Shoop International Shoop League Season 7 Round 2 Voting Thread (Shooper Bowl)

Vote for you 5 Favorite Shoops!!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
These are the final scores. Round1 + Round2 = Final Score

01. Arqueto B2. 126 + 93 = 219
02. MacGregor A5. 97 + 66 = 163
03. Empty Emp A8. 73 + 79 = 152
04. Natural Order B3. 64 + 30 = 94
05. HughPhug B4. 56 + 26 = 82=
06. ib313 A6. 52 + 29 = 81
07. Draxton B8. 51 + 21 = 72
08. Myrddin Wild A10. 56 + 15 = 71
09. bigwaverider A9. 52 +19 = 71
10. chill doggie A3. 27 + 39 = 66
11. propain14 A1. 46 + 16 = 62
12. in the liver A4. 39 + 14 = 53
13. Ottawaguy B7. 33 + 15 = 45
14. Valhoven A15. 37 + 7 = 44
15. Zeroinnes B1. 28 + 14 = 42
16. Clippy B12. 12 + 30 = 42
17. BlackPanther A2. 29 + 6 = 35
18. Doughie99 B14. 18 + 4 = 22

@bigwaverider where is my artwork? Is it coming soon? Just curious!
I'd say, maybe he'll send you a postcard with all that $$$

I'm spending my winnings on cocaine and hookers I haven't tried either before but I hear good things.
I wonder what @Arqueto will do with all that money. I've got some credit card debts i'd like to get rid of and I heard there was a BBQ at @Clippy 's house and i'd like to purchase some beer.
I'm spending my winnings on cocaine and hookers I haven't tried either before but I hear good things.
Don’t forget the heroin(make sure to share the needles to save money) and meth while at it and salts and send me location so I can stay away from that area!
I wonder what @Arqueto will do with all that money. I've got some credit card debts i'd like to get rid of and I heard there was a BBQ at @Clippy 's house and i'd like to purchase some beer.
I miss your Dennis av already
I felt @Arqueto and I had a good friendly rivalry in the last couple contests. Always finishing one spot above or below each other.

But now he's the Michael Jordon of shoop contests and i'm not even a Dennis Rodman.

Like DC would say. "I guess if you win both fights there is no rivalry."


I will still tell my kids and grandkids one day that I met the shoop legend Arqueto before he hit his prime and that I beat him more than once.
hey, glad you got your old av back.
Thank you my brother and thanks for all the help along the way you are a great teacher and always up for helping people out, you are a true Sherdog treasure and don't get enough praise for all the work you put into the shoop scene here. Your first round shoop is one of the very best we have ever seen and went without getting the recognition it deserved, it was by far the best technically and it was hilarious too, shame on you Sherdog.

Right on brother. All that hard work has paid off. Well it has paid off even before this contest but now you are top dog.

@bigwaverider great shoop and all round great effort accomodating and hosting us all, you know we love bro

Mahalo brother. :D

Appreciate the advanced technique tips. I'm still operating on 18 year old knowledge and I figure my shit takes 40 times longer than it actually should! Will try and apply some of this in the near future. Thanks bro.

You probably have told me before but what are u using?

I loved doing this one. It’s my first shoop contests I took serious, and I’m excited to do it again.

Glad you had a good time brah. These competitions are adventures.

@bigwaveriderAny idea on a timeline for the next competition? You mentioned it will be non-GIF, which should make for some tight competition. Already pumped for the next event!

This is how the contests come about. Usually I am cruising along at Sherdog. In my underwear, combat boots, and orange ball in my mouth. Someone PM's me and says "Hey lets do a contest for such and such events.". Then we have a discussion about it and people vote yes or no. I have nothing planned as of now until something comes along. And yes, in rotation is the NGS (Non Gif Shoop) contest.

i still havent voted yet cause everytime i open page 1 my net crashes from the amount of gifs !! any chance it can be edited into spoilers please ?

You should try different browsers. It is always best to have several. I tend to use Epic Privacy Browser or Firefox. I also have Opera and Chrome installed. Of course Internet Explorer comes pre-installed on Windows. Sometimes a website won't work on one but will work on another of these browsers.

@Arqueto is for real! The Michael Jordan of shooping!

Beginner's luck!! (I used to say that to @Empty Emp even after he won ISL 4 times in a row).

Congrats to everyone! Not only is the quality going up with each contest, but we seem to have more people wishing to sign up each time. Soon the first round will have an A, B and C thread.

Oh no we won't have an A, B and C thread. I can barely handle 39 children much less 59. :p

After the entries were posted i noticed that someone had Khabib eagle as his AV so i guess it’s been done before. Too late by then....

