OVERWATCH, v5: The Wicked Witch is Dead

Yeah, they removed a Tank, which is the biggest one. Tanks gave your team a place to congregate, now that they don't have partners everything just becomes a clusterfuck with everyone jumping around. The meta will be stale incredibly quickly with 1 Tank too, which was what this game was supposed to help.

Not to mention the monetization is insane. You could literally get more rewards in 2 hours of OW1 as a free player than the entire OW2 Free Battle Pass, it might be the worst Battle Pass ever made. They removed the On Fire mechanic, after match cards, and MVP vote, you can't endorse the enemy team anymore, and Endorsement levels give trash Battle Pass exp now anyway. They made all the graphics uglier, the guns all try to sound more "realistic", but really just sound more the same. They added a worthless scoreboard too, which will just make people more toxic. The game has almost 40 characters and they all heal and do damage differently, a scoreboard tells you almost nothing valuable.

It basically feels like a stripped down mobile version of Overwatch. The changes piss off a lot of people like me who played every day, and the people they're trying to court will go back to other games cause this one is hideously unrewarding and boring. I expect queue times to get very high in the next couple months, and they're going to be cleaning up bugs for a long time instead of developing content, like every shitty live service. Overwatch 1 had almost 0 bugs and ran on a toaster, losing it for this soulless cashgrab is sad.

damn they got rid of cards?? Getting cards as Ana always felt great lol.
damn they got rid of cards?? Getting cards as Ana always felt great lol.
Yep, you go queue, fight fight fight, then back to the fucking Battle Pass menu during requeue. No one ever sticks around for POTG anymore either cause there are no cards to see. Blizzard just changed a ton of shit and didn't think of like secondary effects, you know? Comp queues are also like 10 minutes for anything that isn't Support, and it only updates your Rank every 7 wins or 20 losses. Like what? Bastion is also removed from the game at the moment because of a huge bug with his ult.
Man, I unlocked Competitive play, and all of the stuff I had seen online about it being toxic as hell was so accurate. It's especially funny because I just started, so I know I am at the absolute bottom rung, yet you get guys every match talking like they are e-sports pros. Usually get a tank who rushes headfirst into the entire enemy team, cries that they didn't get healed, then spams the "Thanks" emote for the rest of the game. It's a blast, lol.
I am new to the game, so maybe I am missing something, but is D-Va's ult the cheapest shit ever? It just seems like free kills, and she can even do it when you kill her mech to get it back instantly. The range is just insane.
Played my first games of OW2 the past couple of days, never got a beta invite. Feels weird. They took out a lot of things that were so minor but added to the game, you can't even chat after the game for more than 10 seconds, no stat tracking for several major stat categories, no card like awards after the game, Unranked matches don't seem to auto queue, you can't change sensitivity by small percentages anymore, etc.

I enjoy that you have faster movement, the surround sound is better but there's almost no impact to the projectiles either that you shoot or get shot with, several times I had no idea I was hit since the sound was so muted and I have an decently expensive sound setup of over $2,000 of equipment (all the settings are ideal so it's not that). The graphics updates are nice but are a real eye strainer, can't play it for too long. I miss all the night maps, King's Row looks too bland in the daytime. It feels more CoD like where you just get killed out of nowhere sometimes which is not my type of shooter, the characters are or feel far less durable overall aside from some tanks and healing seems weaker. I like the new option of high precision mouse input and there's a bevy of new options to change aspects of the game, but the fact that you cannot control sensitivity to the same degree makes trying to find a sweet spot for my mouse more difficult. The push pull maps are such a weird change, I much preferred control point maps (I wish they were available in some Unranked modes), they feel a bit too open (probably to try to grab Apex players). I know control point maps were controversial but really only Paris was a problem to me. I love Orisa's javelin and Junker Queen's knife throw. Sojourn is a bit too similar to Soldier 76, though I love the slide/slide jump. Kuriko's healing cards or whatnot feel a bit weird, great attack projectiles though. I miss OW1's loot box system, you could earn everything you wanted easily without spending a dime.

