Crime After years of denials, Hunter Biden FINALLY acknowledged Joe was ‘the big guy’ in $5M China deal

Nobody ever believed it wasn't, they just need to wait for MSNBC to tell them why taking bribes from foreign countries is ok and why mean tweets are worse.

Taking bribes is fine, prosecuting opponents is fine, classified documents were the end of the world, unless you're a democrat then that's fine too, funneling $700k of tax dollars to male prostitutes is fine, giving high values to your property that the bank agrees to for a loan that you pay back with intetest is dangerous criminal behavior, but fine when literally every other real estate developer does it, and Vice media, in the same city, inflating the shit out their value to get a massive cash injection then going bankrupt shortly after is fine.

There's literally nothing they won't defend, and they have no shame, so it's pointless to even pretend the lefties are reasonable people that you could ever convince by proving them wrong when they'll just retreat back to their bubble to find out where to move the goalpost next.
Damn that was good. Well said.
Later in the article it posts:
---Later in his response, Hunter said that Gilliar’s suggestion of his dad getting a stake was a “pie in the sky idea” with Biden leaving public life after eight years as Barack Obama’s vice president.

“Like, ‘Joe Biden’s out of the office. Maybe we’ll be able to get him involved,'” the first son said.

“Remember, again, is that Joe Biden, for first time in 48 years, is not an elected official and is not seeking office. And so James is probably, like, ‘Wow, wouldn’t be great if a former Vice President could be in our business together?'”---

I'm not sure what questions were asked before, but it sounds like he's acknowledging that Gilliar was alluding to Joe.
Show me in the transcript. Links to it have been posted a few times in here. I understand what you’re saying about that quote provided in an article. But, I’d like to see the whole thing along with the question that was posed.
Show me in the transcript. Links to it have been posted a few times in here. I understand what you’re saying about that quote provided in an article. But, I’d like to see the whole thing along with the question that was posed.

Page 118

But the reference to the big guy, you would agree, is a reference to your father?
23 I truly don't know what the hell that James was talking about. All I know is
24 that what actually happened.
25 All I know is that what was executed in the agreement, and the agreement didn't
1 have anything to do with my father. My father's never been involved with my business.
2 He's never benefited from my business, and he's never taken an action to benefit me or
3 any of my business.
4 Q If that's the case, though, why is Gilliar drafting something like that?
5 Because I think that it was just as Rob Walker said. I think that it was pie in
6 the sky. Like Joe Biden's out of the office. Maybe we'll be able to get him involved.
7 Remember, again, is that Joe Biden, for first time in 4
8 years, is not an elected official and8 is not seeking office. And so James is probably, like, wow, wouldn't be great if a former
9 Vice President could be in our business together?
Later in the article it posts:
---Later in his response, Hunter said that Gilliar’s suggestion of his dad getting a stake was a “pie in the sky idea” with Biden leaving public life after eight years as Barack Obama’s vice president.

“Like, ‘Joe Biden’s out of the office. Maybe we’ll be able to get him involved,'” the first son said.

“Remember, again, is that Joe Biden, for first time in 48 years, is not an elected official and is not seeking office. And so James is probably, like, ‘Wow, wouldn’t be great if a former Vice President could be in our business together?'”---

I'm not sure what questions were asked before, but it sounds like he's acknowledging that Gilliar was alluding to Joe.
If they're alluding to Joe as the Big Guy in some kind of anticipated business venture, but Joe never participated as it never materialized, then it's still disingenuous to frame it as him being the guy getting 10%.
If they're alluding to Joe as the Big Guy in some kind of anticipated business venture, but Joe never participated as it never materialized, then it's still disingenuous to frame it as him being the guy getting 10%.
He's just reading the same stuff that everyone else has, and saying that it isn't true that he said to hold anything for his father and has no knowledge about it.

If Republicans think he's lying (with no basis, BTW), that's one thing, but if they say he backed up the narrative, that is a lie.
If they're alluding to Joe as the Big Guy in some kind of anticipated business venture, but Joe never participated as it never materialized, then it's still disingenuous to frame it as him being the guy getting 10%.

