Huntington Beach Mayor pro tem Tito Ortiz causes controversy with anti-mask/COVID vaccine stance

UFC Champion
Small business owner
Banging porn starts
City Councilman

Winning, Tito. Don't worry about the haters.


Edit: Forgot to mention - he was the referee for my first MMA fight.

It's easier for the left to throw personal insults than debate topics...

Takes less brain power that way.
And Joe has dementia... and y'all still voted for him

What's your point?
Biden's verbal flubs are most likely the result of two brain aneurysms he suffered over 30 years ago for which he has made remarkable recoveries. The guy needed two brain surgeries and one of the aneurysms affected the part of the brain that affects speech.

The two brain aneurysms Biden suffered in 1988 were fully treated and he showed no signs of mental trouble as a result, said Dr. Neal Kassell, who performed the surgery on Biden three decades ago. Nor did Biden suffer any brain damage that could come back to haunt him in old age, Kassell said.

There is no evidence to support the notion that President-elect Joe Biden has dementia. If all you're basing this on is his occasional verbal flubs, I would invite you to listen to one of many Trump compilations of his verbal flubs which are much more troubling.
I can't understand why people are against simply wearing a mask to be polite, not get others sick and stop acting like a selfish asshole. Is it really that hard to put a fucking mask for a few minutes when you go out or shopping for food? 3000 deaths a day mean nothing to these people?
Some believe their notion of freedom is tied exclusively to their ability to act against the word of state officials/authority, and that its exercise, whether rational or not, is an affirmation of personal sovereignty. This is usually the case when people exhibit traits of social distrust, and whose moral compass is skewed toward to the preservation of their Self above all else. This is why even some educated people can intellectualize their antisocial behaviors even if given the knowledge that an adherence of prosocial behaviors, such as mass adoption of masks during a pandemic, produces favorable self-preservation outcomes. Their ability to intellectualize does not mean they act rationally.
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I can't understand why people are against simply wearing a mask to be polite, not get others sick and stop acting like a selfish asshole. Is it really that hard to put a fucking mask for a few minutes when you go out or shopping for food? 3000 deaths a day mean nothing to these people?
I can’t understand why you can’t see the mask don’t work. Areas with mask mandates still have high infection numbers. The small minority of people who choose to not wear a mask are not the ones causing the virus to spread.
I can’t understand why you can’t see the mask don’t work. Areas with mask mandates still have high infection numbers. The small minority of people who choose to not wear a mask are not the ones causing the virus to spread.
So if the ones not wearing masks are the ones not spreading, are you inferring that the spreaders of the virus are the ones wearing a mask?
I can't understand why people are against simply wearing a mask to be polite, not get others sick and stop acting like a selfish asshole. Is it really that hard to put a fucking mask for a few minutes when you go out or shopping for food? 3000 deaths a day mean nothing to these people?
That is the narrative, just be polite, save lives, submit to the false narratives that covid is piling up bodies in the streets. Mask mandates do not work and that should be clear by now. Mask mandates are basically just a show at this point. Fauci was right and told the truth the first time
So if the ones not wearing masks are the ones not spreading, are you inferring that the spreaders of the virus are the ones wearing a mask?
There was a study showing people that rewear masks have a higher chance of catching it than people that don’t wear masks. The overwhelmingly majority of people wear the same mask through out the day.
I can’t understand why you can’t see the mask don’t work. Areas with mask mandates still have high infection numbers. The small minority of people who choose to not wear a mask are not the ones causing the virus to spread.
First of all I don't know what you are saying is true. And even if there is a correlation between areas with a mask mandate with the virus spreading, it doesn't mean that's the cause or that masks are totally inefficient.

The only way to arrive at the definite conclusion that masks work or don't work is by conducting an experiment where you can control the variables. This would be unethical since you'd be exposing your subjects to the virus and with it the subsequent risks. So you can only rely on epidemiologists and statistical models to obtain data where you can infer some sort of determination, and the evidence has been conclusive that enforceable mask mandates add a layer of protection that help reduce transmission.

Another study looked at coronavirus deaths across 198 countries and found that those with cultural norms or government policies favoring mask-wearing had lower death rates.

Two compelling case reports also suggest that masks can prevent transmission in high-risk scenarios, said Chin-Hong and Rutherford. In one case, a man flew from China to Toronto and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. He had a dry cough and wore a mask on the flight, and all 25 people closest to him on the flight tested negative for COVID-19. In another case, in late May, two hair stylists in Missouri had close contact with 140 clients while sick with COVID-19. Everyone wore a mask and none of the clients tested positive.
source that also links to original studies: study looked at coronavirus,said Chin-Hong and Rutherford.

The available evidence suggests that near-universal adoption of non-medical masks when out in public, in combination with complementary public health measures could successfully reduce effective-R to below 1.0, thereby stopping community spread. Economic analysis suggests that the impact of mask wearing could be thousands of US dollars saved per person per mask (93).

