Elections Newsome Keeps His Governorship-- Results Not Close

A super famous centrist Republican who was popular with independents and wanted both parties to work together for the good of the state.

Now they're crapping all over that same guy just because he happens to be pro vaccine, pro public health, and anti coup.

A moderate like Arnold could still court the independent vote right now but he would not be able to get much support from Vanilla ISIS.

I agree that the GOP is much more radical now but Arnie would not have been able to win a GOP primary in the early 2000’s either. Really, the recall was a blessing for him to be able to run directly
You're defining "trolling" and "lying" simply as having a different opinion. And you don't even live here! And you're just listing categories and making silly assertions about "failures." Like I said, you sound miserable. Good luck finding a place where you can be happy.

there are a shocking number of Americans heavily invested in convincing themselves California is some sort of hellhole. It’s weird
I guess it is okay as the Republican alternative is worse

But Newsom is scum so why be proud for him staying other than to stop GOP? Vote Newsom out next year and give California a good Democrat Governor

I feel like having Elder as the republican frontrunner helped Newsome a lot.
You're defining "trolling" and "lying" simply as having a different opinion. And you don't even live here! And you're just listing categories and making silly assertions about "failures." Like I said, you sound miserable. Good luck finding a place where you can be happy.

Enjoy the NorCal blackouts that will be very prevalent after 2024 when they close Diablo Canyon. All those electric cars... won't be going anywhere.
Enjoy the NorCal blackouts that will be very prevalent after 2024 when they close Diablo Canyon. All those electric cars... won't be going anywhere.

We shall see. If your predictions don't turn out, will that cause you to re-evaluate your thinking?
I'm one of the people that can afford it, but I have a ton of nieces and nephews that have had to move. The younger generations are screwed in California.

SB9 and SB10 will make a huge dent in the housing crisis assuming Newsom signs. Won't be immediate, but the impact should start showing fairly soon.
What a bunch of idiots but they cant help themselves. Incredible
Lol, Larry knew he had no shot he was just grifting trump morons for donations and will fleece his pockets
How did people seriously think Larry elder had a chance? Just because he has a fan base online, that isn't representative at all of the voters in California. It would be like thinking David pakman has a chance at winning governor in Alabama.

How many likes does he have on youtube? That's a huge voting metric. At least that's what I heard last year.