Crime Antifa Megathread

Eventually someone will start shooting in self defense, and all of this Antifa nonsense will end.

I agree.

I never condone anything like you said but at this point, nothing will change....UNTIL A LIFE-ALTERING "CHANGE" happens(what you said). Let them think afterward about their "mortality" and whether it's worth RISKING "getting shot", and I do believe ANTIFA will go away.
I guess I do see his logic there. If you're close enough to throw a milkshake on someine, you're close enough for a handgun or even a knife to assassinate someone

So then it's simply a matter of would security catch stop said real weapon from being in the area at all?

I don't know if that's in the back of the mind of milkshake throwers at all, or if it's just a sticky thing that leaves an embarrassing mark while not truly being assault for any charges to be filed other than a misdemeanor disturbing the peace at worse.

Not to mention the fact that they are pushing the line and normalizing violence. I don't know if it's true but some are saying that they are putting quick drying cement in the milkshakes now, but it seems likely. How long before they feel emboldened to follow the suggestion that a British "comedienne" had of throwing acid? And you can be sure that, when the right starts really defending itself, they will do everything in their power to portray it as an act of terror and use it as an excuse to crack down. In fact it's already happened on a small scale, but in the long run they want to do it on an industrial scale.
Not to mention the fact that they are pushing the line and normalizing violence. I don't know if it's true but some are saying that they are putting quick drying cement in the milkshakes now, but it seems likely. How long before they feel emboldened to follow the suggestion that a British "comedienne" had of throwing acid? And you can be sure that, when the right starts really defending itself, they will do everything in their power to portray it as an act of terror and use it as an excuse to crack down. In fact it's already happened on a small scale, but in the long run they want to do it on an industrial scale.

MASS ARRESTS are needed.
conservatives are cool with violence against journalists until it's one of their own

Pretty much this. Fuck antifa and fuck the lying two faced conservatives making an issue of this while they support general violence against liberal journalists
Putting cement in a milkshake is the closest that these dirtbags have ever come to working in their pathetic lives.
I guess I do see his logic there. If you're close enough to throw a milkshake on someine, you're close enough for a handgun or even a knife to assassinate someone

So then it's simply a matter of would security catch stop said real weapon from being in the area at all?

I don't know if that's in the back of the mind of milkshake throwers at all, or if it's just a sticky thing that leaves an embarrassing mark while not truly being assault for any charges to be filed other than a misdemeanor disturbing the peace at worse.

He doesn’t think they are intentionally doing it. That’s why he keeps bringing it up as a concern cause it signals to the few nutcases something people may not be aware of.
conservatives are cool with violence against journalists until it's one of their own

Ummm. Nope. That’s the violent left.

But I can’t blame you for not addressing the issue at hand when it’s so embarrassing for you
With a title like "brutally beats journalist" I was expecting worse than that. Still really shitty of them but to say they should be listed and treated as a terrorist organization is pretty disconcerting. The government has granted itself extensive powers to deal with terrorism, to tolerate that is already bad enough IMO but to ask that the surveillance and security apparatus constructed in post 9/11 America be turned on US citizens in America is really short sighted. Today its Antifa that is designated a terrorist organization, maybe tomorrow its The Proud Boys or or some other right wing organization.

Its threads like these that make me laugh whenever people say that taking away guns would lead to a civil war. All you would need to malign the gun owners would be a few incidents like these and people like you would call them terrorists and have the government go after them with impunity. See @PainIsLIfe, this is what I was referring to earlier. These guys are just throwing milkshakes and shooting string, imagine what Americans engaged in an armed struggle with the government would be perceived as if framed in the right manner.

Antifa is absolutely a terrorist organization.
At the end of the clip there was 2 great big fat girls hitting him with shakes. Antifa liberals sure can pull some sexy tail <{Heymansnicker}>
First of all it's "You're" not "Youre".

As far as confrontation goes...

Ok sorry my phone didn't correct it your majesty.

Second giving nazis press is HELPING THEM. Otherwise their rallies to unnoticed. The only thing antifa and the protesters did was give them headlines. How is that helping in any way you total moron?
Ok sorry my phone didn't correct it your majesty.

Second giving nazis press is HELPING THEM. Otherwise their rallies to unnoticed. The only thing antifa and the protesters did was give them headlines. How is that helping in any way you total moron?

Well for one, it showed that people aren't going to lay down spread-eagle as Nazis try to claim the U.S.


I think America has done that before....