There's some things I really enjoy and some I don't, I actually preferred my first day of matches over my second; I think some sort of in-between of OW1 and 2 would work better.
Good lord I hope they add a setting so you don't have to hear that shitty tRap song on the main screen, I take my headphones off when that shit comes on then choose some option or mode on the main screen to rid myself of the song.
Man, I unlocked Competitive play, and all of the stuff I had seen online about it being toxic as hell was so accurate. It's especially funny because I just started, so I know I am at the absolute bottom rung, yet you get guys every match talking like they are e-sports pros. Usually get a tank who rushes headfirst into the entire enemy team, cries that they didn't get healed, then spams the "Thanks" emote for the rest of the game. It's a blast, lol.
I am new to the game, so maybe I am missing something, but is D-Va's ult the cheapest shit ever? It just seems like free kills, and she can even do it when you kill her mech to get it back instantly. The range is just insane.

Dva's Ult to me is actually kind of useless. I have Rein most of the time though so I just easily block it. There's always stuff to hide behind also. The only real time it gets me is when I hide behind something but she's in the air and it gets me which is kind of BS.
Dva's Ult to me is actually kind of useless. I have Rein most of the time though so I just easily block it. There's always stuff to hide behind also. The only real time it gets me is when I hide behind something but she's in the air and it gets me which is kind of BS.
Maybe it's just a noob killer. I always get at least two kills with it. It's like Junkrat's tire, except you get a full heal, too. And on the receiving end, there are times when I know it's coming but still can't escape in time. I have seen quite a few people launch it nearly straight up, so you don't really see it until it lands.

What role(s) do you guys prefer to play? I usually go support, sometimes tank. I don't feel good enough to play DPS yet.
Maybe it's just a noob killer. I always get at least two kills with it. It's like Junkrat's tire, except you get a full heal, too. And on the receiving end, there are times when I know it's coming but still can't escape in time. I have seen quite a few people launch it nearly straight up, so you don't really see it until it lands.

What role(s) do you guys prefer to play? I usually go support, sometimes tank. I don't feel good enough to play DPS yet.

Yes Junks tire is BS and is basically at least one free kill if you know what you're doing.

Before they restricted role I always went Junk. The thing is I learned that it doesn't matter how good you tank or healer is. If your DPS sucks to much then you wont win. Unless the other team also has useless DPS. Now with the role queue I always go Tank sometimes healer just to switch it up. Rein is my go to but sometimes I'll pick Dva or Hog.
Game sucks ass but me and my friends love to hate on it while playing. The matchmaking is horrible both in terms of queue times unless you are 5-stacking and skill wise. Waaaay to many steam rolls going on to the point of it being incredibly obvious that one team was much better than the other.
Gotta say Blizzard attracts the weirdest of people as fanboys:

327 years of grinding or 10K to unlock all the content of Overwatch 1 in Overwatch 2: https://www.techradar.com/features/...-all-the-originally-free-items-in-overwatch-2

Digital weapon charm Blizzard charges $7 in-game. You can buy a physical version from Blizzard for cheaper: https://gear.blizzard.com/products/overnv0008-overwatch-pachimari-j-nx-3d-keychain

What Blizzard developers do with weapon charm placement when a character doesnt use a weapon:
Game sucks ass but me and my friends love to hate on it while playing. The matchmaking is horrible both in terms of queue times unless you are 5-stacking and skill wise. Waaaay to many steam rolls going on to the point of it being incredibly obvious that one team was much better than the other.

I don't know man. I was just playing it. I was stuck low gold for a long time. Go up to mid gold and get rolled. Play against that team again and smash them. Party up with my random team. Smash another game. One of the guys on my team drops from mid gold to low gold. Play again, smash again.

I don't think steam rolls are indicative of skill disparities. I think that the game is designed to promote steam rolls. Two teams can be completely equal. One side starts off with a lucky sniper kill, and the enemy team trickles for 5 minutes if they aren't careful. You can get two points off one lucky pick if the other team can't read the map, and then suffer the same yourself against the other team.
I don't know man. I was just playing it. I was stuck low gold for a long time. Go up to mid gold and get rolled. Play against that team again and smash them. Party up with my random team. Smash another game. One of the guys on my team drops from mid gold to low gold. Play again, smash again.

I don't think steam rolls are indicative of skill disparities. I think that the game is designed to promote steam rolls. Two teams can be completely equal. One side starts off with a lucky sniper kill, and the enemy team trickles for 5 minutes if they aren't careful. You can get two points off one lucky pick if the other team can't read the map, and then suffer the same yourself against the other team.

