My daughter was on one of her classmates kill list

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Simple Southerner

Leave One Wolf Alive And The Sheep Are Never Safe.
May 12, 2018
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Yup I just got a call from the school principal telling me my kid & several other of her classmates were on another classmates kill list . Pure insanity I tell you.
So, they were planning to do a massive pew pew pew in school?
Such a USA thing tbh.
Haven't these sort of "lists" always been a thing grade-school kids do? Kids ranking each other into lists like this is natural socialization behavior--girls will usually make the list based on things like "cute or gross" and boys will typically use aggressive ranking: "live or die."

It's only gotten weird because of the highly publicized yet extremely rare mass shootings in schools.
So, they were planning to do a massive pew pew pew in school?

Just because they were found out doesn't mean they still aren't planning it.

Haven't these sort of "lists" always been a thing grade-school kids do? Kids ranking each other into lists like this is natural socialization behavior--girls will usually make the list based on things like "cute or gross" and boys will typically use aggressive ranking: "live or die."

Sure, kids will make lists or rankings of cuteness, best friends, most stuck up, whatever.
Never at any point in my entire youth did I ever see or hear of anyone making a "people I'm gonna kill" list.

Also, he said this is HS, not grade school.

What age group? Sounds as if the only insane part is calling parents to inform them of this childish gibberish.

Where have you been the last 30 years? Kids actually do these things.
Maybe not often, but the stakes are high enough that not informing someone is criminally negligent - from both an ethical and a legal standpoint.
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I never made a kill list but I'm sure I was on a bunch of other kids' lists. I was merciless with teasing other kids.

I'm lucky nobody ever shot me, and I'm really lucky none of the kids I picked on committed suicide.

But then again it goes to show you those things aren't as common as the media would have you believe.

If anyone deserved that shit it was me.

Felt guilty about that for decades after.
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