International What has meaningfully changed in America since 9/11?

As an outsider looking in, I definitely noticed how binary your politics have become. It has always been that to a degree, but never to this extent. There doesn’t seem to be any will to find middle ground anymore.

A centrist party is needed imo, although some people are too set in their ways to support it.
i have noticed this as well
it doesn't seem like there's much to build on as a centrist in america
the sides have been taken over by the worst people of either.
As simply as I can put it: Before 9-11, Americans pretty much unanimously viewed our threats/enemies to come from outside our borders. Now? If you asked Americans to name our biggest enemy/threat, they are more likely than not to name other Americans.

We are now hopelessly, and probably irrevocably divided. Some will say this started before 9/11 (and Iraq War) but to my observation, that is where the slide started, and it only keeps accelerating.
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A lot
-Way more corrupt
- Way less trust in gov since since Bush acted like Hitler
- We are poorer
- The government taps our phones, reads all our emails, and makes us take off our shoes at airport
- We more fearful and hateful
- Hated by rest of world
- Islamists are larger and in more countries
- Both Iraq and Afghanistan are turning primarily to China for the help they need to start rebuilding devastation left by America and its allies.

America destroys, China builds. And whole world see's it which will have long term consequences and probably end us as the premier super power.
Whatever. It's all just so sad on a human level all around :-(
The Bush era was the first time I saw the behavior of the modern left when it came to a republican president. I didn’t like Bush either, and a lot of it was justified. Constant berating, insults, screaming, demanding of removal, etc..

I thought it was exclusive to Bush, until Trump became president. Then I just realize that regardless of who the president is, if they’re a Republican, the left will lose their minds.

what’s funny is during that time bush justified a lot of his stripping away of Americans freedoms as a means for their safety. Democrats were against this and Republicans were for it.

now in 2021 the same thing is happening to an even more extreme degree and the political parties stances on the subject have reversed.

During 9/11 all of the Democrat complaints about the bush administration were correct.

Bush opened Pandora's box. His presidency was an unmitigated disaster, a tragedy for humanity. Hard to think of any other living individual who had so negative an impact on the world community.
Bush opened Pandora's box. His presidency was an unmitigated disaster, a tragedy for humanity. Hard to think of any other living individual who had so negative an impact on the world community.
Bush had many issues during his presidency - A lot not entirely his fault but the entire corrupted system that allowed the mortgage crisis or levies to break in NO. His main issue, 100% on him, was opportunistically exploiting 9/11 to attack countries that had nothing to do with it, Positing pre-emptive war, torture, callous regard for life, and end civil liberties as we knew them.

Former prosecutors at Nuremburg, that were still alive, literally called him Hitler reincarnated.

It's degusting MSM is trying to rehabilitate him. Remember Ellen fawning all over him?
Bush had many issues during his presidency - A lot not entirely his fault but the entire corrupted system that allowed the mortgage crisis or levies to break in NO. His main issue, 100% on him, was opportunistically exploiting 9/11 to attack countries that had nothing to do with it, Positing pre-emptive war, torture, callous regard for life, and end civil liberties as we knew them.

Former prosecutors at Nuremburg, that were still alive, literally called him Hitler reincarnated.

It's degusting MSM is trying to rehabilitate him. Remember Ellen fawning all over him?

The challenges he had to face were massive and he just kept adding more and more gasoline to the fire
Airport security, for sure. America was made fully aware of the dangers that archaic and poisonous ideologies can cause people like the hijackers to hurt innocent people in the most cowardly war possible.
-illicit drugs became cheaper and more potent

-police have tanks

-wealth gap increased drastically
Today marks 20 years since 9/11. i, just like most other non-americans, watched the whole thing on tv and we were transfixed for days. even if i was a kid when it happened, i still remember the fact that it felt it was an important moment, that would impact the course of world politics in a massive way - without of course having the words to be able to articulate it at the time.

