Have you ever experienced any paranormal activity?

Have you ever experienced any paranormal activity?

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here is an old ghost story experienced by carl jung the famed psychologist.

In the summer of 1920, Jung was invited by a man he called "Dr. X" to give some lectures in London. His friend found him a place to stay during his weekends off--a cottage in the peaceful Buckinghamshire countryside. "Dr. X" did not have an easy time finding Jung lodgings, as it was so close to the summer holidays that most desirable places had already been let. Then, at the last moment, he was lucky enough--or so he thought at the time--to find a charming old farmhouse at an astonishingly low price. "X" hired a cook and charwoman, and all was set.

When Jung first saw the place, he was delighted. It was a spacious two-story house with a conservatory, kitchen, dining-room, and drawing-room. The bedroom set aside for Jung was so roomy, it took up an entire wing of the house. Jung's first night there was uneventful.

On the following night, he retired at 11 p.m. Although he had been tired, he found that once he was in bed, he was having a hard time getting to sleep. Instead, he fell into a "kind of torpor" that was extremely unpleasant. Also, the room seemed strangely stuffy, with an "indefinable, nasty smell." This was odd, as both bedroom windows were wide open to let in the warm, pleasant summer air. Jung remained in this uneasy trance-like state until dawn, when the feeling suddenly passed. He found himself able to sleep peacefully until 9 a.m.

That evening, Jung told "Dr. X" of his bad night. The doctor prescribed drinking a bottle of beer before bed.

In spite of this sage advice, Jung's night was a replica of the one before: paralyzing torpor, inexplicably stale air, a sickening smell that he could not identify...until he recalled a patient he had years before, an old woman dying of an open carcinoma. He realized that her hospital room had that same vaguely repulsive odor. "As a psychologist, I wondered what might be the cause of this peculiar olfactory hallucination. But I was unable to discover any convincing connection between it and my present state of consciousness."

Then Jung noticed a fresh bit of weirdness: the sound of dripping water. It was like a leaking tap...except there was no running water in his room. Rain? But the day had been clear and sunny. He managed to shake his lethargy enough to light a candle. He saw no water on the floor, and the ceiling was dry. He looked outside at the cloudless sky.

He continued to hear dripping sounds. They seemed to emanate from a place on the floor about eighteen inches from the chest of drawers. Then the sounds abruptly stopped. Again, he was unable to sleep until the first light of dawn, when he fell into a deep slumber.

It was not exactly the relaxing weekend in the country he had bargained for.

Jung spent the work week in London, where he was too busy to think of the curious events of the past weekend. Late Friday, he returned to the cottage expecting all to be normal.

However, as soon as he retired to bed, the events of the previous weekend made an encore appearance: torpor, disgusting smells, dripping water, the whole package. Only this time, even creepier elements arose. Jung heard something brushing along the walls. The furniture began creaking. There were ominous rustling noises in the corners. When he lit a candle, the noises and smells disappeared, but the moment he returned the room to darkness, the creepy phenomena immediately returned, not leaving until the first light of day. The next night, the same sensations returned, in an intensified form.

It was at this point that Jung acknowledged that something seriously weird was going on. Unfortunately, he had no idea what it might be.

On the third night, he was greeted by loud knocking noises, as if some animal was running frantically around the room. By the following weekend, he was hearing "a fearful racket, like the roaring of a storm...Sounds of knocking came also from outside in the form of dull blows, as though somebody were banging on the brick walls with a muffled hammer."

On his fourth weekend at the cottage, he delicately hinted to his host that perhaps the reason such an outwardly desirable residence was let for such a ridiculously low price was because the place was haunted. "Dr. X," a solid materialist, scoffed at such superstitions...although it was curious how the two village girls they had hired to cook their meals and clean the cottage always insisted on leaving well before sundown. When Jung ventured to joke to the cook about how she must be afraid of him, the girl laughed. She was not the least bit nervous about him and "Dr. X.," she assured him, but there was nothing that would induce her to be alone in this cottage, particularly at night.

"What's the matter with it?" Jung asked.

"Why, it's haunted, didn't you know?" she replied. "That's the reason why it was going so cheap. Nobody's ever stuck it here." She knew no reason for the cottage's sinister reputation. It just had an evil air to it for as long as she could remember.

