Crime Mass shooting in Russia at Crocus City Hall

You claim to not like Putin then proceed to vomit Putin's propaganda word by word.
What s wrong with you, you come in a thread about an atrocity endured by Russian civilians, and all you do is shit on Russia post after post?

I used to respect you as a poster now you have lost all sense of decency. Get fucked.
I can't imagine the level of scum in people not showing empathy just because these are Russian people. You have to be profoundly fucked if media coverage has shaped your views to thepoint that it has modified the way you feel about innocent human beings.

Shit has gotten so bad at home that rather than face that, some people are desperate for a foreign boogeyman to focus on.
This thread is nuts. Listen I am the furthest thing from a Putin sympathizer but as someone who has strong memories of 9/11 its important to condemn this type of terrorist shit on innocent citizens. People that are cheering for this because Russia is an "enemy" are out of their fucking mind.
This thread is nuts. Listen I am the furthest thing from a Putin sympathizer but as someone who has strong memories of 9/11 its important to condemn this type of terrorist shit on innocent citizens. People that are cheering for this because Russia is an "enemy" are out of their fucking mind.
Its disgusting. Ironically these are the type of people that would prop up a dictator.
Nah. He's pretty much loved.

And it would be pretty difficult to hold a genuine election when the majority of your population won't be able to vote due to being forced out of their own countries, or in the middle of an active war zone where your scumbag masters have no problems intentionally targeting civilian infrastructure. Yeah, real smart move to call on the masses to gather in public when the orks don't mind dropping bombs on school children.

Ukraine will have free elections the moment they drive you off. Your country never will.
Russia has gone out of their way to avoid targeting civilians throughout their demilitarization of Ukraine. You are a liar.

Zelensky is far from loved in Ukraine, which is why he chose to cancel the last three elections. Don't act like Ukraine is some peace loving democratic country. They are under dictatorship.

Funny. If Yanukovich were so bad, why didn't the people vote him out? Why did the west have to orchestrate a violent coup to remove him?

You are really uneducated and emotional. If you cared for Ukranians, you would be talking about a peace deal. Hey, as long as your coward ass doesn't have to fight the Russians amirite? Let's keep sending young Ukranian men off to die there. That is ok.
Seems Putin STILL does not want to mention ISIS.
Several Russian medias has pointed towards..
European Nazis, because this is done in a European Nazi style.

Remind me again when did European Nazis (well after WWII) shout out a concert hall and put it on fire.
Meanwhile ISIS is like, "It was us! Listen y'all, I'm telling you. Here's the video! Why won't anybody listen. It was us I swear. Please, why won't anybody believe us, just look at us, please.".
I can't imagine the level of scum in people not showing empathy just because these are Russian people. You have to be profoundly fucked if media coverage has shaped your views to thepoint that it has modified the way you feel about innocent human beings.
they are being shown as much empathy as they were showing to innocent human beings dying in Russian missile and drone strikes almost daily. my view isnt shaped by "media coverage", but rather by over a dozen of people I knew who were killed in this war.
they are being shown as much empathy as they were showing to innocent human beings dying in Russian missile and drone strikes almost daily. my view isnt shaped by "media coverage", but rather by over a dozen of people I knew who were killed in this war.
You knew personally the 140 people, women and children who were just executed by terrorists?

Pieces of shit on this forum it s repugnant.
This thread is nuts. Listen I am the furthest thing from a Putin sympathizer but as someone who has strong memories of 9/11 its important to condemn this type of terrorist shit on innocent citizens. People that are cheering for this because Russia is an "enemy" are out of their fucking mind.
Only trash people cheer the killing of innocent civilians. And the assumption about these civilians' view as an excuse, like that scum above i replied to, is a miserable counter argument.
You knew personally the 140 people, women and children who were just executed by terrorists?

Pieces of shit on this forum it s repugnant.
The civilian death toll in Ukraine is in the thousands. Didnt see you express any empathy for any of them, so get off your high horse.
And Picnic is pro-Putin. They had a concert in Crimea after its occupation. They clearly expressed their disdain at sanctions against Russia for occupying Crimea. Besides, anybody who is not pro Putin's war is getting cancelled in Russia. They simply wouldnt be allowed to play in Crocus. And nobody who's against the war would attend a concert by a band who supports it.
Only trash people cheer the killing of innocent civilians. And the assumption about these civilians' view as an excuse, like that scum above i replied to, is a miserable counter argument.
you went from "not showing empathy for" to "cheer the killing of". and apparently assuming that I am cheering for it. you're scum.
The civilian death toll in Ukraine is in the thousands. Didnt see you express any empathy for any of them, so get off your high horse.
And Picnic is pro-Putin. They had a concert in Crimea after its occupation. They clearly expressed their disdain at sanctions against Russia for occupying Crimea. Besides, anybody who is not pro Putin's war is getting cancelled in Russia. They simply wouldnt be allowed to play in Crocus. And nobody who's against the war would attend a concert by a band who supports it.
You are filth. Of course i feel sympathy for Ukrainian victims and I don t condone that war.

You are also unintelligent as you just wrote that being anti putin gets you cancelled in Russia, literally in that same post, FFS.

But I am not surprised that the people who ware showing a lack of empathy have a sub median IQ. You need to be a bit dumb to let yourself manipulated to the point that you don't feel empathy for civilians, ANY civilians, getting murdered.
you went from "not showing empathy for" to "cheer the killing of". and apparently assuming that I am cheering for it. you're scum.
I used that wording because I replied to a post containing that wording. Another demonstration of high caliber intellect, congrats. Anyways stop replying, you are garbage in my view and i won t reply.
I used that wording because I replied to a post containing that wording. Another demonstration of high caliber intellect, congrats. Anyways stop replying, you are garbage in my view and i won t reply.
LOL you talked about "assumptions" people use to justify their cheering for civilian deaths "like that scum above". funny you accuse anyone of sub median IQ. dont reply, you're clearly out of your element, Donny.
I would like them to do much worse. Why don't they take an eye with the tip of a knife, or break limbs or hands irreversibly?

