Social Boston's woke Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu plans secret no WHITES Christmas party: Aide accidentally sent group email invite

If you're the kind of white person who thinks a Christmas party celebrating minorities is racist, I doubt you can be reached.

Just take a moment to consider the fact the overwhelming majority of POC lawmakers are Democrats, and the GOP is the group complaining about the party, backed by conservative media.

The GOP has no defense so they're always on offense. POC lawmakers are a small group but they've doubled in size in the last twenty-five years, and that makes them nervous. The message here is that POC lawmakers shouldn't celebrate who they are.

How many GOP Christmas parties are exclusively white? Probably most of them, as the GOP doesn't elect many, but this issue is so small and petty Democrats aren't taking a survey.

White fragility runs the GOP.

How many GOP Christmas parties were organized in secret, and the invites said "non-whites not allowed"? Probably none(barring some obscure party from like a century ago).

That's what none of you defending this seem to want to acknowledge. That is, it's not that it was a party exclusively for non-whites, but that it was keot secret. If this was done purely in good faith, there would be no reason to attempt to pull I think off without being transparent bout it.

I would also argue it's getting into an ethical gray area, when you have the taxpayers funding what is essentially a celebration that is overtly segregationist. I would've thought we've moved past that a generation or two ago.
How many GOP Christmas parties were organized in secret, and the invites said "non-whites not allowed"? Probably none(barring some obscure party from like a century ago).

That's what none of you defending this seem to want to acknowledge. That is, it's not that it was a party exclusively for non-whites, but that it was keot secret. If this was done purely in good faith, there would be no reason to attempt to pull I think off without being transparent bout it.

I would also argue it's getting into an ethical gray area, when you have the taxpayers funding what is essentially a celebration that is overtly segregationist. I would've thought we've moved past that a generation or two ago.

In secret? Whites are excluded?

I didn't invite you to my party, does that mean it's secret? Do you invite every single person to every single party?

There are undoubtedly plenty of white only conservative parties, this party is a celebration of minorities in government. The party has existed for a decade and as reported to used to be tiny. It exists because of conservative attitudes demonstrated perfectly by this issue.
Why does everyone have to have an "issue" regarding this?

Because you specifically brought up outrage, but you're being selective about which outrage you're criticizing, that is the attack on your integrity.
I think any groupings based on race js stupid but you never asked my position you just assumed it like an idiot

You already gave me your position by omission. I've never seen you attack the Black Congressional Caucus in any thread on this forum. If you want to prove me wrong, then link me the comments where you do.
Because you specifically brought up outrage, but you're being selective about which outrage you're criticizing, that is the attack on your integrity.

Except I'm not criticizing outrage, and if you actually read my posts instead of replying to made up shit that would be really helpful. I said that I'm not personally outraged, if others are that's their own deal. Whether they're consistent or not, I don't care. If you do, fine. Go ahead and rail against their hypocrisy or whatever. But don't attach the views of others to me.
Except I'm not criticizing outrage, and if you actually read my posts instead of replying to made up shit that would be really helpful. I said that I'm not personally outraged, if others are that's their own deal. Whether they're consistent or not, I don't care. If you do, fine. Go ahead and rail against their hypocrisy or whatever. But don't attach the views of others to me.
You're just feeding the troll.

Just ignore that moron. He's not here for anything resembling an honest conversation. He's not ever gonna be like "Oh' hey, good point". He'll just pivot to some other bullshit when you have him cornered, and rile you up some more. Trust me, this is all he does.
You're just feeding the troll.

Just ignore that moron. He's not here for anything resembling an honest conversation. He's not ever gonna be like "Oh' hey, good point". He'll just pivot to some other bullshit when you have him cornered, and rile you up some more. Trust me, this is all he does.

I agree with all of this except him riling me up. I know his tactics, my replies aren't some vane attempt to have him see the error of his ways. More to allow others who might not have seen him previously get to witness how he operates.
You're just feeding the troll.

Just ignore that moron. He's not here for anything resembling an honest conversation. He's not ever gonna be like "Oh' hey, good point". He'll just pivot to some other bullshit when you have him cornered, and rile you up some more. Trust me, this is all he does.
Pull up any time where you've ever said this. You're just as pig ignorant and stubborn as you're trying to say I am.

I agree with all of this except him riling me up. I know his tactics, my replies aren't some vane attempt to have him see the error of his ways. More to allow others who might not have seen him previously get to witness how he operates.
The way I operate is that I brought up the congressional black caucus, a bunch of these window lickers started saying '"That's different!" and then all of them dramatically bumbled and failed actually explaining or demonstrating why it is different.

That's why they stopped responding. You know sherdoggers well enough that they will never pass up a chance for a gotcha.
Pull up any time where you've ever said this. You're just as pig ignorant and stubborn as you're trying to say I am.

The way I operate is that I brought up the congressional black caucus, a bunch of these window lickers started saying '"That's different!" and then all of them dramatically bumbled and failed actually explaining or demonstrating why it is different.

That's why they stopped responding. You know sherdoggers well enough that they will never pass up a chance for a gotcha.

Not how you operated with me though, is it? I gave you objectively reasonable answers, and you predictably reverted to sniveling and trying to attribute the positions of others to me.
The left really says and does some stupid stuff related to race (this, redefining racism to include a power element that all white people magically have and even powerful rich minorities don't, "latinx", catering to race-based victimhood culture at the expense of actual victims to name a few), but the right isn't immune to playing the race card when convenient, they vigorously defend the 3 people of color in their party.

"Candice Owens is a grifter and an idiot"

youre racist!, you just don't like a black person who doesn't fall for the liberal agenda!

"No, I dont like her because she parrots the same dumb s**t as every other right wing hack and she's a grifter because she changed her entire political ideology to make money, sells knock off chinese phones to idiots and has shown she'd say anything if it makes her money.. she's the political equivalent of gay for pay."

You'd cheer her on if she was on the left!
Shit like this don’t faze me.

Why demand to go where I wasn’t invited?

Why be pissed you weren’t invited?

That’s like going to a predominantly white barber shop and then getting mad cause they don’t have anybody that can cut black folks hair.

Fuck outta here!
The left really says and does some stupid stuff related to race (this, redefining racism to include a power element that all white people magically have and even powerful rich minorities don't, "latinx", catering to race-based victimhood culture at the expense of actual victims to name a few), but the right isn't immune to playing the race card when convenient, they vigorously defend the 3 people of color in their party.

"Candice Owens is a grifter and an idiot"

youre racist!, you just don't like a black person who doesn't fall for the liberal agenda!

"No, I dont like her because she parrots the same dumb s**t as every other right wing hack and she's a grifter because she changed her entire political ideology to make money, sells knock off chinese phones to idiots and has shown she'd say anything if it makes her money.. she's the political equivalent of gay for pay."

You'd cheer her on if she was on the left!

That power shit ain’t new.
As President Lyndon B. Johnson said in the 1960s to a young Bill Moyers: “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”

That power shit ain’t new.
As President Lyndon B. Johnson said in the 1960s to a young Bill Moyers: “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”
That seems more to mean that "if you give a person someone to blame they won't realize they should blame you" than suggesting that it's impossible to be racist if you don't have power.

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