Media Rampage Jackson was a childish bully back on TUF

Why he acting like 15 year old on the show. Grow tf up.

Wow, I literally just spent today re-watching this season of tuf and finished the last episode 10 mins ago. What a coincidence lol. But yes, I think Rampage was antagonizing Schoonover a little too much
Rampage is that typical bully that thinks he's funny (especially antagonizing other people) until someone doesn't. Then he gets aggressive.

Maybe he got better with age, not sure.
lol @ people attempting to defend this behaviour at the expense of it being good for ratings. But I don’t expect anything more from lowest common-denominator trash reality tv.

Straight-up bullying. Quite disgusting, really.
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Lol imagine being bullied by a pro fighter and no be able to do anything to stop it because he's a fucking pro fighter.
Rampage is that typical bully that thinks he's funny (especially antagonizing other people) until someone doesn't. Then he gets aggressive.

Maybe he got better with age, not sure.
lol doubt he did. he just became an old jackass.
He is a low IQ cage fighter from Memphis fuckin Tennessee lmao what do you expect?
Lol Tiki is such a fucking kiss-ass it's annoying to watch
Great fighter but massive knob head, can't be denied
Because he is the typical bully that gets more fat than the people he used to pick on lol

its a reality tv show. They are suppose to be entertaining. not to mention each episode got like 2.5 million viewers and high ratings. You can thank rampage for that. Op should either grow some balls or watch golf.
He didn’t do it to be entertaining, he did it because he’s a douche lol
My least favorite fighter. I’ve always hated his personality. Seems like a lot of ppl like it. To each there own.
Who the fuck even watches TUF?

Ain’t nobody got time for that shit

Might as well call the show Housewives of Dana White
Shad's mom liked Rampage and told him to be nice to him.
let the past go and move on.