Media Fan that Arman took a punch at identified

D bag. He fuckin deserved that , flicking off another man directly to his face and not expecting repercussions .
You should know that on sherdog, cage fighters are held to higher standards than senators,CEOs and even presidents and PMs.

Seriously though isn't this the part of the Shermovie where we all step forward and claim responsibility?
I am a bigger fan of Arman after punching a fan, it's quite refreshing to see a fighter not put up with the usual bullshit from fans. So many are wasted in the stands doing stupid shit at UFC events.
He "just" shown him middlefinger..didnt even reach on him or anything. Also guy is absolute dick for doing it but Tsaruykan is very comical person to me...too much blah blah.

BTW if he atleast landed when he throws sucker punch on fan...<lol>
If he literally just flipped him off, Arman should be in deep shit.. Gotta have thicker skin than that. If he hit Arman fair game, but you can't go clocking every person that points a finger at you, it's just a finger ffs lol. Proper response would be to give that fan the good old Diaz double finger. If he finished charles and then gave that dude a good double fingering, that would have been the ultimate response.

Meh, I don't know. If the guy had flipped him off in a McDonald's parking lot, then you might have a point. However, Arman is a pro fighter and was on his way to the cage, his nerves on edge and ready to go. Stupid games, stupid prizes and all that...
Meh, I don't know. If the guy had flipped him off in a McDonald's parking lot, then you might have a point. However, Arman is a pro fighter and was on his way to the cage, his nerves on edge and ready to go. Stupid games, stupid prizes and all that...
I mean the entire crowd yells "you're gonna die!!" In Portuguese in Brazil so... It's not as bad as that lol. It's no worse than booing imo.
I mean the entire crowd yells "you're gonna die!!" In Portuguese in Brazil so... It's not as bad as that lol. It's no worse than booing imo.

That ain't personal. Practically a term of endearment.

Obvious difference between being flipped off randomly on the streets and being heckled as you are walking to the ring by fans.

But even if we ignore that, if you flip someone off randomly in the street and they run over and punch you -> they are still in the wrong.

You aren't allowed to assault someone because they hurt your feelings.
Didn’t say it was allowed. Just explaining that ppl wouldn’t flip other ppl of face to face bc there might be physical consequences which prevents most of us from doing it. Bc Arman is a pro athlete doesn’t give you an excuse to do it.
Again, not saying what Arman did was right.
“I flipped him off, nothing else”.
Actually he’s got a pair of sunglasses hanging off his ears and wearing them behind his head. That would anger me too.

All of it. The stupid mustache. Dinky ass figaro chain. Someone nailed it early when they said punchable face.
Arman did a good job. What kind of piece of shit you have to be to flip off someone just because.
Guys does have a punchable face, i'll allow it.