Antibiotics don’t lose fights “St Denis”

I mean, it's obviously the infection that's the problem, not the antibiotics lmao
I'm seriously clueless when it comes to shit like that and too dam lazy to seek out facts. Lol, everyone just automatic repeats what they hear. Ha
BSD fought too reckless. Showed no respect for Poirier standing and got wrecked for it.

Dude definitely needs to up his fight IQ and defense.
BSD fought too reckless. Showed no respect for Poirier standing and got wrecked for it.

Dude definitely needs to up his fight IQ and defense.

Probably decided to go all out in round one since his cardio was shit from staph. Regardless, though, his boxing defense is shit with ot without staph.

He is still pretty green in MMA and only just turned 28, he has time to make adjustments. I hope he does because he's got grit and is fun to watch.
I don't know, being quite sick and only having a gas tank for 5 minutes is kind of a good excuse as to why you went hard for 5 minutes and didn't fight a 5 round fight. That being said, BSD is overrated as a prospect.
Probably decided to go all out in round one since his cardio was shit from staph. Regardless, though, his boxing defense is shit with ot without staph.

He is still pretty green in MMA and only just turned 28, he has time to make adjustments. I hope he does because he's got grit and is fun to watch.
Yeah he has the skills to be a top dog in the division if he gets some better defense and against most LWs, he can probably get away with being that reckless but guys like Dustin and Justin will make him pay big time.
I was thinking the same thing in the first. It was a 5 rounder and I think you're right, he made the decision that his best path to victory would be to overwhelm Poirier quickly. But none of his punches were straight, and Poirier caught on.
I know it’s impossible to read this far into the psychology of a fight, because none of us are mind readers. But it seems like the only reason he was able to get away with it for so long, is because Poirier couldn’t believe he was fighting someone with such bad defense. To me it seemed like early on Poirier was like “no way he leaves himself that open, he’s trying to lure me in to commit, then counter my counter.” Then when he started to land on BSD he was like “damn, it really is that bad, let me go ahead and get this guy out of here.”

This. The worse ko I ever experienced involved me taking an antibiotic and an antihistamine (probably the main culprit). Apparently, I was Ngannou'd and I was convulsing. Sorry I do not have a video of it.
Are antihistamines really that bad? I have histamine intolerance so I have to take them before every workout to prevent rashes.
Yeah he has the skills to be a top dog in the division if he gets some better defense and against most LWs, he can probably get away with being that reckless but guys like Dustin and Justin will make him pay big time.
Definitely, and I don’t think the KO put him out entirely. He was up pretty quickly afterwards. So it shouldn’t be one of those situations where they’re never the same post first KO loss.
Even if true, you make yourself look worse throwing this out as an excuse. I thought more of him thinking he just got caught by Dustin. Isn't this guy a special forces veteran? And he's running to social media and throwing out these excuses? Bad look.
Had Dustin not tried that stupid guillotine every time he could DP wins that fight in rd 1 . Bsd had a good fight due to DP being dumb . Bsd gets lit up by any good striker
He got beat because of several reasons and non were antibiotics. 1) He tried to fight a ageing #3 ranked contender when the best he had fought was a #11. There are levels. 2) Dustin kept jumping guard looking for the guillotine over and over even though his coaches and training partners told him noy too. That kept BSD in the fight and on top control making him look like he was winning. 3) BSD has no head movement, he never moves it off the centerline and his chin was too high. He got KTFO as soon as Dustin quit playing on the ground. In the post fight inteview Dustin said BSD felt strong but did not hit hard. So there you have it. He is a not a contender just a pretender.

I don't know, being quite sick and only having a gas tank for 5 minutes is kind of a good excuse as to why you went hard for 5 minutes and didn't fight a 5 round fight. That being said, BSD is overrated as a prospect.

This is why people never take tough fights.

He really had no business being in there with Poirier this early in his career if we’re being honest but wanted to challenge himself. We should commend him for that. Anytime prospects call out top fighters like Poirier or Holloway who have received multiple title shots but lost, I respect it because those guys are a lot of the times just as good as the champion but only exist at that point to knock off contenders.

As a fighter, it’s really within your best interest to build up a long win streak against cans and use the number as an argument for a title shot, when you match up well with the champion. They’ll say they do. But when it really comes down to it, people truly don’t respect risk taking these days.
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Antibiotics don’t make you get knocked out
Antibiotics could be a reason not to fight but
If you have an infection, you owe it to your opponent to tell him or endure and stfu about it

To blame getting knocked out on taking them is not cool
If you can’t bring it up before a fight, don’t bring it up when you lose
So an undiagnosed, mystery “infection” is the reason you lost after you won the 1st round ?


I mean it wasn’t a mystery whatsoever at all. He had a very obvious infection on his face on fight week and antibiotics drain you physically.

He didn’t want the fight cancelled so tried fighting through it and treating it

He was giving a reason his cardio failed him so quickly
Sounds like it contributed to his performance.
I don't think he should be ashamed of that fight, he'll be back stronger

This. He was relentless in the 1st but seemed to have somewhat blown his load. KO was insanely good though, props to Poirier
Weak excuse.

I don't see the problem in stating a fact of an injury. Even if its technically an 'excuse' for why he didn't perform as well as people, or he himself, may have expected, so what? It's a childish attitude to expect someone to be quiet about an illness or injury, like it somehow 'takes away' from the winner. Dustin won fair and square and had a great performance, but St. Denis may not have been at his best, both can be true. It's not like he's whining about it, he's just giving an objective analysis of what happened.
Doesn't appear to be true. Fatigue is possible but it is an unusual side effect.

We concluded that in healthy individuals, a short-term antibiotic treatment had no deleterious effect on aerobic capacity or on muscle strength and was not associated with subjective side effects.

Fatigue is not a common side effect of antibiotics. However, tiredness may be a symptom of the infection you are treating, or it may be related to one of the potential, but rare, side effects of the antibiotic.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Perhaps unable to see the forest because the trees are blocking your view.

Unquestionably, despite what any handful of authors portend, the vast majority of peer-reviewed evidence pertaining to physiological effects of systemic antibiotic therapy dating back to before Rosenfeld's analyses of altered nasopharyngeal microbiome ...

30 years worth...

show how and why ABX alter the microbiome. The recovered state will always eventually balance, and will always be altered.

Perhaps more than any other system, systemic ABX impact the gut flora.

There is no way you can wipe your extremely complex fuel processor and not experience a change in efficiency and effectiveness, particularly in the near term. Performance can certainly be regained, and for all we know, may in some instances even be slightly improved, although the latter is doubtful because human interventions rarely improve complex natural systems, but math suggests that it must be possible.

Not liking facts doesn't change facts.

Good luck in life. Ignoring obvious things can be fun, but rarely yields actual fruit.

My comments do not pertain to BSD's specific case, or attempt to justify anything he said.

Rather, they point out simple concepts. If you wreck the gut, there will be unavoidable consequences.
Absolutely without question, systemic ABX therapy wrecks the gut, for obvious reasons.
The chemical is designed to kill microorganisms, and it does. Nearly indiscriminately, and on a massive scale.

The onslaught that BSD was bringing in round one was very impressive. It's extremely unfortunate that when Poirier's fist landed on his chin the antibiotics took effect, causing such extreme fatigue that BSD's entire body turned off for a split second. If that would not have happened, Poirier never would've landed that follow up shot before the ref stopped the action.
I don't get the hate for this guy. He gave us a great fight and I wish more fighters fought like him. Yet half the people seemingly think he's a bum and should be cut?