Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread

Is this reasonable? or a slippery slope?

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I love the usual censor clowns in here applauding this.

Yes, let's cheer on the censoring of all material that has anything negative to say about vaccines, lumping legitimate concerns/critiques with tinfoil garbage. This is total lunacy.
They can't call it false info anymore, since it isn't false. So they so stop pretending and just call it anti-vax.
hmm that's a good point. They can't say videos simply stating "you're not immune" is incorrect false info so they just censor it under another label, which boils down to wrongthink.
If the vax was all it’s cracked up to be this wouldnt be necessary in the slightest.

This is hilariously opposed to what America was meant to be.

inB4 lazy posters pull the “private company” card.

This is shameful trash.

Is it truly a private company anymore when they require massive amounts of taxpayer subsidized bandwidth to simply operate, while reporting user information to government agencies?

Just some food for thought.

I love the usual censor clowns in here applauding this.

Yes, let's cheer on the censoring of all material that has anything negative to say about vaccines, lumping legitimate concerns/critiques with tinfoil garbage. This is total lunacy.
It's slowly turning into North Korea.
People might have to read books now to get their info on vaccines. Seems like a net positive to me
Oh. So all historically white countries need to die. Got it. How is your freshman year of college going?

Right. Because that's exactly what I said.

What you are doing is the same as breaking a dog's leg, and then blaming him for limping.

There's a reason you refuse to actually address the substance of what I said, because you can't.

I can reduce the issue down to some very simple logic, given your reading comprehension seems to be severely limited.

Man sets fire to neighbor's home and all of their possessions.
Victims of fire now have nowhere to live and seek shelter in firestarter's backyard.
Man turns around and blames his victim neighbors for invading his space.

You want people to respect your borders and sovereignty?

Maybe you could start by respecting theirs as well.
Remember when right wing conspiracy nuts went over to Parler. Lmfao.
Yeah their safe space didn't turn out so well. They kept posting pictures of their poop and threatening to kill each other. The CEO had to publicly ask them to stop.


If they had any self-awareness they'd take a break from whining and complaining about being victimized and realize the main problem is actually them.
One would think they would take away medical licenses from the countless doctors challenging the vaccine if there was ZERO reason to ask questions...

Worldwide, what are the percentage of "countless" doctors who are against the vaccine vs doctors who recommend it?

Last I heard is was at about 98%. Meaning 98% of medical professionals worldwide recommend being vaccinated.

Unless you can provide statistics to the contrary, you are basically telling everyone that it's much better to gamble on a statistical deviation rather than the observed mean.
"Turning into China" <Lmaoo>
YT is a private business. And I'd remove all the anti-vax loser videos, too.
Guess you'll just have to get your dangerous anti-vax propaganda elsewhere.
YouTube is banning prominent anti-vaccine activists and blocking all anti-vaccine content

SAN FRANCISCO — YouTube is taking down several video channels associated with high-profile anti-vaccine activists including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who experts say are partially responsible for helping seed the skepticism that’s contributed to slowing vaccination rates across the country.
The more I think of this, the more it feels like a shield to quell the inevitable pushback from more people when Israel's experiences comes to NA, especially Canada. Flu season is around the corner, and we're approaching the waning efficacy timeline for Pfizer. Canada is largely Pfizer dosed, and the majority got their second jab 4 to 5 months ago. It's going to be a come to Jesus shitshow folks, and the powers that be are preparing to squash dissent.
Turning into China because a private company makes a decision in their own interest.

I like how this plastic fake nose bimbo acts like she sat up researching studies and determining the validity of their results. She gets paid to look pretty and read off a teleprompter, maybe she should stick to that. And she just says shit like "all the science says your wrong", while not providing a actual scientific point as to why. Maybe if she actually read the studies she claims to have she'd be able to muster up a single science-based counterpoint.
Yeah their safe space didn't turn out so well. They kept posting pictures of their poop and threatening to kill each other. The CEO had to publicly ask them to stop.


If they had any self-awareness they'd take a break from whining and complaining about being victimized and realize the main problem is actually them.

Because they’re psychotics. We have millions of these far right wing psychos in America
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