Boxing focus


Purple Belt
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
I've been training but have been super bad about logging things. So gonna make a new thread and try and keep myself accountable with actually writing things down.

Had a lot going on this year, quit my job teaching martial arts back in July, started a new job in sales in August. About to leave that job and start another job in sales in January. So schedule was is pretty finicky on when i can train. But even though i'm still kinda fat, my cardio's improved a lot in the last coupla months doing 1-2 times a week.

will post some videos of my training over the last few months in a bit as well.

goals: Keep getting better at boxing, keep getting into better shape.
vague as hell i know but that's it for now.
September 19th

September 24th

October 16th

October 28th

November 21st

I think i've shaken off a lot of ring rust in the last 3 months, had to break some habits from TMA and kicking in terms of footwork/headmovement which i think are mostly gone now.

Just gotta keep working on cardio, and my jab speed in particular.
I tend to be a counter puncher, but wanna work on my movement coming in and closing distance now.
Went for a little over an hour. Cant' feel my left shoulder, threw 90% jabs for the whole time + speed bag work.

lunch/dinner. Chicken pasta with lots of chicken. 1600 calories, 140g protein.
light day today, just did double end bag work, shadowboxing, and speed bag. No heavybag work today.

finished with sledgehammer swings on a tire for a bit of shoulder/back conditioning.

Went in and just did 30 mins of light cardio. Mostly double. end bag with a couple heavy bag rounds mixed in.

finished with 2, 3 minute rounds on a speed bag. And then filmed like a min as i was on my way out.

@eternaldarkness Hate the height of this speedbag and the platform though, makes it very difficult to go faster than i am in the video lol.
started loading creatine a few days ago, scale surprised me this morning cause i forgot 'bout the water gain initially haha. Gained 4lbs in the last 5 days while eating under maintenance.

Cardio felt great today. still fairly light. Will be ramping it up Tuesday when i meet up with my coach.

all rounds were 3 minutes on, 1 minute rest
1.) shadowboxing
2.) double end
3.) speed bag
4.) heavy bag
5.) heavy bag
6.) double end bag
7.) speed bag

Did some dumbell work for fun and ab work afterwards.
Yesterday did 30-40 mins of bagwork

Today went in did some bag work. And a little bit of light sparring (maybe 10-12 mins, single round) with the most experienced new guy that was there since my coach was out of town for the holidays. Was there for a little over an hour.
8-10 rounds + light dumbell work after and ab work.

3 mins on, 1 min rest.
6 rounds on bag, 3m/1m

3 rounds on speed bag. 3m/1m
Light work today, did 4-5 rounds.

then 3 rounds on the speed bag

and dumbell work afterwards. Should have sparring tomorrow (hopefully)

1 hour of class today.

First half was double end/heavy bag work.
Then did a lot of partner slipping/head movement drills.

finished with conditioninig (abs and sprints)
getting to the point where my muscles are giving out before my cardio... (probably because of my extra weight tbh).
did 5 or so rounds of double end bag work (3 mins/1m) and then a few speed bag rounds.

Finished with pre-hab excercises for my legs/lowerback/shoulders as my knee/lowerback were bothering me today. \
and pushups/abs/dumbells after
Wasn't feeling great today. Body was sluggish and shit, prolly bad sleep the last coupla days.

rounds were 3m/1m
1.) heavy bag
2.) heavy bag
3.) double end
4.) speed bag
4 min. rest.
5.) heavy bag
6.) heavy bag
7.) double end
8.) speed bag
4 min rest.
Next rounds were 2m on 30s off
9.) double end
10.) heavy bag
11.) double end
12.) heavy bag
13.) speed bag
14.) speed bag

Abs/dumbell work after.
15-20 mins of double end/speed bag work for warmup. Thena bout an hour of light technical sparring with a buncha different guys. Coach wasn't there so i went with all the other newer guys.

Then a bit of ab work after. Shoulder's still fucking with me.
warmed up for a bit on double end bag. Then did a few rounds of power focused heavy bag work.

Ended with a couple speed bag rounds and pushups/abs.

short day over all. lower back was sore as a mofo from yesterday.
Shoulder has been bothering me more and more on the top by the ac joint. hoping nothing's wrong there, had an old shoulder injury like 8 years ago wrestling and never got it properly taken care of. Thinking that boxing again has started aggravating it.

shadow boxing, double end bag work. And agility ladder work today.
Well, shoulders felt great tonight. Been icing it and just taking it easy and didn't bother me at all tonight. However, my lower back was fucking Dead by the end of tonight.

3-5 mins of double end bag and
5-10 mins of jump rope for warmup.

Then coach had us do 1 hour of Jabs. 3 mins on, 1 min off. I didn't throw a single other punch tonight.
Combination of shadow boxing/rope drills, and partner drills.

Then did 10 mins or so of some footwork, working with my back off the cage.

Had to take a couple breaks towards the end just cause my lwoer back was tightening up like a mofo.

Cardio felt great tonight.
Warmup, sparring, and some short bag work to finish off after wards.

will have some (albeit shitty quality) videos up soon.

Had 1 good (better than me) boxer come tonight so did a couple light rounds with him. Only got 1 on video aftewards that we re-did just so i could have one on video unfortunately. We went harder earlier but i didn't get film :(
Light bag work today, ab work after.

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