I see what youre saying but I'm talking about steam rolls where the elim disparity is MASSIVE throughout the whole game. Like both on offense/defense. I've legit been in a match where we got a total of 1 (yes 1!!!!) elim the whole game and also been on the other side where we the opposing team barely gets a total of 5. Other matches the DPS will have like a 5.00 EDR and the other team is like barely 1.00 EDR or lower.

I agree tho that generally speaking steamrolls in this game are a bit normal, at least up until the other team can time a big ult combo or something to try to swing it back in their favor. Especially with how aggressive generally the tanks are in this game shit can go downhill super fast if they or the DPS pick off the healers right away.
I see what youre saying but I'm talking about steam rolls where the elim disparity is MASSIVE throughout the whole game. Like both on offense/defense. I've legit been in a match where we got a total of 1 (yes 1!!!!) elim the whole game and also been on the other side where we the opposing team barely gets a total of 5. Other matches the DPS will have like a 5.00 EDR and the other team is like barely 1.00 EDR or lower.

I agree tho that generally speaking steamrolls in this game are a bit normal, at least up until the other team can time a big ult combo or something to try to swing it back in their favor. Especially with how aggressive generally the tanks are in this game shit can go downhill super fast if they or the DPS pick off the healers right away.

I'm on my way to generating some bad mismatch games. I'm a pharah main, and like, I've started to climb and have easy games sense I've been one tricking her. I'll go against double hitscan and just dive bomb them. I'll stand on the ground behind a shield and direct impact. This is mid gold. At some point, the hot hand I get from being so synced up with my character will stop paying off. The enemy will be better, but I won't be able to switch lol.
As far as steamrolls go, it seems obvious which way almost all of my matches are going to go within the first minute or so. With a ton of shitty random teams, as soon as your team gets wiped that first time, they never group up again. It's like herding cats. The frustrating thing is having to play through a whole match that you know you're going to lose. On that subject, it sure sucks ass when a teammate drops out in a Competitive match. I love that a big red box comes up telling me that I will be punished if I quit, like I did something wrong. And the threat of taking a loss means nothing. Our tank just left. We're already going to lose, lol.

So, I have been seeing a lot of negativity toward this game. Two videos in my YouTube feed: "Overwatch 2 is Unacceptable Garbage" and "Overwatch 2 is a New Low in Gaming". Am I too old? Is it just outrage culture? Because I don't get it. It's a full AAA game released for free. When I first launched the game, I expected to only have a handful of free heroes, but they're all there. I guess I just never realized that gamers at large care so much about cosmetic shit. It's crazy to me.
So, I have been seeing a lot of negativity toward this game. Two videos in my YouTube feed: "Overwatch 2 is Unacceptable Garbage" and "Overwatch 2 is a New Low in Gaming". Am I too old? Is it just outrage culture? Because I don't get it. It's a full AAA game released for free. When I first launched the game, I expected to only have a handful of free heroes, but they're all there. I guess I just never realized that gamers at large care so much about cosmetic shit. It's crazy to me.

Yes your old. When I first started gaming online there were two free online MP games that I knew of. Which are the ones I linked below. Me and my cousin would sit at home all day playing these games. I remember my aunts and uncles would call me so I could message my cousin and tell him to get off the internet so they could talk to my aunt. The funny thing is he knew they were calling cause he kept getting kicked but would just sign back in he gave 0 fucks.


Now the FTP games we get are fucking amazing. I saw someone online talking about how they get game pass for their kids and they think a lot of parents will. I'm like fuck that I'm not paying some monthly gaming sub for my kid when the amount of FTP games on the internet is better than ever.
Am I too old? Is it just outrage culture? Because I don't get it. It's a full AAA game released for free.

Some of column A and some of column B. In the gaming influencer space its beneficial to be contrarian. Majority of todays popular gaming influencers established their career by being assholes.

Specifically with Overwatch and Overwatch 2 its a convoluted topic. Released base game being repurposed from the original intent of a casual hero shooter to a esport. Activision/Blizzard purchasing MLG to compete directly with Twitch. Blizzards dwindling monthly active users forcing the sequel to be pushed out before being ready.
The game is fun but im terrible at it, as others have said it's very fun with a chill batch but too often its super competitive people that blame everyone and act like the match is life or death. I cooled off on Siege for that reason and this one ill probably do the same until I choose to actually dive in.

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