Elections Republican house: no border deal till trump or republican president

Hey guys, look at all the election integrity in Iowa.

These fucksticks are voting in popcorn buckets. Absolutely embarrassing from the party who screams the elections are rigged. Nothing screams fair election like putting your ballot in a popcorn bucket and an old guy on the mic reading the votes outloud.


what can be....unburdened by what has been
classic DARVO from the left, except there's a phony "plea for help" added between Attack and Reverse.

why don't you hold the open border/illegal migrant fetishists responsible for this instead of the innocent bystanders being pressured to cover up this mess?
Ok, Biden caused this mess, now what?

What exactly do you propose Biden do?
Ok, Biden caused this mess, now what?

What exactly do you propose Biden do?

secure the damn border, enforce the laws. what's so hard? send troops to do it if you have to.

things not to do: obstruct states that are trying to fix it by getting your DOJ to sue them, calling anyone who opposes open borders racist

that's a start but they're not interested because open borders are now their unofficial party platform.
secure the damn border, enforce the laws. what's so hard? send troops to do it if you have to.

things not to do: obstruct states that are trying to fix it by getting your DOJ to sue them, calling anyone who opposes open borders racist

that's a start but they're not interested because open borders are now their unofficial party platform.
He put a 14 billion dollar deal on the table as a start including a huge increase in border police. They know they are resting these problems on Biden including when the supreme court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg was replaced by a conservative judge when Mitch refused to put any judges up for a vote. They will as they said hold off till they lose the house and senate.

secure the damn border, enforce the laws. what's so hard? send troops to do it if you have to.

things not to do: obstruct states that are trying to fix it by getting your DOJ to sue them, calling anyone who opposes open borders racist

that's a start but they're not interested because open borders are now their unofficial party platform.

Texas isn't trying to fix anything.
Well, if you like paying more for everything and arguing on a karate forum about who is responsible for all of the new wars around the globe that keep popping up, then more power to you.

I totally like blaming the US President for sh*t other Countries do!! Because I'm so convinced that there's some globalist cabal agenda that the US President is specifically in charge of every leader on the planet first must call the US President and get approval for everything from picking their own noses to attacking other Countries!! And the only difference between Biden and Trump is that Biden said "yes" and Trump said "no"...and when Trump says "no" the entire World quivers!!

Trump isn't going to lower payments for anything.
Corporate tax cuts don't make the Country great.
The US President gushing over dictators signals we are worse pushovers than actually fighting does.
Adults shouldnt have sex with children regardless of gender dynamics.

Have a nice day
Funny sidenote to the border discussion, this morning a guy in a Vegas Local FB group I'm in said we're losing the City of Las Vegas. He said its becoming "Las Vegas of Mexico." He will be delighted to learn about 1848 and how Las Vegas, and the State of Nevada got their names.

History is important.
secure the damn border, enforce the laws. what's so hard? send troops to do it if you have to.
Ok, where does he pulls the money from if Congress refuses?

things not to do: obstruct states that are trying to fix it by getting your DOJ to sue them,
"Enforce the laws"
"Break the laws"

States can't enforce border policy its federal responsibility.

calling anyone who opposes open borders racist
Where did Biden called anyone who opposed open borders racist?
America is a nation of laws. I'm sorry that upsets you and the criminal republican party and their frontrunner. If you don't like law and order, maybe you should just leave, as you clearly hate America.

i hear the weather's nice in north korea. and you won't ever have to worry about elections being stolen from your favorite authoritarian dictator, or any illegal mexicans or migrant caravans illegally entering the country.
What a stupid thing to say. So in election years our lawmakers shouldn't be working on the country's problems, but instead they should be trying to tank the opposing party's chances at the next election, despite the harm that will cause the country?

Have you not being paying attention to Republicans for the past 20+ years?
You mean to tell me, that if something is broken or not working, that the president wants to try and fix it?

"I'll take No Shit Sherlock, for 1,000, Alex."

You are speaking out of both sides of your ass. Is it a crisis? If so, you should want it to be fixed instead of kicking the can down the road another year.

If you don't want it fixed now, then it must not be a very important issue for you lol?

Or is it just important when your team is in control? That would seem to be in line with republicans on the debt and deficit as well. Cry about it even when the budget deficit is reduced under a dem, then spend spend spend when a Republican is in office.

People see through the bullshit. Why do you think Trump is going to lose to a senile grandpa again? Dems don't even want to vote for Joe, but our alternative is a rapist that defrauded the United States and tried to overthrow an election.
So it's just a coincidence that the administration is getting to it right before an election?

The political switcharoo... cause a huge problem... make a half hearted attempt at fixing it... pat yourself on the back... repeat.

