Social John Cena profusely apologizes to Chinese netizens and China for calling Taiwan a country

In this case Cena isn't apologizing because he fears getting cancelled by a woke social media campaign or a liberal media, he is doing it purely for financial reasons; no doubt prodded strongly by the studio heads.

So. Over threat of being canceled by those movie studios
Can't stand John Cena... He's a caricature of a 90's action figure. Arms way to long, legs too short, huge facial features, canned sayings... Hope china cancels him!
Dang I hope they aren't too hard on him. Dude visited China and vlogged while learning the language. He has been super respectful and this one act shouldn't discredit all of that but then again nationalists are a crazy bunch.
Cena was in essence the corporate spokesman for the WWE for decades. Including during the Chris Benoit incident.

Bootlicking is kinda his thing. Lol at anyone expecting anything else from him. It's all he knows.
if you watched his E! tv show with nikki bella it was shown that he does anything to make a dollar he is like krusty the clown with shilling it is why he is rich he is all about the money first dignity second.
Cena was in essence the corporate spokesman for the WWE for decades. Including during the Chris Benoit incident.

Bootlicking is kinda his thing. Lol at anyone expecting anything else from him. It's all he knows.
I don't know who he is and I have no expectations one way or another. But a shill is a shill, he's trash
Having no self esteem is a big part of why people want to be celebrities in the first place. That plus getting paid millions for not having a real job = do whatever China tells you to.