Crime Headlining Crime Megathread Vol 4.

You can literally see the gene pool get shallower generation to generation
Sounds like they were peacefully protesting. I'm paying their bail. This is fascism!
I'm all for shooting a guy that's pointing a gun at you. However it's always nice when people don't escalate a situation to the point of having an armed conflict. The shooter hit his breaks on purpose, flipped the guy off, verbally berated him, pulled his own gun out before he was menaced, and all he had to do was let the guy by and slow down to avoid the confrontation entirely.
Then he should be charged with reckless driving. That's a felony in most states I think.

Still no reason to pull out your gun. The gun is the final word. It's what you use when all diplomacy has failed, and it is used only when all diplomacy has failed. When a person pulls out their gun and points it at me they are telling me they intend to kill me. @Strategery I don't see anything radical about that. Not sure why you're acting like I'm being unreasonable. It's possible to denounce his part in escalating the situation and also support him defending himself. The way you're talking indicates that you think they're somehow mutually exclusive.
The data are consistent with the last five years: the majority of white homicide victims are killed by whites, the majority of black homicide victims are killed by blacks, and there are more than twice as many cases of black on white homicides (566) as white on black homicides (246).

Raw, context-free data like this is somewhat limited in its usefulness to 'explain' anything. It also gets a little complicated when considering how race and ethnicity are categorized and reporting issues...but we can still make some general observations without any further context.

That 'white on white' and 'black on black' murders are (by far) more common than 'black on white' or 'white on black' murders seems unsurprising, given that (AFAIK) the majority of violent crime is not random, but rather involves people who already knew each other.

It would be helpful to look at per capita figures, or expected vs. observed frequencies, when group size is unequal (e.g. there are far more white Americans than Black and Hispanic/Latino Americans in the general population)...but eyeballing the data still yields some interesting observations as the magnitude of some differences is sufficiently large so as to obviously be significant.

That more whites are killed by blacks (rather than vice versa) seems intuitive, given that there are simply far more white people overall; however, the much higher per capita murder and victim rates among Black Americans stands out. Black Americans commit slightly more murders and are victims of only slightly fewer murders than white Americans, despite making up a much smaller % of the population. Socio-economic factors (poverty, education, employment, family and community variables, etc.) probably help to explain a good amount of that discrepancy.

Looking at gender is a little more straightforward, given the roughly equal proportion of males and females in the general population. Substantially more males (black and white) commit murder and are victims of murder than females. Further, only 10% of male victims were murdered by a women, while the vast majority of women victims were murdered by men (my guess would be that domestic violence explains a lot of that).

Anything else strike anyone as noteworthy? I'm too lazy to do any deeper dive into any potential associations between gender, race, and ethnicity together.
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Textbook road rage btwn two irresponsible gun owners. Both should get their licenses revoked as well as jail time (shooter should get it worse if we’re being honest).

Your duty as a firearm carrier should always be to de-escalate and/or retreat if possible considering the gravity of consequences that can arise from unnecessary altercation.

Throw the book at ‘em. Reckless endangerment, reckless driving, brandishing etc.

Get these punks off public roads.
What bias? What do you mean by racial interpretations? Are you being vague on purpose?
Yes and no. Not sure what TS' intentions were in posting murders by race. There is a lot to unpack behind those numbers
People are still killing people as of 2019!?

That's a shame.
Meh, what are you gonna do, I guess? Boys will be boys.


America is kind of hilarious right now. What the hell meng?
I swear to god, I'm not kidding, I heard banjo music when I saw those pics.

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