
I've had plenty of unexplainable things happen in my life that I put into the "paranormal" side of things for lack of a better term. I've typed a few on here. Thankfully, others were with me to witness a few of the instances.

Here's one that has ties to the experiences of two other people...

In 1996 I was in the Navy and home in Pennsylvania for the weekend. I was in my car coming home from the Selinsgrove, PA. mall. It was a nice summer night after 9 PM and I was driving up the last mountain before my hometown. I started up the hill and noticed a white light up and to left of me in the sky. I thought that it could be a light on a helicopter since it was stationary. I couldn't tell if it was a smaller object a few hundred feet up or a larger object much higher than that.

For whatever reason, I got that weird "chills" feeling as I looked at whatever was in the sky. Here's the weird part that I witnessed: My car radio turned on by itself, tuned to AM. Some incomprehensible stuff came through the radio. This happened for a minute or two. The light in the sky moved, darting left then disappearing completely. My radio went silent besides a light static. I turned it off and continued home. No clue what was in the sky or why my radio turned on or why it went to AM which I never use. When I got into the driveway I turned the radio on and it was set to FM which was normal.

I told my Dad about it the next day and he told me that his PennDot co-worker had a weird experience on that same mountain at the beginning of the year. He said that they were working overtime due to a winter storm and all trucks were out plowing snow. The supervisor called on the CB for the trucks to come back to the stocking area at the base of the mountain, all drivers were to take a break. All but one truck came back. My Dad's friend Jim didn't show up. He had the closest route to "home base". They tried to raise him on CB and he didn't answer.

Nearly 1 hour went by and Jim finally showed up. He entered the building where the guys were finishing coffee or putting their lunchboxes away. They asked what took him so long and jokingly asked if he'd raised his dump bed and taken out a power line which he had done a year earlier. He didn't respond. He plopped down into a chair and sat there.

Finally, my Dad asked if he was okay since he was acting odd and staring into space. Jim responded that he was plowing snow and made his second pass up the mountain. His route took him midway up where he turned right onto a side road. He plowed that and was going to turn around at the County property line. Jim said that he was almost to the turnaround area when a bright white light enveloped the truck, filling the cab surrounding area. He had no recollection of what happened after that. The next thing that he knew, the truck was back on the mountain road heading downhill to the stocking area. He was in the correct gear, his plow was down, and he had no idea how he got there. He couldn't account for 40 minutes of time. The stocking area is only 10 minutes from his turn around spot.

My Dad said that some of the guys gave Jim shit for the "story" but my Dad believed him as Jim didn't touch his food, didn't take a drink, and simply sat there quietly which was out of character. One other thing that he said is that Jim bought a new watch because his stopped working that night.

To further add to the story I talked to my Mom about this stuff years later. This was the first time that she heard anything about my story or what Jim claimed had happened to him. I asked her what she thought and she replied that she had an experience on the same mountain. She said: "I was coming home from work at night and saw a white light overhead in the sky. I thought "Oh great, I'm going to be abducted like it's Close Encounters. The light shot left and up, quickly disappearing". My Mom drove that route every day to and from work, this occurred once.
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I was holed up in an old sugar factory in Iraq with a company of grunts. They'd taken over the joint, cleaned it out, set up a sleeping room, gym, and outside, piss and shit facilities. Apparently, second hand, I heard that they found some interesting bones when digging the piss holes. One night, a friend of mine came running in from having a piss and swore upon his slave ancestors that he saw an old man out there floating around, looked like television static, he said. That's as close as I got.
Our senses aren't magic. Eyes receive light. We have cameras that receive light. Ears receive compressions of ear. We have machines that receive compressions of air. Etc. If you could actually see or hear the paranormal, it would have been caught on camera or a microphone. But it hasn't. So..
I always think back on a haunted house I went to. Claimed to be one of the most haunted places in the world...of course the tour guide says "if you look closely down the hallway, you just might see the ghost of blah blah blah peaking around the corner." I watch closely, half expecting another employee down there to do something to give people their monies worth. I look and I watch closely. What do I see? Absolutely nothing. yet person on my left says "OMFG I SAW IT." person on my right "no no no NO NO I want to leave right now thats a fucking ghost." person behind me "YES I SAW TWO! TWO GHOSTS AND FELT SOMETHING TOUCH MY SHOULDER WTFFFFFFFFF I SAW TWO YOU GUYS ONLY SAW ONE???"


