Social GoldenWolf's COVID Vaccine/Lockdown Protest megathread

Is this reasonable? or a slippery slope?

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I remember one time i was up north and some backpackers were talking about how they love swimming in Australia as there are opportunities everywhere, you just pull over and jump in. I was shocked at their naivety (or balls) because it was summer and just the box jellyfish are an absolute fucker but worse yet crocodile numbers have quite literally exploded over the last 30years.
After a passionate warning with vigorously waved arms they realised there was a danger that they hadn't known and thanked me profusely.

With the uptake as they are it seems people are talking, I know, I know its rediculous to believe that people are listening to anecdotes, wtaf anecdotes not random double blinded studies which no vaccine study has EVER done.

"GERMANY, Karl Lauterbach, oh my, Germans will not be happy, the demand from the population for a fourth vaccination with the new, adapted vaccines has so far been low.
The Federal Ministry of Health ordered 100 million doses. Now criticism of Karl Lauterbach is loud; well, same will be in US, just 2% taken & <4% parents for kids since FDA approval

I guess you will all see my dig and I hope it lays to rest the chemical morons with "the anecdotes don't count" this is basically saying that experences don't count, lol experience doesn't count.

In the real world experience is almost everything, the backpackers didn't give me a lecture on the uselessness of anecdotes and neither did they ask for my trial held by THE approved scientists telling them what they want to hear. This is because they are human beings not robots and have the intelligence to assess risks, rewards, gain, loss and decency.

The germans are talking and so is the entire planet, take the time to reach out randomly to one person in another city, state or even a different country and warn them. Share the information you think is safe to share and tell them we are all in this together, we win or lose as an entire species.

I will add this is the only good thing about online games, russian kids are teasing, joking, arguing and fighting with American kids and there is the slow realisation that we are all the same(except the soulless sociopaths) and perhaps you don't want to kill them for some lizard looking man that can't remember how to wipe his arse, or some glib fucker that can sell ice to Eskimos

Tell a random in the street your anecdotes, share the studies if able but more importantly share the stories because that person might make the difference. One of the best is "where are the bodies?" Where are all the prochoice bodies in the street and than share NSW data in Australia from Joel, explain no one challenges him because the data is incontrovertible
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There are a few names making big waves and they are noticed like Peter McCullough and Co but of all of them I believe Joseph Mercola is an unsung hero who has been correct in almost everything he has analysed to date.

"More Studies Confirm the COVID Jab Does More Harm Than Good
Cardiologist calls for the immediate suspension of all COVID shots as real-world data show they cause more harm than good

They've tried everything from cutting income streams, to shutting down his internet business site. Like a solid mate or a top girlfriend you turn around and they're still there, ready.
Soooo they tried to suppress the trial data for 55 and than 75 years, absolutely nothing suss at all about that.

"ICAN Wins Lawsuit Forcing CDC to Turn Over V-SAFE Covid Vaccine Injury Data – Shows 7.7% Seek Medical Care After Vaccination and 25% Have Serious Side Effects"

Soooo, better than the poor chicks and babies that are proven to get fucked up at an extraordinary rate but approx 2 out of every 100 people have serious side effects. It took a court order to get this data released but they do keep saying correlation isn't causation and obviously this is just my take on the massive behavioural red flag this is and as such being on the side of pro thinking it is an anecdote that should not be considered.

"According to the data, Out of the 10 million people who used v-safe, 3,353,110 were hurt.

And 6,458,751 health impacts were reported by v-safe users

Keep in mind thats just the v safe users not total injuries because not everyone in Vsafe would have used it and than there would be the dead(climate change obviously) and the non users.
30% fucking percent in a system renowned for serious under reporting, 30 fucking % are injured.

China is a prime example of why so many of us were staunchly opposed to the covid lockdown nonsense. It's a glimpse into what COULD be our own futures.

China is Exhibit A of what happens when a government takes its powers and controls WAY too far - and don't think our governments in the west are incapable of the same type of tyrannical behaviour. They have populations that aren't as conditioned and passive as the Chinese population, hence they can't go that far - yet.
Something interesting happened in regards to the Corona Committee: The head of the committee, Reiner, was accused of stealing over $1M in donations.

To me this is a sign that it was controlled opposition the whole time, and the scandal was the scheduled exit point for the operation. High-level controlled opposition is maybe 90% truth, then they slip in that 10% of lies that are pivotal in some way, e.g. reinforcing germ theory. I'm sure that many of his guests were earnest and truthful though. The whole 'Grand Jury' thing was a bit of a farce, although some interesting information did come out during the proceedings. A common objective of controlled opposition is that it gives people the illusion that somebody somewhere is 'doing something' and that they (the viewer) doesn't need to do anything or get involved. For example a classic control op. narrative meant to foster inaction would be Qanon: "Trump is secretly in power, the military is under his control and will move in when the time is right," etc. Meanwhile the mainstream media kept talking about Qanon, which of course would only funnel people who question the narrative towards checking it out through the Streisand effect. At this point I would assume that any commentator that's quite large or polished in some way is controlled opposition. They know some people will question things and they want to corral where they go from there.

Vaxxine risks vs

"A simple nasal wash reduces the risk of being hospitalized for COVID by >8X"

So 800% reduction in hospitalisation, and thats with simple saline imagine hydrogen peroxide etc .

"Executive Summary
A simple nasal wash with a saline solution performed within 24 hours of symptoms done twice daily for 14 days can reduce the risk of being hospitalized for COVID by 8X.

This is much better than Paxlovid (only a 2.5X reduction if you believe the trial data).

This is much better than any COVID vaccine performs in practice and it’s much safer too.
Sorry for your loss, but it would have been worse if he wasn’t vaccinated

Exactly, how fucking rediculous yet in actual fact your statement is in accurate because thise exactbwords have been uttered in situation with the same outcome.

More Dr's around the world are speaking out and some quite firmly. Dr Altmann has been very forceful and has had enough.


In reality we can't "insert capital punishment" them all so the more we can offer leniency to the better for society, the idea if being held responsible and culpable will bring out the rats from the ship.
Courtesy of Craig Kelly, one of our Australian politicians that has been speaking oit against the narrative.

"THE MEDIA BLACKOUT CONTINUES : Our media not only deceives the public by misinformation - but also deceives by deliberate silence.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics released offical EXCESS DEATH data last Friday, which showed a shocking and unprecedented continued level of excess deaths across the nation.

For the first 6 months of the year (after the roll-out of the boosters) deaths are running 17.1% above the recent average - that 13,524 unexplained excess deaths.

To put that in context, the body count of excess deaths is piling up faster than deaths during both WW1 and WW2

This should be the lead story for every media outlet in the nation. But we have near total silence.

Why ?

Is it because they know what the cause of these excess deaths are

that post is inaccurate

the college of physicians is providing guidance, for when patients come in ASKING FOR AN EXEMPTION to the vaccine

a doctor should include any notes written for patients who qualify for a medical exemption need to clearly specify:
  • the reason they cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19 (i.e., document clear medical information that supports the exemption); and
  • the effective time period for the medical reason (i.e., permanent or time-limited).

a lot patients don't have specific medical cases for an exemption, but they want the doctors to write the note anyway

doctors shouldn't enable that behaviour

Only if someone For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options.
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