If you can't see through that bullshit, then I don't think we have anything left to talk about.

The fact that you hate Trump so much that you would be happy to have a senile grandpa run our country into the ground says more than your words ever could.
No, you don't agree it's good. You agree that it's an albatross to Biden's re-election campaign, and want the Reps to save him for very obvious reasons.

LOL @ you caring about the border all of a sudden. Why do Dems need the deal Jackie? The border is secure, remember? Why do they need a deal to secure the border, if it's already secure? Why aren't you saying it's a waste of money, because the border is so damn secure like you've been saying for the past three years? Weird...
You are right in saying Democrats denied for a long time there was a problem. It doesn't mean Republicans should not help solve the issue. It makes them look petty.

They could help clear up the mess, call out the Democrats for creating it and show they were the ones who found a solution. No. They'd rather do nothing because it will help them in the elections. It shows who they really are and it's not a good look. They will let the problem grow for at least another year just to show they were right.

Are you seriously telling me it's the best way to handle this?
So it's just a coincidence that the administration is getting to it right before an election?

The political switcharoo... cause a huge problem... make a half hearted attempt at fixing it... pat yourself on the back... repeat.

If you can't see through that bullshit, then I don't think we have anything left to talk about.

The fact that you hate Trump so much that you would be happy to have a senile grandpa run our country into the ground says more than your words ever could.

How did Joe Biden cause the immigration problem when the problem existed before Trump, during Trump, and after Trump?

You talk about how much I hate Trump, you are the one talking about how the Republicans shouldn't make a deal about the border (a huge national crisis, per the right wing) just to harm Joe Biden politically?

Homie, how can you be so fucking backwards in your rhetoric?

"If it's not a Republican fixing the border, I don't want it fixed" ....that might as well be what you're typing

The funniest part about all of this is that the Republicans could just get on TV and point out that Biden was wrong on immigration. It's pretty easy to do.

But now....now they've back themselves into a corner and you have the Republican speaker of the house claiming that now is not the time for immigration reform after screeching about for a decade at this point. Even after they didn't do shit but fuck it up even worse under Trump lmao. You think people are going to ignore the Republican rhetoric on immigration reform and won't notice that they are rejecting immigration reform? I'm sure that will play well with moderate voters. Congrats on being outsmarted by a senile Brandon
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You are right in saying Democrats denied for a long time there was a problem. It doesn't mean Republicans should not help solve the issue. It makes them look petty.

They could help clear up the mess, call out the Democrats for creating it and show they were the ones who found a solution. No. They'd rather do nothing because it will help them in the elections. It shows who they really are and it's not a good look. They will let the problem grow for at least another year just to show they were right.

Are you seriously telling me it's the best way to handle this?
Unfortunately with politics, there is no general "best way". It'd be nice if politics weren't a part of the equation, but it is. You can't not look at it politically. You have one party who have been telling the other party to go fuck themselves for three years over this, and all of a sudden wanting to do something about it. Why? Because the Republicans started sending the absurd surge of migrants to Democrat territories, and it's costing them votes. They're both playing politics right now, but one party wasn't for three years. I don't blame Republicans telling them to get bent, after Democrats have done, and continue to do everything in their power to stifle control at the border. For all the "Republicans don't actually care about the border" tripe, where is that same sentiment for Democrats? Saying "they're doing something now though!" is purely political. They're just looking for a win in an election year, as are they're supporters. You think any of these "You're racist if you don't like mass immigration!" fucks, give a damn about anything other than scoring some points in an election year? Those are the people Dems will be playing to, if they get another term.

To answer your question, yeah, it would nice if it wasn't political, but it is. That's just the way it is. The "best way"(like everyone just gets along for the greater good) doesn't exist. Republicans aren't about to allow Democrats do a victory lap over something they clearly haven't cared about until now, and definitely won't in the future if they get four more years. In the long term, if Republicans are serious about implementing their own strategy to control the border, it makes no sense for them to give the Dems juice for the election that could potentially swing voters. They're looking at their strategy they will implement when they're in power. It's too late for the Dems to start crying over this, and pathetically try to claim that they care. They've already proven that they don't.
So it's just a coincidence that the administration is getting to it right before an election?

The political switcharoo... cause a huge problem... make a half hearted attempt at fixing it... pat yourself on the back... repeat.

If you can't see through that bullshit, then I don't think we have anything left to talk about.

The fact that you hate Trump so much that you would be happy to have a senile grandpa run our country into the ground says more than your words ever could.
Have you stopped to consider that the House Republicans refused aid to Ukraine and Israel unless they got a border deal so that's how this came about? Now they changed their mind because they think it will boost Biden's numbers at the polls. Are you sure you're mad at the right people?

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