Jung was now determined to get to the bottom of the haunting. He persuaded the still-skeptical "Dr. X" to help him make a thorough search of the cottage. Nothing unusual was found until the two men examined the attic. They found a dividing wall between the two wings of the house. In it was a door, clearly newer than the rest of the old cottage,with a heavy lock and bolts that shut off the wing where the men were living from the unoccupied part.

This made no sense. On the ground floor and the first floor, the two wings were able to freely communicate with each other. There were no rooms in the attic to shut off. Why was this door put in?

Jung's fifth weekend at the cottage was the worst of all. After enduring the now-routine nighttime sluggishness, mustiness, smells, rustlings, and creakings, he heard something new: the sound of loud blows against the walls. He got the sudden sense of someone standing very near him. He opened his eyes, and immediately wished he hadn't. Next to him on the pillow was the head of an old woman, her right eye glaring at him. Or, rather, part of a head. The left half of her face was missing.

Jung leaped out of bed. He spent the rest of the night in an armchair, making sure his candle remained lit. When morning came, he insisted--rather late in the story, I would think--on sleeping in another room. In his new bedroom, he slept soundly and utterly undisturbed.

Jung began to get irritated at "Dr. X's" continued calm skepticism about his experiences. He dared his friend to spend a night in the haunted room. "X" smilingly agreed. He even volunteered to spend the weekend alone in the cottage, in order to give Jung a "fair chance."

Ten days later, Jung received a letter from "Dr. X." As agreed, he had spent a solitary weekend in the cottage. His first night there was spent in the conservatory--he figured that if the cottage boasted a ghost, the spirit could manifest itself anywhere. As soon as he fell asleep, he was awakened by the sound of footsteps in the corridor. He instantly lit a candle and flung open the door, but he saw nothing. Silently cursing Jung for being a superstitious fool, he went back to bed.

As soon as he settled down, the footsteps returned. They stopped right in front of his closed and barricaded door. He heard creaking sounds, as if someone in the hallway was pushing against the door. "Dr. X" retreated to the garden, where he was able to sleep in peace.

"X" informed Jung that he had given up the cottage.

His friend's report gave Jung "considerable satisfaction after my colleague had laughed so loudly at my fear of ghosts." A short while later, Jung heard that the cottage had been demolished, as the owner was finding it impossible to sell or rent out the place.

The best explanation Jung could offer for his eerie experiences was that he experienced a sort of "subliminal intuition," that "my presence in the room gradually activated something that was somehow connected with the walls...If the olfactory organ in man were not so hopelessly degenerate, but as highly developed as a dog's, I would have undoubtedly have had a clearer idea of the persons who had lived in the room earlier.

"Primitive medicine-men can not only smell out a thief, they also 'smell' spirits and ghosts." Perhaps, Jung mused, the sickening odor of the room embodied "a psychic situation of an excitatory nature and carried it across the the percipient." "This hypothesis naturally does not pretend to explain all ghost phenomena, but at most a certain category of them...Our unconscious, which possesses very much more subtle powers of perception and reconstruction than our conscious minds, could do the same thing and project a visionary picture of the psychic situation that excited it."

Jung concluded, "These remarks are only meant to show that parapychology would do well to take account of the modern psychology of the unconscious."
Jung got involved with the occult through out his life. His work on the Collective Unconscious was a result of it. So don't think it's just psychology
Jung got involved with the occult through out his life. His work on the Collective Unconscious was a result of it. So don't think it's just psychology
im very familiar with carl jung but im not sure what point you are trying to make here.
im very familiar with carl jung but im not sure what point you are trying to make here.
There are people who think it's "just psychology", it's not

and all this paranormal stuff didn't just happen to him. He went seeking for it.
There are people who think it's "just psychology", it's not

and all this paranormal stuff didn't just happen to him. He went seeking for it.

I still don't really know what your point is so if you have one and I'm sure you do why don't you try making an entire paragraph that explains your position.

Maybe you should add a couple of paragraphs and really flesh it out because I can tell there's a ton of information you're not giving and I just can't tell what you're trying to say really.
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I don’t classify aliens/ufos/trans-dimensional beings as paranormal
but if you count those then yeah, I for sure have seen things “out of this world.”
A couple times it was as close as about 15 ft from my face.

