Opinion MAID is Not Only Unethical, It's Murder


Gold Belt
Aug 30, 2014
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Totally healthy woman decides she wants to die and the government will help her do so. Mind you, if she took this matter into her own hands, she would be detained against her will in a mental health facility. This article walks through the process and I'm not sure how a doctor with good conscience could come in, have a cup of coffee with the patient, and then ask if they're ready to die. It seems immoral and unethical at a minimum and shouldn't even be legal. Society is taking a horrifying turn.
Well, she isn't "totally healthy", unless you don't consider mental afflictions as real. She suffers from Autism, Borderline Personality Disorder, & Depression, and after being told by her medical professionals it wasn't going to get any better for her, she elected death over continued existence.

She has a lover, is a reasonably attractive and young person, and has several pets she cares deeply about ... what do you suggest? We force her to live unhappily so that we might experience less cognitive dissonance? She wants to go. She will find a way with or without medical assistance.

Locking her up and forcing her to live against her will, will not make the world a better place.
Totally healthy? The article details her multiple conditions experts admit they cannot cure. What are you talking about?

You don’t even make an argument why forcing people to suffer incurable conditions is a better outcome for them. You’re just stating you’re offended.
Sigh what a world. I've been dealing with crippling depression most of my life. The things I've gone through, the things I've lost. The pain I've struggled through completely alone in the world, to try to find some way to keep going. Keep adapting. Yeah sometimes it really doesn't feel worth it. But I try really hard to hold on to hope somehow. Aynd now they're just going to tell mentally ill people NOT to try. just give up. You're right, you aren't worth it. What a horrible message to send. Why not try to fucking help her get better instead? Fuck you guys.

Sigh what a world. I've been dealing with crippling depression most of my life. The things I've gone through, the things I've lost. The pain I've struggled through completely alone in the world, to try to find some way to keep going. Keep adapting. Yeah sometimes it really doesn't feel worth it. But I try really hard to hold on to hope somehow. Aynd now they're just going to tell mentally ill people NOT to try. just give up. You're right, you aren't worth it. What a horrible message to send. Why not try to fucking help her get better instead? Fuck you guys.


You have bipolar disorder?
Well, she isn't "totally healthy", unless you don't consider mental afflictions as real. She suffers from Autism, Borderline Personality Disorder, & Depression, and after being told by her medical professionals it wasn't going to get any better for her, she elected death over continued existence.

She has a lover, is a reasonably attractive and young person, and has several pets she cares deeply about ... what do you suggest? We force her to live unhappily so that we might experience less cognitive dissonance? She wants to go. She will find a way with or without medical assistance.

Locking her up and forcing her to live against her will, will not make the world a better place.
There are medical breakthroughs and treatment innovations yearly for mental health problems. Cashing yourself in 50 years early seems like a bit of a cop out. Especially since most mental health treatment requires you to want to get better rather than thinking a magical event is going to take your symptoms away. Now all a suicidal person has to do is mindlessly wade through the required prerequisites before getting offered the big sleep.
Totally healthy? The article details her multiple conditions experts admit they cannot cure. What are you talking about?

You don’t even make an argument why forcing people to suffer incurable conditions is a better outcome for them. You’re just stating you’re offended.
Should we start offering this for drug addiction and alcoholism too? It's called the human condition. If you live perfectly healthy mentally and physically, you're in the minority and should consider yourself fortunate.
Sigh what a world. I've been dealing with crippling depression most of my life. The things I've gone through, the things I've lost. The pain I've struggled through completely alone in the world, to try to find some way to keep going. Keep adapting. Yeah sometimes it really doesn't feel worth it. But I try really hard to hold on to hope somehow. Aynd now they're just going to tell mentally ill people NOT to try. just give up. You're right, you aren't worth it. What a horrible message to send. Why not try to fucking help her get better instead? Fuck you guys.

Most likely liberal pieces of shit who hold a squirrels life above a humans. Will argue against climate change but think people should die for no reason. I've always thought that the way mentally ill people are treated is a form of eugenics and this MAID shit is further proof.
can't stop someone who wants to die.
that said, i do think she's dumb though.
we live through times when giving up is encouraged.
And a lot of this MAID stuff is predatory.
There are medical breakthroughs and treatment innovations yearly for mental health problems. Cashing yourself in 50 years early seems like a bit of a cop out. Especially since most mental health treatment requires you to want to get better rather than thinking a magical event is going to take your symptoms away. Now all a suicidal person has to do is mindlessly wade through the required prerequisites before getting offered the big sleep.
YES. Giving up completely and feeling like there is no hope and anything you could possibly try would never help so why bother IS PART OF THE ILLNESS. The fact that they would try to use that as any sort of reasoning to help a sick person kill themselves is morally reprehensible. The suicidal person isn't in their right mind and doesn't have all their faculties and is desperately looking for any way to make the pain stop. Their judgement is compromised.

What is their excuse for just enabling someone in that mental state? Absolutely disgusting.
Most likely liberal pieces of shit who hold a squirrels life above a humans. Will argue against climate change but think people should die for no reason. I've always thought that the way mentally ill people are treated is a form of eugenics and this MAID shit is further proof.
They're definitely not trying to help the mentally ill. I thought it was bad in America, here they just watch them degrade until they end up on the street where they are now "the homeless problem" so we just never have to acknowledge mental health in this country.
YES. Giving up completely and feeling like there is no hope and anything you could possibly try would never help so why bother IS PART OF THE ILLNESS. The fact that they would try to use that as any sort of reasoning to help a sick person kill themselves is morally reprehensible. The suicidal person isn't in their right mind and doesn't have all their faculties and is desperately looking for any way to make the pain stop. Their judgement is compromised.

