Law Ron DeSantis sends two planes full of illegals to Martha's Vineyard upsetting rich Democrats

So this fiasco will have a happy ending. The migrants are likely to get "U" visas and be able to stay in the US. They would not have qualified but for DeSantis' actions. Thanks Ron!

This should be a cautionary tale for anyone considering voting for him in the future. He played the political stunt perfectly, but got the exact opposite of what he was trying to do, practically. What happens if this moron is elected President and wants to pull a stunt involving the military or nuclear weapons?

Nuclear weapons? Are you a child?
Nuclear weapons? Are you a child?

Trump is reported to have asked advisors about using nuclear weapons during his administration. Why not DeSantis? DeathSantis’ Covid body count is already pretty grim.
Rolling my eyes at Daily Caller adding the word illegal.

Fucking shameless.

Also... There really is a labor shortage and you really do need immigration, desperately.

If you prefer they raise the wages for farm hands to a level Americans would accept and work for, be prepared to pay a hell of a lot more for produce.
Why aren’t Latinos worth asking much as everyone else
The solution is a secure border. But people like you live in a clown world.
You obviously dont live in Florida.
Clown world is Ken Griffin's 10 Million dollar man Desantis has not done shit about home insurance. My rates have skyrocketed, we got companies leaving Florida and the Governor of Florida is more concerned with winning the Iowa primary and pulling stunts that get him invited on Fox and Friends.
The home insurance bomb is getting ready to explode after Hurricane Ian. Ronny talked about fixing it, but I guess being on National Television all the time does not leave him time to tackle the biggest issue that effects Floridians. I see help wanted signs everywhere, so jobs are not an issue in Florida.
Honestly if Ronny wanted to do something about immigration, he would go to a construction site, or a farm.
Also one of the biggest way to help secure the border is to have employees E-Verify hires, but Ronny will not pass that law, because of the massive political donations he gets from big corporations or hedge fund owners that dont want E-verify. Like how politicians will never hold Big Pharma accountable, Ronny wont pass laws that piss of his biggest donors.

Cliffs if you want secure borders, ask yourself why wont Ronny pass the E-verify law for private businesses in Florida. YOu have turned the phrase secure borders into a punch line, because you have been manipulated by big donors to ignore the E-Verify laws and the while telling everyone you want secure borders.
I am going to add Secure Borders, Family values and deficits to a list of GOP talking points that based on the actions of that party seem to be just hot air.
You obviously dont live in Florida.
Clown world is Ken Griffin's 10 Million dollar man Desantis has not done shit about home insurance. My rates have skyrocketed, we got companies leaving Florida and the Governor of Florida is more concerned with winning the Iowa primary and pulling stunts that get him invited on Fox and Friends.
The home insurance bomb is getting ready to explode after Hurricane Ian. Ronny talked about fixing it, but I guess being on National Television all the time does not leave him time to tackle the biggest issue that effects Floridians. I see help wanted signs everywhere, so jobs are not an issue in Florida.
Honestly if Ronny wanted to do something about immigration, he would go to a construction site, or a farm.
Also one of the biggest way to help secure the border is to have employees E-Verify hires, but Ronny will not pass that law, because of the massive political donations he gets from big corporations or hedge fund owners that dont want E-verify. Like how politicians will never hold Big Pharma accountable, Ronny wont pass laws that piss of his biggest donors.

Cliffs if you want secure borders, ask yourself why wont Ronny pass the E-verify law for private businesses in Florida. YOu have turned the phrase secure borders into a punch line, because you have been manipulated by big donors to ignore the E-Verify laws and the while telling everyone you want secure borders.
I am going to add Secure Borders, Family values and deficits to a list of GOP talking points that based on the actions of that party seem to be just hot air.

Ugh. Pathetic.

Securing the border is important. I had to move out of California. Ron is doing a good job.
Ugh. Pathetic.

Securing the border is important. I had to move out of California. Ron is doing a good job.
So, you are for going after immigrants but not those that hire them. How on brand for the typical GOP voter. Fuck the little guy as long as corporations are protected.
Rolling my eyes at Daily Caller adding the word illegal.

Fucking shameless.

Also... There really is a labor shortage and you really do need immigration, desperately.

If you prefer they raise the wages for farm hands to a level Americans would accept and work for, be prepared to pay a hell of a lot more for produce.
They are illegal
Rolling my eyes at Daily Caller adding the word illegal.

Fucking shameless.

Also... There really is a labor shortage and you really do need immigration, desperately.

If you prefer they raise the wages for farm hands to a level Americans would accept and work for, be prepared to pay a hell of a lot more for produce.

perhaps you weren't aware, but it is actually illegal to cross a countries sovereign border without going through customs with a valid passport and affixed travel visa.

it's a fairly simple concept to understand. it's so strange seeing all the NPC's that cry about this to strangers on the internet for virtue signal points.
perhaps you weren't aware, but it is actually illegal to cross a countries sovereign border without going through customs with a valid passport and affixed travel visa.

it's a fairly simple concept to understand. it's so strange seeing all the NPC's that cry about this to strangers on the internet for virtue signal points.
It’s reminds me of the kids in cages thing
“Omg kids are in cages evil trump “
That pic is from Obama and his policy
“ yea will trump still evil! “
And now more kids are in cages ….
The party of virtue signaling .. screeching about a problem they have power to fix …
So, you are for going after immigrants but not those that hire them. How on brand for the typical GOP voter. Fuck the little guy as long as corporations are protected.

