Media Mike Perry hardship

Drunk Perry makes sober Diaz seem like a completely unremarkable and regular fellow.
Latory just got her plastic surgery paid for and then bounced


Wait a minute. Are you telling me the woman he just had a baby with left him? Or is this an old video? Please, please tell me he is not single as we speak.

yeah....let's hope so man...I knew that girl sounded and looked like a golddiger..
If you’re a high profile athlete/fighter... WHY impregnate one of these Thots??? Now he’ll have child support payments to send her for 18 years
Why talk about a woman you dont know like that? Perry was very agressive to friends of her. He attacked someone drunk . Quite possible he behaved like that also at home.
Mike Perry, is really Mark Perry, in disguise

I will pray for the brother of peace

He should try to cash in on the celebrity boxing fad, while he still has a name. He's going to blow through whatever money he gets. But at least he won't be on the streets for awhile.
Ffs Mike, you looked like you were in the perfect mindset before the last fight
The most important thing is finding out what that stretch is
Mike should just hook up with Till. He needs him as a corner man, and a life partner.
You bring somethings on yourself.

If you continually fuck up and do things that make you unlikeable then can't feel bad for you.