Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord MOD TOOLS RELEASED

There was a 5gb update/patch for it today.

I was really enjoying this game, it was my first M&B game so I was figuring it out slowly but it started crashing far too often so I haven’t played in about a week. Hopefully this new patch fixes that, it says they did but we will see.
Welp, it's pretty much been established that Taleworlds has no clue what they're doing. The company doesn't work with a strict guideline or list of directives, no gameplan or strategy, and there is absolutely no communication between different departments. So that being said, 6 months into EA they are still fixing bugs that each hotfix/patch creates without adding any meaningful features.

They've also said on the forums that they didn't even think about alliances, or any indepth late game systems until recently. I feel bad for the developers who really want to make a great game, but at this point the company is experimenting on an 8 year old game.

The most likely outcome is that they release the mod tools they've been advertising, and then call it a day so that the community can finish this damn thing for them.
Welp, it's pretty much been established that Taleworlds has no clue what they're doing. The company doesn't work with a strict guideline or list of directives, no gameplan or strategy, and there is absolutely no communication between different departments. So that being said, 6 months into EA they are still fixing bugs that each hotfix/patch creates without adding any meaningful features.

They've also said on the forums that they didn't even think about alliances, or any indepth late game systems until recently. I feel bad for the developers who really want to make a great game, but at this point the company is experimenting on an 8 year old game.

The most likely outcome is that they release the mod tools they've been advertising, and then call it a day so that the community can finish this damn thing for them.

Oh god, I hope not. Never played Warband, but I put like 100 hrs into Bannerlord before essentially laying off of it for the last couple of months, waiting for some substantial updating.

There isn't much added upon diving back in. Some more missions for headmen and gang leaders, not much else. I mean damn, they can't even add new armors and weapons half a year into release?
They should sell the license to a better developer or hire people in the modding community.
They plan on releasing mod tools before the actual game is completely finished. That says they're probably going to add a few things and hope the rest falls on the community.

The original Warband wasn't much to write home about either as far as diplomacy or alliances, those were added in by mods. But most figured that after 8+ years, that would have been a given in the sequel.
Recently I played about 30 more hours of the game. The state of the game as of say 5 days ago is far from the state of it at release. But at the exact same token the game is still barebones compared to how Warband felt. The game desperately needs alliances and reasons for going to war instead of "oh they raided my village of Bumcentral better launch a full scale war". It needs diplomacy to make the game work. Also I need to be able to marry my family off to other lords and ladies. Cause I've got like 30 kids and they do fuck all except hang out.

Edit: In their defence I can't remember what vanilla Warband felt like, It's been years since I played Warband without any mods.
Oh god, I hope not. Never played Warband, but I put like 100 hrs into Bannerlord before essentially laying off of it for the last couple of months, waiting for some substantial updating.

There isn't much added upon diving back in. Some more missions for headmen and gang leaders, not much else. I mean damn, they can't even add new armors and weapons half a year into release?
The TW forums are a mess. You have a few developers trying their best to communicate with us (most are Turkish), but you can tell everyone is out of their depth. If you look up "taleworld employee reviews" on glassdoor, many ex-employees say it's a decent place to work, but there is absolutely no strategy. No gameplan, no list or communication between different departments. So they are all experimenting with an 8 year old game. One of the developers even complained recently on the forums about it, but nobody has heard from him since :p

At this point, there are many great mods that extend it's lifespan, but they have all mostly been broken with new updates. 1.4.2 I think is the last stable release for good mods, like Diplomacy Fixes which adds alliances, or Heritage which adds true succession and options for clan members.
Mod tools have released today. This is a good day.
I came back to this game because I figured most of the bugs would be patched out. Started a new game. Early on I spent most of my money hiring this one companion who seemed to be a badass. He died in the very next battle. Permadeath. I reloaded and tried again. He died again. I've looked through all the menus and there is no option to disable companion death. This forced feature renders companions useless. Why would I pay a ton of money to pick up a unique character who is just going to die in a random battle? I hate these devs.
I came back to this game because I figured most of the bugs would be patched out. Started a new game. Early on I spent most of my money hiring this one companion who seemed to be a badass. He died in the very next battle. Permadeath. I reloaded and tried again. He died again. I've looked through all the menus and there is no option to disable companion death. This forced feature renders companions useless. Why would I pay a ton of money to pick up a unique character who is just going to die in a random battle? I hate these devs.
You get the option to turn that feature on and off when you start a new game... on the exact same screen where you pick what damage ratios you want, and travel speed in your play through.
Perhaps use your eyes instead of blaming the Devs good sir.
Personally I like having my companions die. I look at them in the game journal to see how far I've come since then.
You get the option to turn that feature on and off when you start a new game... on the exact same screen where you pick what damage ratios you want, and travel speed in your play through.
Perhaps use your eyes instead of blaming the Devs good sir.
Personally I like having my companions die. I look at them in the game journal to see how far I've come since then.

I started a new game and no such option exists. Unless you're referring to the option to turn off aging.

Killing off companions defeats the purpose of paying the fee to hire them.
I started a new game and no such option exists. Unless you're referring to the option to turn off aging.
I can assure you it does exist, perhaps you failed to scroll down. But I start a new game every time the game of thrones mod releases an update so I see it quite often.
I can assure you it does exist, perhaps you failed to scroll down. But I start a new game every time the game of thrones mod releases an update so I see it quite often.

Doesn't exist, unless your mod added the option.
Doesn't exist, unless your mod added the option.
When I get home from work in 3 hours or so I'll check for you with my mods turned off. If you are correct you can call me a silly goose. If I am correct however I will call you a silly goose.

Edit: I just got my friend to check on his. It may be a feature they re-added in the 1.5.10 Beta (The latest beta).
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So you are sure this option isn't there

That's the disable birth and death option, I just mentioned that. There is no way to turn off your companions getting killed.
That's the disable birth and death option, I just mentioned that. There is no way to turn off your companions getting killed.
Check previous comment, I edited it just as you posted this.

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What's the difference between the beta and the most recent version?
Beta has features that will be available in the next stable release. Other than that nothing much.