A time you were really scared

No, not around Houston. That's why I frequented it more than the more supercross like places. It's a great place to practice for Desert racing when you don't have a desert.

That front straight and this last table top were the only places I tried 4th, (once) and both times the thing way over jumped.

They used to have Pro Races there back in the old days.

4th gear with those trees on the right side would scare the hell out of me. I'd still send it but damn. Might be different in person but it looks like the track curves to the left too so you're kind of jumping right at the trees.
4th gear with those trees on the right side would scare the hell out of me. I'd still send it but damn. Might be different in person but it looks like the track curves to the left too so you're kind of jumping right at the trees.

Its not as bad in person, pretty wide.

Its just bad if you way over jump, landing out on the flat at mock 1 with that turn there.
HS girlfriend and I broke up about two years out of HS..

Tried to do the whole get back together thing but we could both tell we had each moved on. Then the inevitable...I'm pregnant, not me of course but her. I say that only because some of you are pretty stupid.

But anyway, we couldn't have that happening, we were young like 19 and 20.. couldn't even buy our own beer.

She asked for $400 for an abortion and I had her drive me to an ATM. Exchanged money and never saw each other again...

That was about 01 or 02.. scary times.
In my 20s I worked security at a local theme park.
One night while locking up I heard a little girl laughing. The same kind of laugh you would hear in a horror movie. It went on for about 20 seconds and I kept slowly moving closer to it. It was coming from our overgrown out door mini golf course. As I went closer it stopped. I was too scared to go look for it. For the next 2 weeks I was pretty nervous there. All the stories my co workers had of strange encounters out there involved a girls voice
Probably when our daughter was born.

We'd lost one babe at 3 months at the first scan, then she got pregnant again and spent 3 months in hospital with pre-eclampsia. Was a complicated birth and that was probably the most scared I've been , there was the risk of losing both of them.
Another time I was driving out to a ski resort and the main mtn passes were closed due to blizzard conditions on either side of me essentially trapping me for the night. My dumb ass decided to take a forest road instead. It was snowing hard and visibility was bad so I had to use my phone's gps to anticipate turns but couldn't go too slow or I wouldn't make it through the deeper snow drifts. I drove for about 4 hours in the middle of the night through these conditions. To make matters worse I was driving my old beater pickup truck and noticed it was burning coolant at an alarming rate. As I passed more and more abandoned cars that had taken the wrong line through the drifts and gotten stuck I started to go through the stages of loss, bargaining with God that I'd never do this again.

Your post reminded me of that fear that hits you when you are driving in conditions that may result in very bad things. I always swear never again and then usually about a year later I find myself in 'never again'. Death grip on the steering wheel bargaining with God while trying to avoid the Devil.

Non driving scare. About 2 years ago I was on a night hike on the AT when the thing in my AV came to a dead halt and went into full alert while staring off into the deep darkness. Her sense of smell, sound and night vision seems much more sensitive and attune to her surroundings than normal dogs. She rarely barks, and almost never growls but this time a low, barely audible but deep menacing and warning growl started within her chest. I felt the vibrations of it through her chest harness and leash into my hand.

The fur down her spine goes straight up and she has locked her eyes onto something through the trees that I cannot see and she is now cemented her stance into the ground and any of my commands are falling on deaf ears. About 20 seconds of this shit and whatever fear or concern she has have now been transmitted to me. But I have no freakin clue what I am supposed to be scared of but her primal fear has become contagious. So there she stands for the next minute low growling, ears rotated forward when I say 'fuck this'. I start dragging her 65 pound ass down the side of the mountain. For the next 1/4 mile backwards we go with her stumbling backwards behind me but eyes and ears always locked on the same spot deep in trees with this evil growl locked in her chest and throat.

To this day I have no clue what got her going and it has never happened again even after many more night hike. Most likely a bobcat or yote but at the time my mind was imagining every scary thing with gnashing teeth and slashing claws and evil intentions
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The false alarm nuke on the way cellphone emergency text message in the morning while asleep. Do I close the windows? Will that even matter?
The times I almost died I guess. Near death experience when I was very ill when I was little. In my late 20s I got in a bad car wreck. Broke my leg and got a blood clot. The clot broke off and temporarily blocked an artery in my heart. Thought I was going to have a heart attack. You could see my heartbeat through layers of clothes lol.