Agreed, sounds like Gillar wanted Joe in the business as after 8 years as VP he was becoming a civilian again. I didn't read anything suggesting he was actually part of a deal and owed 10%.

Page 118

But the reference to the big guy, you would agree, is a reference to your father?
23 I truly don't know what the hell that James was talking about. All I know is
24 that what actually happened.
25 All I know is that what was executed in the agreement, and the agreement didn't
1 have anything to do with my father. My father's never been involved with my business.
2 He's never benefited from my business, and he's never taken an action to benefit me or
3 any of my business.
4 Q If that's the case, though, why is Gilliar drafting something like that?
5 Because I think that it was just as Rob Walker said. I think that it was pie in
6 the sky. Like Joe Biden's out of the office. Maybe we'll be able to get him involved.
7 Remember, again, is that Joe Biden, for first time in 4
8 years, is not an elected official and8 is not seeking office. And so James is probably, like, wow, wouldn't be great if a former
9 Vice President could be in our business together?
I do recall seeing that, actually. I read it as him addressing the questioner’s premise. He also said he didn’t know who it was referring to in the same exchange, and again multiple other times, so it’s quite a stretch to pretend that this is an admission of anything.
I do recall seeing that, actually. I read it as him addressing the questioner’s premise. He also said he didn’t know who it was referring to in the same exchange, and again multiple other times, so it’s quite a stretch to pretend that this is an admission of anything.
He says "I truly don't know what James was talking about" and then proceeds to grant the premise and say that it doesn't refer to anything that happened. It's extraordinary that the takeaway from the exchange is that Hunter admits it and that it is in any way suggestive of Joe being involved.
I do recall seeing that, actually. I read it as him addressing the questioner’s premise. He also said he didn’t know who it was referring to in the same exchange, and again multiple other times, so it’s quite a stretch to pretend that this is an admission of anything.

It's an admission of lying
He says "I truly don't know what James was talking about" and then proceeds to grant the premise and say that it doesn't refer to anything that happened. It's extraordinary that the takeaway from the exchange is that Hunter admits it and that it is in any way suggestive of Joe being involved.
Well, I mean, not so extraordinary these days. Reading is hard for some people, and others increasingly try to take advantage of that.

Page 118

But the reference to the big guy, you would agree, is a reference to your father?
23 I truly don't know what the hell that James was talking about. All I know is
24 that what actually happened.
25 All I know is that what was executed in the agreement, and the agreement didn't
1 have anything to do with my father. My father's never been involved with my business.
2 He's never benefited from my business, and he's never taken an action to benefit me or
3 any of my business.
4 Q If that's the case, though, why is Gilliar drafting something like that?
5 Because I think that it was just as Rob Walker said. I think that it was pie in
6 the sky. Like Joe Biden's out of the office. Maybe we'll be able to get him involved.
7 Remember, again, is that Joe Biden, for first time in 4
8 years, is not an elected official and8 is not seeking office. And so James is probably, like, wow, wouldn't be great if a former
9 Vice President could be in our business together?

what is the line number of page 117 or 118 of the transcript where hunter said that brandon is the big guy?

the way he just avoided even acknowledging his father as The Big Guy, he didn't even answer the simple yes or no question at all pertaining to whether or not he agrees that the big guy is a reference to his father. but if he did actually answer that, they must have just cut that part of his testimony straight out of this transcript and then kept on going with him him testifying about his father and how he never had any involvement with his business.

maybe next time they should do the testimony in public. just park a few video cameras and microphones there and that will be the end of it. let the rubes see this hunter and the big guy burisma nothingburger for the nothingburger that it is already. stop drip feeding them shit sandwiches to try to create your whackadoodle narrative over it.

i mean maybe that's what they want? maybe their voters just want to be lied to and fed shit sandwiches day after day? i don't get it. these people don't have any evidence of anything and any evidence they do claim to have has turned out to be nothing more than a bunch of made up bullshit that a bunch of russian agents admitted to the FBI was all a bunch of bullshit that they made up.
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Communism is when you establish a hereditary monarchy