Media Ariel and Chael argument


Little eagle soars again
Dec 2, 2016
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I was sorta predicting that after what Francis did, Ariel would start acting like real fucking winner and the first target was Chael. The MMA hour stream is still going and I only watched bits of it but here are the cliffs.

Ariel starts the interview by telling Chael to apologize and eat crow.
Wants Chael to admit that he was wrong about Francis fumbling the bag.
Chael praises the performance but points out that the event was a loss in terms of finances.
Chael says the PPV bombed. This angers Ariel.
Start arguing about money. Ariel says Francis got 20 million. Chael says 10.
Ariel brags about his 13 trophies of best journalist. <45>
Ariel then brags Francis is going to make double the money in his next boxing match.
Chael rightfully points out the match, heading into the event, had little significance as Uysk was waiting.
Ariel again brags about Francis making 40 million in his next fight.
Then it gets heated. Ariel says he would talk to Chael in person like this. Chael gets mad too and said he'd choke Ariel out. Ariel calls Chael a UFC shill. Chael calls him bitter over UFC.
Interestingly, Chael and Francis almost came to blows in Vegas way back. Too lazy to find that video.
Ariel: Don't be a coward and saw it to my face and grow a fucking pair.
AGAIN brags about Francis making millions.
Chael goes to leave and Ariel starts calling him a weasel, bitch, coward etc etc. Screeches constantly about lying.

LMFAO I bet even Francis wouldn't be defensive about the PPV but damn, Ariel takes every criticism about the whole event as a personal insult.

First I can't stand either of these cats but Chael has always been a piece of shit. He was a good fighter but people forget the cheating he did back in the day when he fought. (his go to was to claim he never tapped that's why silva held onto the choke so long)

The fact is Francis bet on himself and won big time.

Now all of the UFC shills are in damage control because their next batch of "stars" will be reluctant to sign those shitty UFC contracts.
Ariel has been living vicariously through fighters who hate the UFC.

Sometimes I really don't get how Ariel is a 12x journalist of the year, bro isn't even a journalist, he's mostly there to stir shit up, talk shit and cry wolf
Obviously,, the fact is Ngganou is FAR and away better off without the UFC and Chael should, just for a moment, take Dana's wiennie out of his mouth so he can for once in his life, man up and cop to the truth.

Not a fan of Arel.
However, Chael is the Ultimate Shill and such a lying ass, PED abusing law breaking bitch, that he can't even hang as a Republican politician -didn't know that was possible.
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