Having a bunch of cops pull guns on me Kate one.night when I was walking home after work. Had a very strong urge to run, but knew I was dead if I did.
This one time I was just watching this drunk Russian guy yelling at some older man and trying to fight him. There was a big crowd watching the incident unfold outside of the bar. I was watching but I was in the bus stop waiting for my bus. For some reason he singled me out. I think it was because I was a high school kid. We ended fighting and these guys ran up on us with guns drawn. I thought I was going to die but it ended up being the undercover cops.
Whats a time you were terrified?

Once, I was camping alone, sleeping in a hammock in the middle of nowhere. I woke up and heard the sound of distinct sniffs right next to my head. If you've never slept in a camping hammock, you can really feel quite vulnerable - much like a tent, you can't see anything but you can hear very well everything going around you but unlike a tent, you're suspended in the air and you cant easily just push off the ground to get to your feet if you need to. It feels much more vulnerable, you feel like a suspended sausage link.

I woke from sleep in a state of alarm, but I didn't know why I was scared. I had the strong sense that I should be quiet and listen, so I did, even though my heart was pounding in my ears. I heard two distinct sniff sounds right next to the top of my head. I could feel the skin on my scalp crawl. I vividly imagined two images of what could be outside smelling my head - a bear, or some crazed lunatic who had been following me through the woods for two days. I started thrashing around and yelling while I grabbed the zipper. I unzipped and stuck my head out to hear the sound of something crashing away through the bush. It could have been a bear, could have been a deer. I calmed down pretty quickly and went back to sleep but it was probably the most scared I've ever been.

It was a surreal experience waking up like that. It's like the part of the brain that draws conclusions was offline in sleep, but the part of the brain that alerts to danger and fires up the adrenaline response was there, on duty and roused the rest of the brain. I got the message that I needed to wake up right now and be ready but no further information about why or what was happening. It was almost like my inner voice had whispered to me "wake up right now, and listen, somethings going on."
Sounds like a Joe Biden sighting to me.
The first time i got mugged was scary. The second time was a lot more comfortable.
I was out in the middle of the Canadian wilderness collecting firewood for the winter and came face to face with a cougar. She seemed pretty old and must have been looking for a young buck. I managed to get a picture before I shot her.

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Was in Puerto Rico for work and a couple of us decided to go zip-lining up in the mountains. One of the other dudes said he took care of it and just pay him the money directly. So we did.

He drove us up this mountain that turned into one extremely narrow one lane. When I say narrow, I mean I could open my care door and couldn't step out onto anything, I'd just fall to my death. So we're tracking up the side of this mountain and all of sudden there's this truck in front of us coming down the mountain and he refuses to go backwards. This forces our driver to go backwards down this mountain. At one point, those rear tires start to go off the road and the whole SUV starts to tip back slightly and we all thought we were going to die, it was that bad. Driver slammed the car in drive and hit the gas and got us back on the road with a quickness.

A few days later, we ended up actually flipping that SUV over on a curvy road. Walked away from that accident with a minor cut on my arm and I was in the very back of the SUV that had no seats where you'd put sports equipment just chilling and the driver lost control of the vehicle. Another dude that was back there with me actually caught my head from slamming into the pavement as the car started to roll and the back glass broke in. Don't know how hey did it with how fast it all went down. He said he didn't even know. I can't tell you how many times we rolled, but I felt the side of my head craddled in this dude's hand the whole time.
When my wife was birthing our daughter, there were some complications. Suddenly the doctor looked at the monitor and yelled at the nurse “heart rate is too high. We need to get this baby out. Prep for emergency c section.” My heart was beating through my chest. But then my wife looked at me and was like “fuck this” and grabbed on to the handles and pushed until the capillaries in her face burst and out came our daughter.
I went diving in the ocean and sensed a shark was nearby. A big one.