Media Bruce Buffer answers Jim Miller’s request to announce him as Jim ‘F***ing’ Miller at UFC 300: “I don’t like cursing at my job. The answer is no.”

Understandable decision?

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Look, as a guy who curses alot and has never snorted coke out of a strippers asshole I have never understood guys who won't curse on camera or smoke a cigar on camera but are totally fine snorting coke out of a strippers asshole.
Not .. off the titty?

Or, even off ... an ass CHEEK?

But off the poop hole?

<{chips}> the cheek is right there
The ‘Grocery Hole? lol

That's a conundrum.

It would be rude to waste the coke.

And it is nice of the stripper to stay all still and presumably balance in such a way so as to keep her butthole upwards and level.

But... I would really prefer my coke to not be, butthole coke.

Is that ... snooty... Of me...?

did the stripper take a shower upon arrival to the hotel room where this scenario has unfolded?
Not .. off the titty?

Or, even off ... an ass CHEEK?

But off the poop hole?

<{chips}> the cheek is right there

You know how it is, you tap the nose candy out over the crack and then you just gotta finish that line.

Bruce has standards, of course the girls are fresh out of the shower.
You know how it is, you tap the nose candy out over the crack and then you just gotta finish that line.

Bruce has standards, of course the girls are fresh out of the shower.

You know what they say.

"An ounce of preparation is better than a gram of butthole coke."

Tap the nose candy over a mirror next time. Sheesh.
Honestly it's pretty lame anyway, I like Bruce for having the class to reject.

“I don’t like cursing at my job." --Bruce Buffer​

based. Genuinely respect it. We don't need this shit turning into a wwe circus and with liberal f-bombs all over the place. I mean it's fine when it's fighters talking shit to each other in fact it's encouraged, really, but we don't need the "professionals" going off-script because otherwise it's more difficult to pretend we're not enjoying the most barbaric and awesome and brutal sport ever and i need the copium so i don't feel like a piece of shit

Or something like that i dunno. War buffer tho
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Bruce can get himself some fake abs, fuck him some escorts, Spit in fighters faces, wear clown suits while jumping and twirling in the octagon, but won't curse because an mma ring announcer must have integrity? Give me a fucking break, Goober Magoo.
It’s not yours to decide.
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What is your job, that you want to compares it to UFC announcer?
First off, Buffer is the one who's inviting us to compare our jobs to his. Because he calls it just a job. A job is a job. Why the fuck can't we compare? I can't do what he does. He can't do what I do

Secondly, to answer your question, I work as a translator.

He doesn't like cussing at his job. I don't like cussing at mine either.

I mean... that's a big ask trying to get teh squeeky clean Buffer to say uncivilized wordz~
Not getting the Buffer hate here in the forum at all. Guy does a good job and doesn't want to curse on stage. Fair enough. There are times when I prefer not to as well, and it typically involves work. Was this Jim Miller's request anyways?...or was it something created by fans?
Obviously it's his right and all, but it does seem like a silly line to hold when taking into account how this year opened with a title fight between a guy who uses the word "f4ggot" a lot and his opponent taking snipes at the abuse said guy suffered at the hands of his dad.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that MMA is just about the last sport where professionalism is expected at this point. The majority of fans don't really care, and neither does the company really.
First off, Buffer is the one who's inviting us to compare our jobs to his. Because he calls it just a job. A job is a job. Why the fuck can't we compare? I can't do what he does. He can't do what I do

Secondly, to answer your question, I work as a translator.

He doesn't like cussing at his job. I don't like cussing at mine either.

Translator? Ok so your comparison is quite irrelevant.
Meanwhile he'll practice his spin in the mirror and get himself pumped up in the corner like he's some sort of an athlete. Buffer is a fucking clown, but obviously cursing on the PPV is probably a no go, and it's probably not even a decision he makes. Production probably tells all of them that.
The sponsorships on the fighters shorts were tacky …. But Bruce buffer and the abomination of an octagon they fight in that’s littered with ads isnt tacky?