International Coronavirus Breaking News, v13: Over 21,000 Healthcare Workers From Around The U.S Heading To N.Y

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It's about as good as could be expected at this time.

More banks should follow suit.

When people have to be off work, the only thing that will help them is cash in their pocket, not a delayed debt. If governments really want to help people they have to send money because them bills just keep rolling and they don't give a shit about you or your life or the fact you are going to be living in the street.
So in other words, you still owe so pay me my fuckin money. You have 90 days assholes. <45>
a payment break of 3 months is preferable to an eviction notice, apparently 120,000 people are suddenly unemployed and signing on for benefit, that dont include mortgage payments.
on the whole the republics response has been pretty good, apart from lack of testing. the north on the other hand, are following the rest of the UK into youre on your own territory..if it blows up in the North i can see a temporary border going up.
a payment break of 3 months is preferable to an eviction notice, apparently 120,000 people are suddenly unemployed and signing on for benefit, that dont include mortgage payments.
on the whole the republics response has been pretty good, apart from lack of testing. the north on the other hand, are following the rest of the UK into youre on your own territory..if it blows up in the North i can see a temporary border going up.

Yea its preferable to an eviction notice but this thing is going to fuck over a lot of people who are not going to be able to pay when the time comes man.
I have a pneumonia for almost 4 weeks now. I get it every year at the same time. I am not going anywhere near a doctors office or hospital. Eat well, get some exercise, try not to get too stressed, sleep and keep your distance from everyone.
Every year? Do you have allergies?

If by "may" you mean "absolutely", then yes.
I have a pneumonia for almost 4 weeks now. I get it every year at the same time. I am not going anywhere near a doctors office or hospital. Eat well, get some exercise, try not to get too stressed, sleep and keep your distance from everyone.

I am sorry to hear that.. I feel fir people who already have respiratory problems or other ilness
Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.Feb 11, 2020

I think were overreacting...
Claim: ‘It is no more dangerous than winter flu’
Many individuals who get coronavirus will experience nothing worse than seasonal flu symptoms, but the overall profile of the disease, including its mortality rate, looks more serious. At the start of an outbreak the apparent mortality rate can be an overestimate if a lot of mild cases are being missed. But Bruce Aylward, a WHO expert, who led an international mission to China to learn about the virus and the country’s response, said this has not been the case with Covid-19. The evidence did not suggest that we were only seeing the tip of the iceberg. If borne out by further testing, this could mean that current estimates of a roughly 1% fatality rate are accurate. This would make Covid-19 about 10 times more deadly than seasonal flu, which is estimated to kill between 290,000 and 650,000 people a year globally.
This has been the Catch-22 all along. It would have taken a military-style response and mobilization to have tests ready, test widely, prepare healthcare workers and first responders, have protective gear, medical equipment, and expanded hospital capacity (including ICU) ready. .
No, you literally just had to order some testing technologies that were already available internationally. Korea had a testing capacity of 1 million per week @ under $20 per test just 1 week after their first detected case. Then all you had to do was provide free doctor's visits, free tests, test EVERYONE including people that just come in contact with people who were infected, and contain the spread. Then the number of people infected would have stopped growing without even needing the extra hospital capacity, let alone a military style mass mobilization.

For some reason we didn't buy any testing technologies that were already available though.. and, MONTHS LATER, people who have flu like symptoms and stuff still can't get tested.. networks of people who came in contact with infected people still aren't being tested..
When people have to be off work, the only thing that will help them is cash in their pocket, not a delayed debt. If governments really want to help people they have to send money because them bills just keep rolling and they don't give a shit about you or your life or the fact you are going to be living in the street.

Not taking money out of their pocket is just as good as handing it over.

Helicopter money is coming though. Lots of it I imagine.
Oh man, just read UK now planning to force over-70s into a 4 month isolation?
Over 70s and those under 70 classed as high risk I e. Me
We are advising those who are at increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus (COVID-19) to be particularly stringent in following social distancing measures.
This group includes those who are:
If the way your government has handled the response to this issue has caused you to trust them more, you're an idiot.

Clearly not you though, we all know that you're a secret genius. You showed your hand a little too much earlier in this thread.

Consider yourself busted, maple syrup brother.

I still think New Brunswick is doing pretty good with what is happening so far

Certainly a lot of other places I'd rather not be
Goodluck to all 45 brave men and women who signed up for the first vaccine trials!

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A small Swedish company is producing 10,000 liter (2641,721 gallons) of hand sanitizer every day now. The mixture kills 99,9% of bacteria and the corona virus.

They are handing it out free to everyone!

It is a minor thing in the grand scheme of things but it is still rather uplifting.
I'll find a link but I heard a story on the radio of a small whiskey distillery switching their production to hand sanitizer and donating all of it.
Over 70s and those under 70 classed as high risk I e. Me
We are advising those who are at increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus (COVID-19) to be particularly stringent in following social distancing measures.
This group includes those who are:
    • being seriously overweight (a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above)
In Italy, aren't they rationing care and turning away people who are old or have pre-existing/ at-risk conditions so they can treat young and healthy people who are more likely to survive with the treatment?

I wonder how Americans would take it if they started saying you're too fat for a ventilator, we're giving it to the skinny guy instead?
Mass layoffs at my company. Rewind 1 month and we were projecting an amazing year, growing and hiring, etc. Now cutting a huge chunk of our workforce, and we are the lucky ones because I know of at least 4 local passenger transportation or tour companies who have already gone out of business.
Mass layoffs at my company. Rewind 1 month and we were projecting an amazing year, growing and hiring, etc. Now cutting a huge chunk of our workforce, and we are the lucky ones because I know of at least 4 local passenger transportation or tour companies who have already gone out of business.
My city thrives on cruise ship revenue

We are projecting the biggest cruise ship in history season

It probably won't allow one to even be visible from a distance around here
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