The power of suggestion is real!
Some of the Sherbros that frequent the War room know, I went to military just before NATO started dropping bombs on Serbia in 1999. One of the reasons (not the main one) I enrolled was to get away from it, even with the risk of getting killed. My friend had problems for a few more years and we've tried almost everything. Prayers, fasting, local traditional "magic"...But it eventually went away and even two of us never talk about it.

We lived in the same apartment building, I was in a flat below his. But it was occurring in other places, too. I would hang out with my highschool sweetheart in a park, broad daylight. The ground would open and I could see people being tortured below. Both she and I would get physically sick, but only I saw those things. I tried to play it off and pretend I'm fine.
Fascinating, what do you make of it?
Fascinating, what do you make of it?

The only conclusion I have is that there are unseen forces in this world, or maybe somewhere above it. In some instances, those forces can manifest in physical reality, sometimes spontaneously, sometimes those forces answer if you mess with them. Some people may be more sensitive to such things. I'm really not sure about the bigger picture of it all, religious implications, etc. But I have no doubt that there's more than meets the eye in what we call reality.
and an addendum to my post ahead...most of the people who regurgitate this mantra are usually some of the miserable in life, worst posters on this forum.

I am 36yrs old and live a good life. Not once have I ever experience anything the TS listed. I'm very rational so i will go down every logical road before I would say I experience anything paranormal.
Have I seen things I cannot explain? Sure. Do I think these things are otherworldly or ethereal? Absolutely not.
I am 36yrs old and live a good life. Not once have I ever experience anything the TS listed. I'm very rational so i will go down every logical road before I would say I experience anything paranormal.

and that's perfectly acceptable.

I take issue with the people who go out of their way to ridicule those who believe in the paranormal or say they have experienced something otherwordly.
and that's perfectly acceptable.

I take issue with the people who go out of their way to ridicule those who believe in the paranormal or say they have experienced something otherwordly.

But do you not take offense if the person making these claims have not went down every logical outcome?

I have an uncle who believes in these kind of things and believes almost all conspiracies. I don't know if the pot he smokes makes his parnoia worst.

I just come to notice over all the years is that you can usually connect people who believe in parnormal activities, also believe in religion , conspiracies, aliens, ghost, fortune tellers etc ...
But do you not take offense if the person making these claims have not went down every logical outcome?

I have an uncle who believes in these kind of things and believes almost all conspiracies. I don't know if the pot he smokes makes his parnoia worst.

I just come to notice over all the years is that you can usually connect people who believe in parnormal activities, also believe in religion , conspiracies, aliens, ghost, fortune tellers etc ...

like you, I'm a logical thinking guy...I always try and find the logical, scientific proven explanation for an event or phenomenon.

at the same time, I don't ridicule those who insist on seeing something they cannot explain
I do remember something as a kid, ive never been able to explain it logically

but if it was just my imagination, how did others see it too?
A camera is your friend when it comes to ghost hunting.
My ex worked for one of the paranormal tv shows and I got to go to quite a few of the places they investigate, often spending a couple of nights there. I didn't experience too much, I literally walked around Rolling Hills Sanitarium in NY alone at night asking for something to happen. Spent the night at a train museum by Buffalo NY that used to be a mortuary, even went up in the attic alone and nothing happened.

We did have something I can't explain happen at the cemetery Wyatt Earp is at. My ex and I were there alone except for a couple of guys gardening way off in the distance. She had her voice recorder and was asking questions. On the ride home she played it back and you can clearly hear another woman talk. Can't explain that one.

And what got me interested in the first place, I saw a man in the hallway at my cousins house in the Sierra Nevada mountains, in the middle of the night. He had a dark blue glow around him. I wiped my eyes hard trying to wake myself up but I was already awake. Then I closed my eyes hard and opened them but he was still there. Then he just disappeared as I was looking at him. He never looked at me, he was facing the room on the other side of the hallway. Kind of looked to be dressed like a cowboy.

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