Law Coronavirus the US GOV'T Response analysis Thread

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That moment when you realize America is a third world shithole
Waiting for Trumpsters to spazz out and say but Norway. But we have the bestie doctors!
Someone just told me China now has a bird flu epidemic. Hopefully the idiots in Washington are better prepared since we have already signed the death notices for more then a few thousand.

EDIT: I took this photo from my local grocery store. It reminds me of Venezuela. Speaking of 3rd worlds.


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Someone just told me China now has a bird flu epidemic. Hopefully the idiots in Washington are better prepared since we have already signed the death notices for more then a few thousand.

EDIT: I took this photo from my local grocery store. It reminds me of Venezuela. Speaking of 3rd worlds.



Capitalism leads to Venezuela!
Where the fuck are our tests? We are one of the most vulnerable cities in the country. They are literally turning people away begging to get tested here. Where the fuck are they.

Did you know a month ago my friends work was hit with a really really bad flu, people saying they've never been sicker in their entire life? Ten people out of a crew of twenty couldn't come to work for weeks. One died of pneumonia. This was during Mardi Gras.

We've all talked about how bad this flu season was and (lmao thanks to Sherdog) I was like "y'all this might be something else" with all the cruise ships docked here. The millions coming into New Orleans, a city with a relatively small population but have you seen our confirmed cases? A hella large amount.

We went to work sick. I've been coughed on by tourists for months. People from everywhere in the country ask me dumb shit "oh I was here ten years ago... I went to this bar... There was gumbo..."

I knew then I should be self isolating. And I didn't. Because I knew if I took off work I would be fucking homeless. Because there is no protection of the worker here. Men had to fucking die to give us an eight hour work day.

All of us, everyone in New Orleans. We all talk about how bad the flu was for Mardi Gras. The worst we've ever seen. We went to work though. Had to go to work. It was either work sick or be homeless. Surely you can agree that that's the case for many many Americans.

I've never taken shit from the government out of spite and I fucking hate that I'm about to beg for unemployment. We could have prevented this. I've had people call me selfish for working the last week. About how I could be spreading the virus. I live in fucking America. There is no other choice here.

As a citizen of Norway, where such a situation would be unthinkable, I have great empathy for you and wish you the best. Stay strong.

One can foster the hope that this terrible situation will generate a stronger movement for workers rights in the US. And I say this as someone who is somewhat conservative by Norwegian standards.
They even have more items on their shelves.
I was at Costco earlier- hamburger gone chicken gone bread gone eggs gone

But there was pork shoulder, bacon, and jerky so I wasn’t even mad
As a citizen of Norway, where such a situation would be unthinkable, I have great empathy for you and wish you the best. Stay strong.

One can foster the hope that this terrible situation will generate a stronger movement for workers rights in the US. And I say this as someone who is somewhat conservative by Norwegian standards.
No need to high road us third worlders

Call our country a shithole you asshole
I was at Costco earlier- hamburger gone chicken gone bread gone eggs gone

But there was pork shoulder, bacon, and jerky so I wasn’t even mad
Toilet paper though was there toilet paper! My precious toilet paper.
Tons of uneccessial businesses are closed in my area. It looks spooky around my area in my whole life I have never seen anything like it.
No need to high road us third worlders

Call our country a shithole you asshole

I have a real affinity for the US, have travelled there fairly extensively and consider it an amazing country in many ways. However, it seems to me that some serious changes are necessary and much of it regards taking better care of your citizens.
I also realize I sound angry and honestly I am, I'm fucking scared right now. My entire life just fell apart today. I just want you to know my anger isn't directed towards you, and I appreciate our discussion.

So you lean socialist the same reason I do. I think we all are inherently. You talk about greed, and yes that is inherently human nature. Everytime I tell a crackhead I ain't got anymore cigarettes even though I do. That's greed.

So remove the crackhead. Provide support to addicts and help their recovery. That removes our problem.

Also I really like your ten dollar analogy, that is a good question. Socialism isn't Communism though... We're not all forced to take a dollar.

I look at it like this.. and please forgive me if this doesn't make sense.

There's $110 dollars. On person comes in and they take $100 of it. Then they force us all to fight over the remaining $10. That's inherently what's happening in the US right now.

I've had friends who went into self quarantine after begging for a test... The rich though. They find a way. Why are they better than us? Why do they deserve tests more than we do? Is monetary value truly the determination of our worth to society?

Sorry to hear that. I know it's probably not something you want to do, but if you set up a GoFundMe, I'll donate. I'm sure plenty of others on this site will do the same.
As a citizen of Norway, where such a situation would be unthinkable, I have great empathy for you and wish you the best. Stay strong.

One can foster the hope that this terrible situation will generate a stronger movement for workers rights in the US. And I say this as someone who is somewhat conservative by Norwegian standards.
I think it will. Which is what we need right now. Sanders as president would have helped all of us.

Also.... I set up my little quarantine battle station and MY FUCKING GAMING CHAIR JUST BROKE. CHINA HAS RUINED MY LIFE TWICE TODAY.
I think it will. Which is what we need right now. Sanders as president would have helped all of us.

Also.... I set up my little quarantine battle station and MY FUCKING GAMING CHAIR JUST BROKE. CHINA HAS RUINED MY LIFE TWICE TODAY.
Time to loot Office Depot
I think it will. Which is what we need right now. Sanders as president would have helped all of us.

Also.... I set up my little quarantine battle station and MY FUCKING GAMING CHAIR JUST BROKE. CHINA HAS RUINED MY LIFE TWICE TODAY.

Despite whatever differences we may have, or have had I'm sorry that you lost your job(s). That sucks and I don't wish it upon anyone.
Sorry to hear that. I know it's probably not something you want to do, but if you set up a GoFundMe, I'll donate. I'm sure plenty of others on this site will do the same.
Nah dawg. That's not me. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I'd rather be homeless to be honest.
Republicans care more about commerce than people's lives. Sad!

nothing new about that - republican party was always about establishment and protecting the interests of corporations
anything that includes spending money on social measures is seen as communism - but when big companies need bailouts then its okay to hand out money like there is no tomorrow

not that democrats are any better
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