Non steroid alternatives (ostarine mk2866 talk)

Personal opinion Osta is great, good for recomp and minimising muscle less in a cut, no sides but I really want to try LGD (I have a bottle in my cupboard) but just when I was about to start a cycle I got bad tennis elbow in my right arm(FML).

I guess around March-May when this shit goes away I'll go for the LGD cycle.
Egg yolks, cruciform vegetables, oysters/shellfish, colostrum, cod liver oil, kelp, sage, garlic.

Cholesterol is the basic building block of all hormones produced by the body; getting more dietary cholesterol means the liver no longer needs to endogenously synthesize as much cholesterol, which is a more risky process for your health.

If what you're really asking after is designer drugs, well, you may as just do your research and use the real stuff.
Is that a legit site to buy or do i have to ask some shady guy at the gym for a bottle
Tried RAD 140 for a month at 6mg and felt good. Added a couple of kilos, no cutting of fat as far as I could tell. Tendons didn't like it a lot.

I think it might be an addition to osta for me in future some time. No suppression after 4 weeks of 6mg/day. I imagine in high doses it would be hard on tendons and reports are suppression is high. I can believe that, it seems potent.