I guess they are paranormal in the sense of being beyond scientific understanding.
No, i did see the starlink satellites go up at 5 am and had to google it.
I don’t classify aliens/ufos/trans-dimensional beings as paranormal
but if you count those then yeah, I for sure have seen things “out of this world.”
A couple times it was as close as about 15 ft from my face.

I guess they are paranormal in the sense of being beyond scientific understanding.

I agree but if we use that definition and I do then I dont classify anything as paranormal. It's all just things about the real world we don't know about fully.
Man and woman on shift!? Any stories about that!? lol. You know what i mean.
No, at the time I was younger and they usually had an older lady working.

Between the creepy vibes and the tense vibes the clients gave off getting busy was the last thing on my mind. Most nights it was just get through this shit and counting the minutes till daylight.

Had a co-worker who would watch the exorcist all the time.

I'm like {<huh}<{hfved}><bball1>
Not long after I graduated highschool I had a job doing security for a few months while schooling. It was a great way to get paid while studying as a lot of the time youd sit around doing nothing while waiting for shit to possibly happen.

For the most part it was a dull job, but one of my assignments changed that real quick. I was told I was to be positioned on a film set in an old, abandoned hospital. I thought this was great! A film set! Maybe ill get to see some famous people in the mornings when I was off! Finally something a bit more exciting then patrolling some construction site or hotel.

The first day was meh. I was told what areas to focus on but was told to stay in place most of the time as no one was to enter the hospital. Ah well, at least I can catch up on my studies. Thats pretty much all I did that first night and to my disappointment I seen no one special as id always have to leave an hour before anyone important even arrived.

This was already turning out to be a stinker.

Then came night 2.

There I was, a couple hours into my shift which began at 11pm. I was reading away when at one point I thought I heard something. Now, I would sit inside the hospital by the entrance as it was November and the nights were getting colder. At first, I thought whatever I heard came from outside and went out. I spotted a few people quite a distance away, drinking so figured it was just noise coming from their direction.

By this point I was also kinda bored and upset that my Friday night was being spent at an abandoned hospital. I figured id entertain myself and go for a walk around the place. I was a huge horror buff since childhood and was never easily scared. Id be the kid that would run into what people would call "haunted houses".

I didnt think twice.

As I blared my flashlight and began to stroll deeper through the empty halls, I began to get intrigued. It was almost a thrill that I was walking around this huge building which hundreds of people once occupied and worked in.

After a few minutes, almost suddenly, it also dawned on me that countless amounts of people died between those very walls. In an instant, the thrill went away and I felt a sensation I had perhaps only felt once or twice before. Crippling fear.

For a brief moment it felt as though my mind and body detached and I felt an almost cold sensation rush through me. It lasted seconds but was enough to let me know that I had to leave.

I seen nothing, heard nothing, but that feeling. I cant fully explain it. I have never fully felt it again since.

I quickly made my way back down the steps and to the entrance. I grabbed my books and went straight out. I needed air. Needless to say I stayed out there the rest of the night.

The next day I did go back in. I kinda smirked at myself and shook my head in disbelief that I even got scared. I sat there again and read. About an hour and a bit in, I heard something. It sounded like a gust of wind or something so I figured it was coming from outside. At some point however I sat there still as a statue and just listened. It was coming from inside and it wasnt far.

It didnt sound natural. It didnt sound right at all. I grabbed my books and stepped out again. I went and parked my car as close as I could to the building and sat in there.

I was there for about 2 weeks and never spent more then a minute at a time inside that building again. Something just didnt feel right.

Again, I dont scare easily but this was just different. When you feel what I felt you would know. There was definitely something paranormal going on in there. Those were different kinds of chills I felt.
Not long after I graduated highschool I had a job doing security for a few months while schooling. It was a great way to get paid while studying as a lot of the time youd sit around doing nothing while waiting for shit to possibly happen.

For the most part it was a dull job, but one of my assignments changed that real quick. I was told I was to be positioned on a film set in an old, abandoned hospital. I thought this was great! A film set! Maybe ill get to see some famous people in the mornings when I was off! Finally something a bit more exciting then patrolling some construction site or hotel.

