Opinion Trump really influenced a lot of these crazy super outspoken women to get into politics didn't he?


Black Belt
Nov 23, 2020
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Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Valentina Gomez and more. I feel like you didn't see this phenomenon much in the past but there's something about maybe Trump's charm or his attitude that really ignited something in these ladies. I see it a lot with regular ladies too. There's like a lot of youngish mid 20s to mid 40s ladies running around who are trying to emulate Trump. Anyone else see this?
I don't think so tbh because a political career typically requires a little more time. I'm not into bougie WWE politics anymore and haven't looked at these womens resumes but they didn't just roll out of the kitchen. They had to put in some political work that took years.

Theres this idea among normies our politics became crazy because of Trump when anyone watching politics in the early 2010s will tell you these people were around all along. Normies just didn't pay attention to them because their stance was always "I don't talk about politics' thus they treat 2015 like 0 AD. This shit doesn't just happen overnight.

And the View women are "flee on sight" sorta people. Even showing a pic of them scares me.
People really need to be more careful with their criticisms in political discussions. We all live in glass houses, every one of us.
People forget that the House of Representatives has always been a low class bottom of the barrel institution, US rep Preston Brooks literally beat up Senator Charles Sumner half to death with a cane in the Senate chamber. Not to mention all the clan members, crooks, and conman who've managed to get themselves elected over the decades. People like Boebert and MTG are just carrying on the tradition.
Women shouldn't even be allowed in politics. Shame on the simps defending these hysterical broads on either side.
I don't think so tbh because a political career typically requires a little more time. I'm not into bougie WWE politics anymore and haven't looked at these womens resumes but they didn't just roll out of the kitchen. They had to put in some political work that took years.

Theres this idea among normies our politics became crazy because of Trump when anyone watching politics in the early 2010s will tell you these people were around all along. Normies just didn't pay attention to them because their stance was always "I don't talk about politics' thus they treat 2015 like 0 AD. This shit doesn't just happen overnight.

And the View women are "flee on sight" sorta people. Even showing a pic of them scares me.
All three of the ladies I mentioned didn't get into politics until after Trump was elected
Is there anything that's not Trumps fault?
You're so deep in the cult you can't engage in a single conversation about this topic without immediately going to your programming.

This is the entire extent of Trump cultist's thought processes, ANY time that Trump is mentioned -
1. "Is what this person is saying, negative, or positive, about my daddy??"
2. >IF negative "TDS, orange man bad"
3. >IF positive - uncritical support of the person praising my daddy
That's a different kind of crazy though. They are snowflake crazy. I'm talking more about that mean girl type crazy that goes around saying inflammatory things while trying to look tough and get a rise out of people
Well this lady has been in congress since 1991, she supported the race riots in LA, befriended the mom of the guy who pulled a truck driver out for being white, then stomped him and threw a cinder block at his head and did a victory dance on video because he thought he murdered the guy. He only did 4 years in prison for it and they became family friends of Auntie Maxine until the guy went back to prison for murdering someone else at a crack house.

Auntie Maxine also said gangs should "stay in the streets, get in people's faces and be more confrontational" if Derek Chauvin wasn't convicted of 1st degree murder, which he wasn't even charged with. She also told her supporters to find public officials who are out at a restaurant or gas station and "create a crowd" to mob them.

Threatening gang violence and racial attacks seems like kind of a "mean girl" thing to do, no?

Paramedics who attended to Denny said he suffered major trauma and came very close to dying. Soon after Green took him to the hospital, Denny suffered a seizure. His skull was fractured in 91 places and pushed into his brain.[15][3] His left eye was so badly dislocated that it would have fallen into his sinus cavity had the surgeons not replaced the crushed bone with a piece of plastic.[16] A permanent crater remains in his forehead despite efforts to correct it.[3]

You're so deep in the cult you can't engage in a single conversation about this topic without immediately going to your programming.

This is the entire extent of Trump cultist's thought processes, ANY time that Trump is mentioned -
1. "Is what this person is saying, negative, or positive, about my daddy??"
2. >IF negative "TDS, orange man bad"
3. >IF positive - uncritical support of the person praising my daddy
Are you really whining about a response invoking Trump in a thread blaming Trump for something?
You're so deep in the cult you can't engage in a single conversation about this topic without immediately going to your programming.

This is the entire extent of Trump cultist's thought processes, ANY time that Trump is mentioned -
1. "Is what this person is saying, negative, or positive, about my daddy??"
2. >IF negative "TDS, orange man bad"
3. >IF positive - uncritical support of the person praising my daddy
You're a fucking moron, because I'm not even a Trump supporter! I just don't have blind hatred for him like your soy filled ass.

But please tell more about how Trump is at fault for some annoying women saying dumb shit...

I'll be here waiting snowflake
I don't think so tbh because a political career typically requires a little more time. I'm not into bougie WWE politics anymore and haven't looked at these womens resumes but they didn't just roll out of the kitchen. They had to put in some political work that took years.

Theres this idea among normies our politics became crazy because of Trump when anyone watching politics in the early 2010s will tell you these people were around all along. Normies just didn't pay attention to them because their stance was always "I don't talk about politics' thus they treat 2015 like 0 AD. This shit doesn't just happen overnight.

And the View women are "flee on sight" sorta people. Even showing a pic of them scares me.
I don't think he brought them into politics. But his influence on the party is what allowed them to gain prominence.

I knew several women like that when I was active in the GOP but no one was ever going to put them forward as the local face of the party. They'd be organizers of events, get out the votes people, solicitors of donations, etc. But they'd never be the person we send to speak on the party's behalf to newspapers or community groups.

That's what changed. He changed who would be the face of the party, not who was in it.