International 13 US Servicemen and at least 90 Afghani Citizens Killed by ISIS Bomb at Kabul Airport

When things are bad, say they're bad.

I'm just saying trying to paint this as all Biden's fault is insane. People are talking about impeaching him.

That said, if this wasn't happening those same people would be talking about impeaching him because his dog bit people.
This would be 100x to 1000x worse if Biden did some of the suggestions floating around. As in try and secure Kabul when whole airport is ringed with Howitzers and VBIEDs and dying is desired by BDR 313 units working it. Anyway, Biden is showing remarkable patience and fortitude not going cowboy

If egomaniacs like Trump or Bush was in there blood bath guaranteed. They don't have the courage to be vulnerable when needed. Thats how we got in these messes like Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place BTW, ego instead of brains.

We had 90% Muslim world support and could have black op'd terrorist orgs out of existence post 911. Instead we grew them and islamists in general due to ego and about 800,000 innocents dead.
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Well to be fair…. He didn’t really “walk off”. It was more like he turned around and stumbled. Wondering where he was and which way to go until one of his handlers got his attention

The best was when he just kept walking on the WH grass into bushes when he was supposed to make a right turn. Secret Service just watching him like.....WTF
LMAO. Taliban noobs "monitoring the news" it's obvious they need to work on this to be more FCC like. Running a country takes practice.

We need to come up with a good antonym for the word "uniform". Then apply it to whatever the Taliban ground forces are wearing.
So much for taking accountability like he said he was going to. Refuses question and wonders away like Mr Magoo. Just put in Kamela already, Biden is on E at this point.
I like at the press conferences he says " They allowed me to take some questions, ok looking at this list so and so is the first name to ask a question"

Crazy that the most powerful leader in the world is so controlled. Say what you want about Trump and even Obama with they would call on whoever and take a lot of questions .
what he meant was you can go ahead and ask questions but i wont be around to answer them cuz i'm out k bye.

perfectly logical
So you said that Biden did something good right? why leave a number of small aircraft's to the enemy?

16k Western/NATO night vision goggles/devices leaving them to enemy is embarrassing.

They are not our enemy. They are our counter-terrorism partner now and will need those aircraft to take out ISIS.
Biden: I am not supposed to take any questions, "disappears when Afghanistan is brought up"

President Biden is taking lid off questions even on Afghanistan. Just walks off when the question on Afghanistan was brought up.

That or he's not going to talk about Afghanistan during a FEMA press conference about the hurricane hitting the US.
U.S. announces joint arrangement to continue evacuating Afghan allies past Aug. 31

The United States, along with 97 other countries, announced Sunday that they had reached an agreement with the Taliban to allow them to continue to get Afghan allies out of the country after the Aug. 31 withdrawal deadline.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, then it's not about extending the presence of US occupation, but rather an assurance from the Taliban that anyone that wants to leave, can leave, right?

If so, then this isn't news. Taliban has been saying this for a while.

This is just Biden wanting to score brownie points