There are several other studies I have found that demonstrate the effectiveness of a mask but I will spare them for now unless you ask for more.

I'm on my lunch break for work and don't have time to expand on why covid is continuing to spread. From what I have heard and read casually over the last weeks/months, the problem has always been not respecting social distancing measures by restricting casual contract with friends and family. People are still getting together and not wearing masks when they do.
There was a study showing people that rewear masks have a higher chance of catching it than people that don’t wear masks. The overwhelmingly majority of people wear the same mask through out the day.
Ok maybe, I'd have to read the study. But that doesn;t mean wearing masks don't help contain the spread. It just means you have to wash your mask more often, or revert to using disposable masks once or twice a day.

And also, you have to wonder if the absence of a national mask mandate leads to the finding you are referring. If I go to an area without a national mask mandate and I'm wearing a mask but some aren't, I end up risking having my mask contaminated by someone with covid-19 coughing on my mask. The strength of a mask mandate is ensuring that droplets aren't spreading. So the mask itself may be somewhat inefficient without a mask mandate.

By law I can't get into a store without wearing a mask. So no choice really. I am not a virtue signaler, I am not a millennial. The political left disturb me. This is an issue of common sense and logic.
Some believe their notion of freedom is tied exclusively to their ability to act against the word of state officials/authority, and that its exercise, whether rational or not, is an affirmation of personal sovereignty. This is usually the case when people exhibit traits of social distrust, and whose moral compass is skewed toward to the preservation of their Self above all else. This is why even some educated people can intellectualize their antisocial behaviors even if given the knowledge that an adherence of prosocial behaviors, such as mass adoption of masks during a pandemic, produces favorable self-preservation outcomes. Their ability to intellectualize does not mean they act rationally.

Rationality should be the most important thing in a civilized society.
I can’t understand why you can’t see the mask don’t work. Areas with mask mandates still have high infection numbers. The small minority of people who choose to not wear a mask are not the ones causing the virus to spread.

A source for this claim?
So if the ones not wearing masks are the ones not spreading, are you inferring that the spreaders of the virus are the ones wearing a mask?
The virus is spread by the masses, no matter if they do or do not have a mask on. Next time you go to a store, look at those wearing masks and how often they are on top of each other. The mask gives people a false sense of security and often they do not maintain any distance from others. The mask is as useful as a crocheted condom. I am not saying the virus is not deadly or that it is a hoax. I am just saying the masks do not help and from what I have seen locally can possibly be more of an issue than the good they are supposed to do.
It's funny that somehow this vaccine scepticism gets entirely pegged on Trump...

"“If the public health professionals, if Dr. [Anthony] Fauci if the doctors tell us that we should take it, then I’ll be first in line to take it,” Harris said.

But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it — then I’m not taking it.

Kamala Harris on COVID vaccine: Won't take it if Trump tells me to (

"Throughout the fall, Cuomo has repeatedly questioned the efficacy of any vaccine developed under the administration of President Donald J. Trump, including when the governor suggested the approval process has been "expeditious" or "reckless" in early November. A month earlier, he said that the American public was "very skeptical" about the vaccine, "and they should be.""

Last month, Cuomo accused the Trump administration of setting up its vaccine distribution program to gather personally identifiable information that could be used to deport people living in New York without documentation. The White House pushed back on that assertion and said it was an inaccurate allegation.

Cuomo, a frequent critic of FDA, concerned about vaccine skepticism (

The heroes of science, and leaders of the Democratic establishment, let their hatred for Trump devolve into anti-vaccine rhetoric - up until they won the election. And that's really the kicker - everyone can see that prominent Democrats were anti-vacc when it was politically expedient, and now the pretense of "we only follow the facts" is, quite obviously, just for show. How many times did we have to see Joe Biden preach masks until he thought the cameras were off, then walk up to his buddy on stage, neither wearing masks, before we figured out what was going on? You know, people might buy the whole narrative of being "the side that accepts reality" if you people didn't shit all over it to score political points whenever it suited your purposes - like you're doing now, by placing the blame entirely on Trump and his goons and trying to shuffle all responsibility off of people like the Governor of NY and the current Vice President.

Would you trust the guy who lies about everything to tell you the truth about a vaccine? I'm not sure how you can't see why people would trust Fauci over Trump. Trump thought it was a good idea to have his health experts waste time checking to see if there was a way of getting light into the body or using disinfectant into the lungs.
Source, look at any only the major news outlets and government reports where there are still spikes and increases in cases even though there are mask mandates

You see this as masks not working and not as the virus is highly infectious and with people getting indoors more often in the winter and that the virus can stay alive longer in the winter due to colder temperatures and less UV exposure. This is why you will never understand COVID.

I wore a condom but she still got pregnant. Your take, condoms don't work. This is a simplistic way to look at the world and shows a lack of understanding.

Change your username.