International [NATO News] What Sweden brings to NATO as its Newest Member

Russia took Bakhmut. The war is close to over.
No one cares about your shithole or ukraine.
Finland is larger size and actually more important economy than Ukraine was BEFORE war 2022-2023...

So your Russian world is great " world " to become lapdog for BIC and don't cry......
In empire's games small countries aren't taken in account and no one anymore fears idiots threats with nukes...
Even Pakis are technically capable to deNazify your idiotic country......
Till end of universe....
Not alone to bark on India or China etc....
DeNazification comrade .....
The military mission is near completion. Ukraine will be free of corruption and free of a takeover by the west.

Russia will allow Ukraine to be a sovereign nation once again.
China and Brasil together with India and Iran & Co will ( IF) allow your vassal state to be commodities supplier and next Chinatown with addition of true muslims and hinduists who will allow russians to breath physically and financially only .....IF....

Dumb russian...
One would think Russian media would report of such a great victory..
But not a word..

As with anything in Russia its just a lie.

Prigozhin said that since they control more of Bakhmuth than Ukraine then the town is "technically taken".
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China and Brasil together with India and Iran & Co will ( IF) allow your vassal state to be commodities supplier and next Chinatown with addition of true muslims and hinduists who will allow russians to breath physically and financially only .....IF....

Dumb russian...


Don't post idotic memes kid....
Brasil already does have not smaller economy than Russia and more ppl plus better demography statistics & doesn't have sanctions and cos this does have fresh investments.....
& they does have huge advantage cos climate....
So.... Russia is below Brasil in reality....
Threats with nukes will not help for old alcoholics and coke addicts.
Don't post idotic memes kid....
Brasil already does have not smaller economy than Russia and more ppl plus better demography statistics & doesn't have sanctions and cos this does have fresh investments.....
& they does have huge advantage cos climate....
So.... Russia is below Brasil in reality....
Threats with nukes will not help for old alcoholics and coke addicts.

Yeah Brasil this brasil that.

Russia isn't the reason that there is still a war going on. Neither is Ukraine. The west keeps throwing gasoline on the fire.
The military mission is near completion. Ukraine will be free of corruption and free of a takeover by the west.

Russia will allow Ukraine to be a sovereign nation once again.

But still not a word about this great victory in the Russian news.
ah good, another country the US can pay to defend.
Don't be such a killjoy. We, as a country of 5.5m Finns, just bought 64 of your F35 jets for 10 billion dollars. We also mostly consume American media, we like American brands, we send our best ice hockey players to NHL, etc. Finland is more of a mini-America than most of EU countries, lol. Our military has had a conscription for decades, our war time troops consists of 280 000 finnish soldiers with a reserve of 900 000 military trained men. Most of our male population is spesifically trained to kill Russian soldiers with strategies and tactics designed to counter Russian military doctrine.
Don't be such a killjoy. We, as a country of 5.5m Finns, just bought 64 of your F35 jets for 10 billion dollars. We also mostly consume American media, we like American brands, we send our best ice hockey players to NHL, etc. Finland is more of a mini-America than most of EU countries, lol. Our military has had a conscription for decades, our war time troops consists of 280 000 finnish soldiers with a reserve of 900 000 military trained men. Most of our male population is spesifically trained to kill Russian soldiers with strategies and tactics designed to counter Russian military doctrine.
Ignore dumbasses like that. Most American's are happy for our Finland brothers.
The US is the hegemon and is projecting its power all over the world. It is basically paying the imperial premium.

Greece has a ridiculously expensive military given that the country is broke.

Estonia and Poland fear Russia.

Sure, Trump can revoke security guarantees for European NATO countries. And sure, that will increase military spending there. Only it will also be the end of NATO and the American empire.

I was thinking that, what are they scared of? Aren't Turkey part of NATO too?

Maybe they should invest a bit more in some modern train signalling systems...

Mostly because of that. Turkey is a backstabbing country. The trojan horse of NATO.

Also, like Poland, they are ones that would face a Russian Invasion if it happened. They would need to hold the sea against Russia if Turkey failed/backstabbed NATO.

lol and to think Putin once wanted entry into NATO. If people think Turkey are a problem, Russia's entry would have destroyed NATO from the inside out.
Russia took Bakhmut. The war is close to over.
You what? lol
You think are going to sue for peace because they lost..... drumroll... the greatest city in Bakhmut district? They are about to get a load of shiny NATO main battle tanks, but they will wimp out now? Engage your brain please. I predict Bakhmut will be back fully under Ukrainian control by autumn.
I don't care who it is, honestly. The US spends too much on the defense of people who don't even like us.
The US is earning money from Finland in a lot of ways btw...
So you want that Finland will use chinesse owned and controlled banking system not western?
U think that U.S is subsidising Finland while reality is opposite...
Finland might had picked China, India or Russia as weapons seller not your U.S.
This had induced lesser jobs in U.S, lesser money for U.S taxman and you had been happy...

Because you are thinking that Finland is something like Ukraine? Sure....
You are living in your own planet...
Dreaming nonsense.....
Ignore dumbasses like that. Most American's are happy for our Finland brothers.

Noone gives a shit if Finland joined Nato. They didn't need protection from big bad Russia.

Nato/the west will just use Finlands location to further harass and aggressively provoke Russia.

Congratulations on your country and people being used by corrupt and evil people to escalate military conflict for no reason. You must be very proud.
Noone gives a shit if Finland joined Nato. They didn't need protection from big bad Russia.

Nato/the west will just use Finlands location to further harass and aggressively provoke Russia.

Congratulations on your country and people being used by corrupt and evil people to escalate military conflict for no reason. You must be very proud.
The US is earning money from Finland in a lot of ways btw...
So you want that Finland will use chinesse owned and controlled banking system not western?
U think that U.S is subsidising Finland while reality is opposite...
Finland might had picked China, India or Russia as weapons seller not your U.S.
This had induced lesser jobs in U.S, lesser money for U.S taxman and you had been happy...

Because you are thinking that Finland is something like Ukraine? Sure....
You are living in your own planet...
Dreaming nonsense.....
I don't care about Finland. I'm talking about the US funding NATO.