The first day was meh. I was told what areas to focus on but was told to stay in place most of the time as no one was to enter the hospital. Ah well, at least I can catch up on my studies. Thats pretty much all I did that first night and to my disappointment I seen no one special as id always have to leave an hour before anyone important even arrived.

This was already turning out to be a stinker.

Then came night 2.

There I was, a couple hours into my shift which began at 11pm. I was reading away when at one point I thought I heard something. Now, I would sit inside the hospital by the entrance as it was November and the nights were getting colder. At first, I thought whatever I heard came from outside and went out. I spotted a few people quite a distance away, drinking so figured it was just noise coming from their direction.

By this point I was also kinda bored and upset that my Friday night was being spent at an abandoned hospital. I figured id entertain myself and go for a walk around the place. I was a huge horror buff since childhood and was never easily scared. Id be the kid that would run into what people would call "haunted houses".

I didnt think twice.

As I blared my flashlight and began to stroll deeper through the empty halls, I began to get intrigued. It was almost a thrill that I was walking around this huge building which hundreds of people once occupied and worked in.

After a few minutes, almost suddenly, it also dawned on me that countless amounts of people died between those very walls. In an instant, the thrill went away and I felt a sensation I had perhaps only felt once or twice before. Crippling fear.

For a brief moment it felt as though my mind and body detached and I felt an almost cold sensation rush through me. It lasted seconds but was enough to let me know that I had to leave.

I seen nothing, heard nothing, but that feeling. I cant fully explain it. I have never fully felt it again since.

I quickly made my way back down the steps and to the entrance. I grabbed my books and went straight out. I needed air. Needless to say I stayed out there the rest of the night.

The next day I did go back in. I kinda smirked at myself and shook my head in disbelief that I even got scared. I sat there again and read. About an hour and a bit in, I heard something. It sounded like a gust of wind or something so I figured it was coming from outside. At some point however I sat there still as a statue and just listened. It was coming from inside and it wasnt far.

It didnt sound natural. It didnt sound right at all. I grabbed my books and stepped out again. I went and parked my car as close as I could to the building and sat in there.

I was there for about 2 weeks and never spent more then a minute at a time inside that building again. Something just didnt feel right.

Again, I dont scare easily but this was just different. When you feel what I felt you would know. There was definitely something paranormal going on in there. Those were different kinds of chills I felt.

this and mozfonky's storie are ridiculously cool man. thanks for sharing this with us.
this and mozfonky's storie are ridiculously cool man. thanks for sharing this with us.

Ive heard and read quite a few chilling stories in the past. They all seemed grey or simply entertaining until I actually experienced one for myself. Now I listen more intently. Im more open to the possibility that perhaps its more then just some made up tales.

That scene in The Sixth Sense summed it up quite well....

When the kid is telling bruce willis' character about that feeling in the back of your neck. It getting cold when theyre mad. That movie came out literally a year after this all went down. That scene sent a shiver down my spine cause it was similar to the feeling I had. The coldness. The chill.
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Ive heard and read quite a few chilling stories in the past. They all seemed grey or simply entertaining until I actually experienced one for myself. Now I listen more intently. Im more open to the possibility that perhaps its more then just some made up tales.
i dont know if you read mine about the lake but i cant explain that and it was terrifying. it does open your mind up to a lot of things once something like that happens to you. the world gets bigger and stranger.
There are a couple spots in my area that are notorious for being haunted. One is the Martha Washington School For Girls which is where one of my best friends claimed he heard a girl laughing in some bushes when they went there one night. The school was torn down but the site is a little park today. couple years ago some high school kids were in the park at night telling ghost stories when some other kids went there and fired shots, unintentionally killing one of the boys. There's also the old Western State Hospital site. I've thought of checking these places out but nah, I've never been that proactive about visiting places like that. The idea that evil energies can inhabit a building or a plot of land seem plausible when you hear enough of these kinds of stories.
i dont know if you read mine about the lake but i cant explain that and it was terrifying. it does open your mind up to a lot of things once something like that happens to you. the world gets bigger and stranger.

