Has a fighter ever taken a beating where you genuinely felt sorry for them?

A lot of fights posted here were between (similar) skilled fighters.
That's not the case with Khabib vs Horcher. What a mismatch that was. Hard to watch that beating.
Sorry bro I’m not a alpha sherdogger like you. When your emotionally invested in someone or something, that type of things tend to happen. But I think I will continue to watch mma this way anyways and you watch however u want to watch.
Is this an accurate representation of how you felt that week?dmitry.png
Relax buddy just busting your balls.
Does anyone remember the fighter that quit on his stool after a brutal 1st rd beating? It was last year I think. First fight in the ufc and people were ragging him. Even Dana defended him publicly. Can’t remember his name it the event but I did feel sorry for him
Is this an accurate representation of how you felt that week?View attachment 883368
Relax buddy just busting your balls.
Is this an accurate representation of how you felt that week?View attachment 883368
Relax buddy just busting your balls.

is this you? Put a muzzle on that noggin or at least a mask, it’s corona season.
Ortega comes to mind twice, against Max and against Volkanovski

Big Nog's fight against Roy Nelson was also pretty sad to watch. Big Nog looked and moved like a zombie, took a savage beating, including getting dropped a few times before getting stiffened

Legends getting beat down in the twilight off their careers are always sad to watch and you feel sorry for them. Examples include Fedor-Big Foot, and Saku-Manhoef
Agreed. I think the beating Arona gave Saku was the worst

Springer is a genuine 145er who fought down at 135 a few times too and stepped up big to try and get into the TUF house as a 155er.

Springer is a tough SOB, a good guy, and a great coach. That all made this one a tough fight to watch
JDS vs Cain II without a doubt ,made worse the crowd boo'd him for no reason, truly an embarrassing moment for MMA. Felt so bad for him, nice guy who did his best and yet that wasn't enough for the fight fans.

yeah that was ridiculous he took a world class beating but kept fighting and made it to the final bell. Boxing fans would have cheered him.
Some great picks bros.

My go to for this question is Brandon Lee Hinkle against Sean Gannon, sorry if posted already. Gannon looked like a shark attack victim! Absolute mauling.
Mostly JDS with Cain because he's a nice guy and just wouldn't give up.

Maybe a little bit with Ortega the last fight. Impressive display of heart when it felt like he was about to quit on a couple of occasions.