What is their excuse for just enabling someone in that mental state? Absolutely disgusting.
Saw a video online so maybe it's BS, that said therapists are being trained to agree with their clients because that's what keeps them coming back. This could be the extreMe form of that. Charge the insurance $500k to kill them and move on rather than collecting the same sum over years of treatment and the possibility they no longer need it.
They're definitely not trying to help the mentally ill. I thought it was bad in America, here they just watch them degrade until they end up on the street where they are now "the homeless problem" so we just never have to acknowledge mental health in this country.
They're effectively removing them from society without outright killing them although many die due to the decisions they're allowed to make while their loved ones watch helplessly.
Should we start offering this for drug addiction and alcoholism too? It's called the human condition. If you live perfectly healthy mentally and physically, you're in the minority and should consider yourself fortunate.

You’re conflating totally different diseases, including ones that can be treated with results with one experts admit they can’t treat successfully, to make a weak point.
Saw a video online so maybe it's BS, that said therapists are being trained to agree with their clients because that's what keeps them coming back. This could be the extreMe form of that. Charge the insurance $500k to kill them and move on rather than collecting the same sum over years of treatment and the possibility they no longer need it.
Last couple times I went they just nodded along and didn't have a lot of input or suggestions. Like hey buddy, I am aware that I am an unwell person. I have done all sorts of research into what my conditions are and ways to try to mitigate them. Why does it seem like I am more knowledegable about this stuff than you are? I don't even know if there's a point to going back. Bland generic statements while they stare into the middle distance. But hey at least they didn't say go ahead and fuckin do it already you coward when I expressed suicidal thoughts, so there's that lmao.
So they deemed her to be terminally ill? Yes she has a good amount of mental problems, but is it be all or end all? I don't know.

Not saying what she's going through is terrible, I've had crippling depression before and it puts you in the worst possible position. You feel like there is no way out of it kind of thing. You are in the deepest darkest hole and there is no light in the end of the tunnel.

But according to the article she also had autism and personality disorder. So she was going through a lot.

Not sure what to say about this, I just hope she found peace. Because once you die there is no turning back.
There are medical breakthroughs and treatment innovations yearly for mental health problems. Cashing yourself in 50 years early seems like a bit of a cop out. Especially since most mental health treatment requires you to want to get better rather than thinking a magical event is going to take your symptoms away. Now all a suicidal person has to do is mindlessly wade through the required prerequisites before getting offered the big sleep.

So, I don't take this lightly.

Euthanasia has always been the contiguous point of human life for me. I'm against Capital Punishment, and Abortion, for similar reasons (the value of human life). This, OTHOH, has always been tricky.

Who's interest are we really considering here? If someone wants to die, for whatever reason, who is society-at-large to decide for them whether or not they should live?
I would argue society wants that person to live for their own reasons, that have NOTHING to do with the well-being or benefit of the of the person considering euthanasia.

EX: Say there is an eventual treatment ... how long should she be force to live to find a treatment that would be considered equitable? If she wished she was dead for 30 years, but a breakthrough made changed this after 29 years, is that a desired outcome? Is that "better"?
Shouldn't the person subjugated to the consequence be the decider? If not, who?
So, I don't take this lightly.

Euthanasia has always been the contiguous point of human life for me. I'm against Capital Punishment, and Abortion, for similar reasons (the value of human life). This, OTHOH, has always been tricky.

Who's interest are we really considering here? If someone wants to die, for whatever reason, who is society-at-large to decide for them whether or not they should live?
I would argue society wants that person to live for their own reasons, that have NOTHING to do with the well-being or benefit of the of the person considering euthanasia.

EX: Say there is an eventual treatment ... how long should she be force to live to find a treatment that would be considered equitable? If she wished she was dead for 30 years, but a breakthrough made changed this after 29 years, is that a desired outcome? Is that "better"?
Shouldn't the person subjugated to the consequence be the decider? If not, who?
Then why have laws in place that prevent suicide in the first place? Typically a person who is a danger to themselves or others is considered "not of sound mind." But because it can be profited upon massively, suddenly it's okay. Makes no sense.
So, I don't take this lightly.

Euthanasia has always been the contiguous point of human life for me. I'm against Capital Punishment, and Abortion, for similar reasons (the value of human life). This, OTHOH, has always been tricky.

Who's interest are we really considering here? If someone wants to die, for whatever reason, who is society-at-large to decide for them whether or not they should live?
I would argue society wants that person to live for their own reasons, that have NOTHING to do with the well-being or benefit of the of the person considering euthanasia.

EX: Say there is an eventual treatment ... how long should she be force to live to find a treatment that would be considered equitable? If she wished she was dead for 30 years, but a breakthrough made changed this after 29 years, is that a desired outcome? Is that "better"?
Shouldn't the person subjugated to the consequence be the decider? If not, who?
If you want to die because you have some crippling illness that causes constant physical pain that is untreatable, that is one thing. The crux of mental health issues are that depressive and anxiety based disorders are commonly intertwined in such a way that MOST people with mental health issues will experience mental breakdowns in which they have suicidal thoughts. That's just part of the illness. So using those feelings as the basis to take drastic action, you have to keep in mind that we're talking about an illness that's going to make you irrationally want to harm yourself. It's extremely dangerous to be legislating in favor of supporting that thought process in any way.