Is Gengis Chad the most deceptively strong fighter in UFC at the moment?


The thin end of the wedge
Jan 25, 2009
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Have you noticed how abnormaly strong Shaved Cat appears to be? I may be the only here but I am not super impressed by his striking. However he appears really really strong when grappling with guys. Like he completely overpowers them. He doesn't really look strong at all, optically, though.
Have you noticed how abnormaly strong Shaved Cat appears to be?
lol Shaved Cat...

Not really. He's a strong grappler fighting guys who aren't strong grapplers, and still had a hard time getting Wonderboy down, and never did get Geoff Neal down. The guy's really good, but so far the best grappler he's faced is Prazeres, who was 40 years old.
Weird you have this perception. To me he is too lanky to look strong. Or rather, strong guys tend to look different.

Agreed. He doesn't have the classic build that conveys overwhelming strength, but he does appear to overpower his opponents.


Sean Brady is known for being strong, and he has a build that would confirm that.

Have you noticed how abnormaly strong Shaved Cat appears to be? I may be the only here but I am not super impressed by his striking. However he appears really really strong when grappling with guys. Like he completely overpowers them. He doesn't really look strong at all, optically, though.
Some of his best striking in the UFC happened before people knew about him.
"shaved cat" which.makes absolutley no sense,is almost as bad as Gay Chee.

Which makes even less sense.

Its like calling Cody garbrandt "cogar" when you could just call him Cody instead.
Belal and Gilbert looked more physically strong than Shavkat in their fights with Wonderboy.

Neither of which could put him away, or even get him in any real danger of being put away.

Shavkat submitted Wonderboy in under 2 rounds and he did it with a serious injury. To be clear both Belal and Gilbert are elite and Belal is arguably the most proven welterweight in the world right now, I think it just underlines what a freak Shavkat is.

re: TS, the dude is ENORMOUS for welterweight. He's a solid 6'1" with a big frame. You can't have that much bone and length and also be squat/jacked. I don't know what his weight cut looks like but I imagine its substantial. Shavkat could fill out and fight comfortably at middleweight.

6 UFC fights, 6 finishes. He only went to the 3rd round a single time. Its possible he's going to be an all-time welterweight of his generation.
Its possible he's going to be an all-time welterweight of his generation.
His training partner Ian Garry disagrees. Ian Garry said Ian Garry is the best and that nobody can beat him

Can't wait for that inevitable matchup tho

Shavkat is like a prime Rory MacDonald but finishes fights
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