound like he lives further than a daily commute) and be there to defend it. He said his primary purpose was that, and to apply medical aid to anyone the protestors attack, and showed his medical bag. He said he had the gun in case he needed it for self defense.

I think that post is following the narrative that he lived very far from the area and went hoping to shoot people. Maybe he did, but if it comes out that Kyle did work there, its going to be hard to prove he was lying about his intentions

The problem I have with that post is that it fails to acknowledge why these rioters want to burn and loot. They are instruments of unconventional warfare who's mind can not be changed. If they had all the power they'd make America unrecognizable.
I haven't even looked into it. My question was theoretical in nature. Let's assume a different case: Assume Stephen Paddock would have tried to flee after murdering scores of people. Someone goes after him and attacks him with some sort of weapon. Would it still be treated as self defense?

How about we don’t assume a different case, and address the reality of the situation.

A violent mob attacked a man, a pedophile took a head shot. After that the group continued to attack him, a five time domestic abuser was shot, and another felon was disarmed.

One 17 year old Hispanic patriot took out a pedo, a domestic abuser, and disarmed a felon. Today was a good day.
Looks like self defence as he was being chased and attacked. I don't think murder charges should be filed.

With that said, he put himself in that situation by playing vigilante. He has no business or authority "patrolling" the streets with an AR-15. He was not defending his own properties. When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Manslaughter would be a more fitting charge.

"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"

America is under attack by unconventional warfare and with jobs becoming scarce, any help to protect businesses should be welcomed.
This is actually some really good work by New York Times piecing together all videos they could find on the incident from Sofia media.

Seriously everyone should read this before commenting further to get an understanding. One big didbit that might help the kid, someone else fired a shot into the air as the guy with the bag was rushing him.
I read it. It’s biased against the kid. They made light of the attacks
This is actually some really good work by New York Times piecing together all videos they could find on the incident from Sofia media.

Seriously everyone should read this before commenting further to get an understanding. One big didbit that might help the kid, someone else fired a shot into the air as the guy with the bag was rushing him.
I posted the pic and link a page back. It doesn't matter to a lot of people.

Outrage larpers.
I posted the pic and link a page back. It doesn't matter to a lot of people.

In the article is says the shot was fired into the air and not at him, also it's clearly out of his view.
You don't think there's a psychological difference between hearing a gunshot at a range from someone firing at a piece of paper and gunshot from someone you know shooting to kill?


that's not what you said, though. and gunshots sound like gunshots. outdoor in urban settings might sound more like indoor than a typical outdoor (and open field/range), due to reverb/etc, but yeah.

you seem to now be basing this on emotion. in crisis settings, staying rational is key.
It's like we're witnessing the decline of American society.

These last 3 to 4 months the 1000s of videos and news articles of violence, death, police brutality, rioting and theft and organised chaos must be distributing for normal working class families and quiet hard working people.

I feel genuinely sorry for the bread and butter Normal Americans that live a normal life and keep themselves to themselves.