Life in prison for anyone who hires an illegal.

That's what I want.
perhaps you weren't aware, but it is actually illegal to cross a countries sovereign border without going through customs with a valid passport and affixed travel visa.

it's a fairly simple concept to understand. it's so strange seeing all the NPC's that cry about this to strangers on the internet for virtue signal points.
Perhaps you are not aware but Desantis wont pass E-Verify for private businesses.
Desantis talks a big game but will not endanger his corporate donors by making them hire Americans.
I have always said immigration should also be tackled by going after those who hire them which Desantis won’t do. I guess when Ken Griffin gave Desantis 10 million that check on the memo section said make sure my corporate buddies can hire illegals. Sad part is the Rubes think he some champion of stopping immigrants when he makes sure corporations can hire them.
Some of these politicians depend on dumb voters who can’t see them rigging the system for their corporate donors.
Perhaps you are not aware but Desantis wont pass E-Verify for private businesses.
Desantis talks a big game but will not endanger his corporate donors by making them hire Americans.
I have always said immigration should also be tackled by going after those who hire them which Desantis won’t do. I guess when Ken Griffin gave Desantis 10 million that check on the memo section said make sure my corporate buddies can hire illegals. Sad part is the Rubes think he some champion of stopping immigrants when he makes sure corporations can hire them.
Some of these politicians depend on dumb voters who can’t see them rigging the system for their corporate donors.
I had never heard of e verify till this post. That seems like a simple and easy solution to most of the problem if anyone really wanted it solved.
I had never heard of e verify till this post. That seems like a simple and easy solution to most of the problem if anyone really wanted it solved.
What Are The States That Require E-Verify - I-9
List of states with E-Verify.
AZ, AL, MS and SC are the only states I won't give shit for pulling political stunts because they require E-Verify for all hires.
Funny the two biggest actors in the Immigration Political Theater game, DeSantis and Greg Abbott, talk a big game, but will never do anything to jeopardize their large corporate donors from hiring cheap labor and fucking Americans out of jobs.
It like busting dudes selling dime bags of weed, and never ever going after the guy who supplies the dime bag weed dealers. The beauty of it, is the Rubes cheer the busting of the dime bag dealers and think that will solve the problem. It's sad to watch voters get tricked over and over again. They motivate them with emotion, all the while rigging the game for their largest donors.
You are right, E-Verify is a good tool to use to help limit immigration, so then you have to ask yourself why we do only 4 states out of 50 that require it for all hires. Only 8% which is fucking sad.
Follow the money, Patriot and you will know why, immigrants are another way to motivate the Rubes emotionally.
Biden's 1,000s of flights of illegals = silence.

One DeSantis delivery = fucking meltdown by the left

Federal government > State government.

It also doesn't help that DeSantis sent them somewhere they couldn't be processed. I guess when you're on the losing team you have to look for a win anywhere you can claim it. {<shrug}
How is it not true? They both used tax prayers $$ to redistribute migrants, yet one got a pass while the other is facing the inquisition.
All states are within the purview of the Federal Government. DeSantis used Florida tax dollars to ship migrants between 2 seperate states that have nothing to do with his constituents.
Perhaps you are not aware but Desantis wont pass E-Verify for private businesses.
Desantis talks a big game but will not endanger his corporate donors by making them hire Americans.
I have always said immigration should also be tackled by going after those who hire them which Desantis won’t do. I guess when Ken Griffin gave Desantis 10 million that check on the memo section said make sure my corporate buddies can hire illegals. Sad part is the Rubes think he some champion of stopping immigrants when he makes sure corporations can hire them.
Some of these politicians depend on dumb voters who can’t see them rigging the system for their corporate donors.

very half assed attempt to try and redirect. so see through.

sneaking through a countries sovereign border is ILLEGAL. in every single country on the planet.

how long is it going to take you grasp this concept of borders and government?

did you ever take a social studies or civics class in elementary school?

there is no way you can be this ignorant and feeble.

Do you know anything at all about the "Democrat" redistribution of immigrants? Anything? There was a lot of bullshit in conservative media about midnight flights, and I'm going to take as read you already know that, but do you know where they were sent and why?

Are you confident it's the same as lying to groups of immigrants and sending them to a resort island completely unprepared to process them where it's next to impossible for them to meet their legal obligations as part of the immigration process?

The locals did the best they could, they sheltered and fed them, and delivered them to the closest facility that met their needs. What exactly would you expect them to do? There was no meltdown, but there was outrage at using these people as political pieces. Lying to them and shipping them somewhere that couldn't process them to make a point was childish, especially when you consider it made it almost impossible for them to meet their scheduled appointments.

I have barely spoken about this because at the end of the day it isn't that big of a deal. These people got the help they needed, and while I feel bad for them because they were lied to and promised jobs and housing, they knew it was going to be a rough road and maybe all the publicity will work out in their favor.

I don't understand how you don't see the difference. This wasn't quite the clusterfuck it was when Abbott closed the southern border and cost America ten billion dollars, but it was pretty bad publicity.
I heard on the news they might get visas now. If the Biden Administration was as petty as Abbott and DeSantis he would grant visas to anyone they ship out and then send them right back as legals.