News Beautiful blonde German Olympian disqualified for meeting up with Jamaican team. Breaking rules

Why is there a rule forbidding athletes from different countries from hanging out in the first place? That rule seems even sillier if it’s athetles of the opposite sex in completely different events.

Probably because emotions can throw athletes off.. who knows.
She was probably getting stoned and partying. It’s wtevr. Have fun
That's unfortunate for her. Assuming it's about sex, I thought they would allow athletes to have sex in the Olympic village. Isn't that why they hand out so many condoms?

You know... There is this thing called Covid going around..
There was even talk of canceling the Olympics this year.
Could have to do with that.. Just a wild stab in the dark.
Why is there a rule forbidding athletes from different countries from hanging out in the first place? That rule seems even sillier if it’s athetles of the opposite sex in completely different events.
prevent sabotage

I imagine the jamaicans would not perform as well if they were dehydrated and drained of fluids..........

that blond is one hell of a trap
I'd try to get me some Guilt Sex by mentioning that my grandfather died at Auschwitz.

Note to self: don't tell her he got drunk and fell out one of the guard towers;)
Ouch. Imagine having your family, friends, strangers whenever you go out and anyone you date in the future know that you got DQ'd in the olympics for getting gangbanged by team Jamaica.

HD video or it didn't happen.

Seriously, Schmidt, quit teasing us and drop the damn video!;)
When life imitates art...



Joking aside: you have thousands of people in their physical prime, overflowing with adrenalin, hormones and, definitely not PED's!;) They will have spent years training under the strictest discipline imaginable. Suddenly, win or lose, all the hard work is over, the pressure is off and they are surrounded by lots of other men and women in perfect condition, feeling the same kind of emotional relief...

I'm surprised they don't have to physically drag them off each other and march them out of the Olympic Village under armed guard when the Games end:)
Mother’s maiden name must have been Coleburn.
SMH, and it’s not like she was catching some Usain Bolt level D. Pathetic

RIP all the simps that were putting her on a pedestal. Give me a Latin American, Mediterranean chick over any of these Northern Euro hoes any day of the week.

And before anyone says anything... I’ve heard more stories than I can remember from Afro-American GIs about their time in Germany. And my experiences with British and Irish chicks as a Latin (o) guy is basically the same.

They’re loose and immoral AF. Fun bang. Wouldn’t date, much less marry


Latin's are fun - the one's I've had have been kinky AF, possibly due to the whole Catholic schoolgirl education thing;) - but you fall in love with the White girl.

But hey, horses for courses, my man:)

Latin's are fun - the one's I've had have been kinky AF, possibly due to the whole Catholic schoolgirl education thing;) - but you fall in love with the White girl.

But hey, horses for courses, my man:)

He's probably right about UK/Irish chicks, to be honest (I'm Welsh) but I disagree somewhat about German girls. I don't find them particularly slutty, the odd one or two yeah but not as a blanket statement.

Latin's are fun - the one's I've had have been kinky AF, possibly due to the whole Catholic schoolgirl education thing;) - but you fall in love with the White girl.

But hey, horses for courses, my man:)

haha. The key is the tight nit family, and even living with their extended family. The closer they are to their loved ones emotionally and physically the less likely they are to slut it up like this broad (Like really, the whole team lol? Couldn’t just pick one dude hah?) for fear of bringing shame etc

Now are their Latin/catholic girls who are exceptions? Sure. But that’s my overall impression and jives with everything I’ve heard from friends and acquaintances. And the same applies with Jewish girls and other religious chicks.

Good for them. But imagine paying 40k a year to send your daughter to get railed by some CFL/XFL aspirant?

Shed better be majoring in STEM or law. You want to party hard, study hard. Otherwise it’s University of Phoenix for you
She risked it all for the BBC.
what it seems to be saying is her team was DQ'd for making contact with the Jamaicans on the track, you porn-addled goofs

but the best I can come up with on google is it was some fuck up with dropping the baton that got them DQ'd, no mention of contact at all

porn really done a number on men these days...
On the track?! Wow these people have no shame

This but with more weed.

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