Theres so many "odd" stories that just dont make sense.

My friend moved into a neighbourhood years ago about a few hours away from us on an island. While he was there, some of my friends went over and spent a few days with him while his wife was visiting family. When they came back, they told me about some odd occurances while they were there. They said they heard weird things in his house late at night and one night, one of our friends was found sleepwalking downstairs. He had never done anything like that before.

I pawned it off on them being ridiculously high and drunk, but I got curious when my friend who lives there told me his neighbours would hear things as well.

I began to investigate and what I found creeped us all out. Apparently his entire area was speculated to be haunted for a very long time. This was actual information I found by doing a few searches. The area he stayed in isnt exactly popular or wasnt, which made it even less plausible that people would just be making this shit up historically.

My friend had no clue as to his old neighbourhoods history.

After he moved he proceeded to tell me how sometimes he would not only hear weird shit, but temperatures in his house would constantly fluctuate drastically without him adjusting shit. He had people come in to check his heat sources and AC system but they would find nothing wrong.

Him and his neighbours would apparently share crazy stories over beers. What more can you do I suppose. Anyone you tell will just think youre nuts.
(Not the movie)

I've never experienced anything paranormal in my life. I've heard some stories of people experiencing stuff like this. But I have never witnessed it at all fortunately or unfortunately.

How about you?

Several times.
(Not the movie)

I've never experienced anything paranormal in my life. I've heard some stories of people experiencing stuff like this. But I have never witnessed it at all fortunately or unfortunately.

How about you?


On MCAS cherry point 2007 or 2008ish. One night shift we got off early and my NCO at the time wanted to check out a spot he was told about near the PFT route it's near a part of the Forrest that stays dark. We pulled up near the spot and his car just dies, completely. We get out of the and it was Cold , oddly cold , unusual due to it being Summer in North Carolina. He put the car in Neutral and we started pushing to back a few feet and the car comes back on, we look at each other for a moment , get in the car and just leave.
I have,it was actually a positive experience given the situation.

Dont know how to write this,english isnt my first language so sorry for any mistakes.
I am brazilian,most of us are born into catholicism,but I/we didnt chose that,if that makes sense so of course I rebelled,I became as atheist as one can be,it was at the time that Dawkins was really famous on the internet,I still own The God Delusion,Demon Haunted World and one of Sam Harri's books,sorry dont remember the title right now,I was THAT guy asking for evidence,challenging other people's belief and stuff like that,but with time I actually was doing less of that.

Anyway I worked with a guy who would talk about stuff from the bible sometimes of course I didnt believe it,he wasnt preaching,he was only talking about stories written on the bible, and I was saying it wasnt true and there wasnt any evidence and whatsoever,one day that guy stopped coming to work,I found out some time later he had had a tumor and felt really bad,dont know what happened to him and lost contact some time later,anyway I just want to say be careful what you say to people who believe,or any person for that matter,you never know what they are going through.

With time I became agnostic,I cant pinpoint when but to me it was impossible to know,after that again with time I started to believe in God,but not afterlife,God was the universe and death was the end,cant pinpoint when but it was what made sense to me at the time.

But recently I had an experience,which I am sorry I wont tell here,because it was a very personal experience and I cant prove it and I know people will doubt it and challenge it,but it was the CLEAREST thing it happened in my life,I mean sorry,not ready to tell,but I will say the post 33# of this thread,was similar to what happened to me,but with some differences.

Now,I do believe in the afterlife,and of course God,I also believe near death experiences,I would have never believed it if stuff didnt happen to me,so I dont blame or try to blame people who do not.

This video is from big brother brasil,this woman's name is Cida,she hears someone calling her name,later she finds out her sister died,she could never prove that,there would never be any evidence of that,even with the video people will doubt it,only she knows it happened,I dont doubt it could be faked,but I do believe in real experiences like that,sorry its only in portuguese,but if you watch it I believe you will understand.

Basically she hears someone call her,she says where?where?
Then the other woman says here!here!
but when the other woman is alone with the guy,she says that Cida isnt well and is hearing things,so she said to Cida it was her who was calling.
Then she found out that her sister died.

I hope this post made sense,and sorry for any mistakes......
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