Looking back, since then America went through 4 presidents - Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden. the way politics is being done has been immensely changed by the inclusion of the "online" element, and new themes, such as identity politics, have become major factors to consider by the candidates. The war in Afghanistan has just ended, on not the most positive note for America, and the US shows signs of decline, with new countries such as China emerging as an opponent while a more converging EU moves towards a more strategically autonomous route, one that might not be so adverse to Russia.

How do you feel America has meaningfully changed in these two decades?
Going to the airport is a lot bigger pain in the ass
this was posted on 4chan a few days after the kabul airport attack
thought it was pretty evocative

Our civil liberties have gone to shit and we wasted trillions of dollars.
Women didn't openly dress like whores
Racial relations were pretty solid
Sports didnt involve politics
A single income was enough to get by for the average household

None of what you said is really that true

Women were not dressing properly before 9/11. You need to go back to the 1960s and 50s to last see when society wasn't promiscuous etc

Also people still needed 2 jobs back then the 90s wasent all that great for everyone
Today marks 20 years since 9/11. i, just like most other non-americans, watched the whole thing on tv and we were transfixed for days. even if i was a kid when it happened, i still remember the fact that it felt it was an important moment, that would impact the course of world politics in a massive way - without of course having the words to be able to articulate it at the time.

Looking back, since then America went through 4 presidents - Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden. the way politics is being done has been immensely changed by the inclusion of the "online" element, and new themes, such as identity politics, have become major factors to consider by the candidates. The war in Afghanistan has just ended, on not the most positive note for America, and the US shows signs of decline, with new countries such as China emerging as an opponent while a more converging EU moves towards a more strategically autonomous route, one that might not be so adverse to Russia.

How do you feel America has meaningfully changed in these two decades?

The rise of open drug use
The rise of homelessness
The rise of cuckolding
The rise of BBC porn and BBC worship
The rise of gay culture and Pride and LGBTQI
The rise of radically open sexuality and promiscuity

Overall the US is better now. 25 years ago it was hard to find those who watched BBC porn and white women who wanted to experiment now it is normal
The Bush era was the first time I saw the behavior of the modern left when it came to a republican president. I didn’t like Bush either, and a lot of it was justified. Constant berating, insults, screaming, demanding of removal, etc..

I thought it was exclusive to Bush, until Trump became president. Then I just realize that regardless of who the president is, if they’re a Republican, the left will lose their minds.

what’s funny is during that time bush justified a lot of his stripping away of Americans freedoms as a means for their safety. Democrats were against this and Republicans were for it.

now in 2021 the same thing is happening to an even more extreme degree and the political parties stances on the subject have reversed.

During 9/11 all of the Democrat complaints about the bush administration were correct.
“Behavior of the modern left”
What did the elections of Bush and Trump have in common?
Both lost the popular vote and wife elected anyway.
When the majority of the country did not vote for you, a president can rightly expect to get shit on most of the time. They’re going to really have to bend to the will of the people to become popular in any way with the majority, which neither Bush nor Trump made any attempt to do.
And it’s downright laughable to call what’s happening with masks or vaccines as a “more extreme degree.” So far, I haven’t seen too much that’s been done during this pandemic that hasn’t been done in pandemics past. It’s straight up ridiculous to even try and compare a mask mandate to something like lumping any response to 9/11 under the nebulous heading of “War on Terror” so that a constitutional loophole can be used to suspend a writ of habeas corpus. Declaring people—including US citizens—“enemy combatants” so that they can be tried in secret military tribunals and have their Due Process rights shit all over is about a billion times worse than a mask mandate, or the choice of negative COVID test/vaccine. There’s no reasonable comparison whatsoever.
if your name is Muhammad, you can expect to get pulled aside for a "random" secondary inspection at every airport you go to.

Barrack Hussein Obama got elected president 7 years after 9/11.

Your point is moot.

He said people called Muhammad not Hussein. <BC1>

In reality, if your name is Muhammad, you would probably be given a $80,000 a year job as a diversity hire in the HR department of some company.

get a load of this chud trying to spin his own fuck up into something even cornier. thats enough internet for you today pal.

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