Your gif was good brah. :d

@bigwaverider WTF have you done? You helped create a monster!.

@Arqueto knows the secret to shooping. Dedication. He works had brah. We talk shoop every day. I am thinking of making a "BWR Teaches you how to shoop thread" where I can make video/audio tutorials and have people ask questions. This should help a lot of people.

Thanx for the great technical advice as alwayz brother... & thanx for throwing one hell of a party once again! I didn't have much time to participate & bump the thread this time around, but I popped in & enjoyed everyone's comments (& recipez :D)

You're welcome brah. I am always here for you guys. :D

Thanks buddeh :)I'm hoping to do so much more next game

You have a good imagination Clipster. You are now a top 20 Shooper on Sherdog. People will put respeck upon your name.

Do you guys like The letter B strike all the way through, or partial. I couldn't make up my mind.

Here'z both versionz:



I think maybe you fell victim to the short attention span.

Much as everyone loves looking at these most people just want to look at each one for a few seconds, very few people are as invested as us and possibly wouldn't watch something longer than maybe 10 or 15 seconds

As a general rule, the longer gifs have always won this contest.

NGS is next, but lets not forget we have an inevitable Froot Shoops event looming at some point in time me thinks :D @Brother Otto created a monster with that one!!

I'm waiting for someone to hold that event. Anyone on this forum can hold Shoop events. You and @Ottawaguy can do it. :D

I like all the way through, but maybe lined up somehow. We should have a "Shoop that BMF belt" thread @bigwaverider

I'm looking right back at you and see a guy who can hold this contest. :D
@The Clark held a Shoop The New UFC Belt Contest
Anyone can do it.


Haha, thanks for all the kind words gents it's been an honor serving with you in this long and grueling ISL campaign.

..........and big thanks to the shoop General for leading us into battle and wiping our butts and noses and stuff when it was needed. I feel we didn't mess up enough for him this round so for the next one we must try harder:

What a handsome man. Thanks brah.

Congrats to @Arqueto for capturing the most prestigious award Sherdog offers. You are a legend. And wow! @MacGregor does his work on a phone? Thats impressive. Congrats on second place.

@MacGregor's accomplishment is one of the most impressive things ever on Sherdog. Yes, on a cell phone. I keep trying to get him to join the 2000's and get a real computer.

Ok butthurt is subsiding enough to say congrats to the winners in an extremely strong round/tournament

Congrats to everyone who took part, most of this shit looks totally pro at this point

No shortage of good vibes in the thread during the voting process neither

Thanks overall go to @bigwaverider for actually making this happen, on top of being Shoop Jesus


Thanks brah. Appreciate that.

Respect to @bigwaverider as always for putting these together


Thanks brah. Appreciate that.



What I actually do for fun.

How the hell do you get all the lights down there? Are they rn on batteries or generator?

Meh... I am so out of shape right now... work life sucks.

I hear dat I'm in an office posting on Sherdog all day

@ib313 and @Clippy are the only Shrebros who arent 6' 6" and jacked.

This is important @bigwaverider people with different set ups like meh internet, or older phone or older computer or stuff like that will get assaulted by 20 gif shoops moving around so maybe consider putting them into spoiler tags to help out those people for the future ?

It's 2019 brah the Year of Blade Runner. We are supposed to have lifelike androids, colonies in space, flying cars, and all kinds of neat gadgets. Unlimited bandwidth and fast internet connections are a thing of the 1900's, literally. These contests are already being stunted by cell phone users. We have had to put a limit on the size of an image. This is not something we had to do in the past. I will not stunt it any more. Perhaps I can put a "Gif heavy" warning in the title.


round 1 = 500 votes per person
round 2 = 5 votes per person or have you done an actual count on how many separate people voted?

They way I have always figured it out is this and I hope it's right. Suppose someone has 50 votes and he got 50% of the people that voted. That means 100 people voted. How many votes each person casted is a mystery.

Oh, cause I saw you talking big game earlier and never seen you before. It's a good thing you don't have any beef with Arq cause you have beef with him, then you have beef with me. So you better tread lightly cause you will see a beast unleashed that you've never seen before.

@ib313 is old school. He was shooping when u were crawling around in diapers. He was just fooking around. Trash talk is vital to these competitions and as long as it's friendly, and it ALWAYS is, then it is encouraged.

@bigwaverider where is my artwork? Is it coming soon? Just curious!

You have a good imagination Clipster. You are now a top 20 Shooper on Sherdog. People will put respeck upon your name.

Thanks pal

I hope to improve dramatically and become a top 19 shooper

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