Questioning my instructor

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So I’ve been training at this gym in newark and I’ve trained there before but I left because all the instructor had me do was shadowbox.

now he gave me a schedule which is tues thurs Friday is training days but he wants me to spar on sat and sun. Now I have been having trouble waking up for the thurs session, because it’s at 5.30am but I’ve come for it a few times but all he has everybody do is workout for 2 hrs. And that’s it. And he wants everybody to spar on sat and sun. But I don’t got my sparring gear yet.

should I stick with this guy or just go to another gym because Ik of another one that does more padwork and shit with me in Paterson NJ it’s only 30 mins from me so it’s not bad. But I’m just seriously questioning this shit cuz I feel like he could be doing more with me like teaching me more footwork or just having me do drills.
Same answer I've given you 5 times to this same fucking question on Instagram over the past month. He is a professional trainer, he has done this for years. Fucking listen to him and shut up.
Same answer I've given you 5 times to this same fucking question on Instagram over the past month. He is a professional trainer, he has done this for years. Fucking listen to him and shut up.

you only gave me that answer once bruh
Boxing for self defense...I mean better than nothing I guess but boxing is a sport in the end...

By "self-defense" our sherbrother Khan means these frequent "alpha male 1-oh-1s" situations, so boxing is exactly what he needs - the fastest and the cheapest way to put some mofo down on his arse.
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yeah it is plus it’s the cheapest fight gyms around boxing gyms are way cheaper then mma gyms.

Yeah he does he has one amatuer fighter whose undefeated they call him hurricane in the gym. Idk his record tho I would have to ask.
id stay then
530 is too early for me LOL, try others out and see what ya lime, and handmits is not going to be a gamechanger
Why don’t you quit the sport srs. You’re probably better at peoms or painting or something
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