SUMO - 2022 Aki Basho (Sept. 11th - 25th)

WOW that's awful

I hate to do the whole "i knew it" thing, but as someone who has injured my neck from just turning too quick while playing sports in school, i knew it was really bad when he got hurt. I had the benefit of not competing for weeks, whereas Ishiura still competed for a few days after injuring it if i remember correctly.

Maybe he comes back, all i'm saying is people in Japan are saying he's gonna retire.
looking forward to Tamawashi vs. Takayasu tomorrow. i'm a bigger fan of Tamawashi, but it would be great to see Takayasu finally win a tournament and a playoff is always fun. i feel like pretty much any result is a good one.

and nice to see Terutsuyoshi's ashitori hitting someone again.
I know some people only watch the top division, or maybe Juryo as well, but there's something about watching a mix of promising talent and sloppy sumo in Makushita every basho that i really enjoy, plus it gives you a greater appreciation of just how much it takes to get the the top division. To that end, seeing guys like Kanno (Tochimusashi now) and Kinbozan go 11-4 and 10-5 in their first basho at Juryo after watching them go through Makushita is awesome to see.

As for the future i'm hoping guys like Kanzaki, Setonoumi and Tokihayate can keep improving and push up the ranks, and now that Oshoumi is back from injury and took the Sandanme yusho without any trouble he should be looking good in Makushita next basho.
Nishikifuji really is on the up and up. Juryo yusho and then two double digit wins back to back in the top division.

Tamawashi yusho baby! Let's freaking go! Covid stopped his attendance streak last basho but this basho he wins it all. Absolutely love Tamawashi's drive to win at the age he is.

Are people gonna complain about Hoshoryu's win now? Just look at the man's face, do you think he cares what you think?

The Waka brothers go 11-4 and 10-5, really nice work.
Special Prizes
Shukun-sho(Outstanding Performance Award) Tobizaru and your Yusho winner Tommy Mawashi (This is his second Yusho and worth noting he has picked up 4 Kinboshi this year out of 5 Basho)

Kanto-sho(Fighting Spirit Prize) Takayasu

Gino-sho(Technique Prize) Waktakaspecialprizeskage (Our boy will fall 5 wins short of the required 33 for Ozeki promotion heading into November he'll need 14 wins to make it by January. I'm sure though an exception can be made if he gets 13 and the yusho but he can't afford any of his usual first week losses)
Special Prizes
Shukun-sho(Outstanding Performance Award) Tobizaru and your Yusho winner Tommy Mawashi (This is his second Yusho and worth noting he has picked up 4 Kinboshi this year out of 5 Basho)

Kanto-sho(Fighting Spirit Prize) Takayasu

Gino-sho(Technique Prize) Waktakaspecialprizeskage (Our boy will fall 5 wins short of the required 33 for Ozeki promotion heading into November he'll need 14 wins to make it by January. I'm sure though an exception can be made if he gets 13 and the yusho but he can't afford any of his usual first week losses)

Waka bros gonna be dual-Yokozunas by 2027.
Anyone every think about what the field would look like right now if we still had 4 active healthy Yokozuna?
What a wild fun time that was, 3 incredibly skilled Yokozuna and Kakuryu (JK I really like Kakuryu)
I'd like to see asashoryu 15-0 twenty tournaments in a row with the current crop. Teru is good but I'm preparing for an absentee Yokozuna and a retirement in two years at most unfortunately
I'd like to see asashoryu 15-0 twenty tournaments in a row with the current crop. Teru is good but I'm preparing for an absentee Yokozuna and a retirement in two years at most unfortunately
Yeah if Terunofuji undergoes surgery, he's just gonna be on the Banzuke and everyone has to desperately hope Asanoyama can actually make it to the top.
It's genuinely rough putting all the hopes of the future on this one dude but right now absolutely no one else has a chance it seems
Anyone every think about what the field would look like right now if we still had 4 active healthy Yokozuna?
What a wild fun time that was, 3 incredibly skilled Yokozuna and Kakuryu (JK I really like Kakuryu)

I was actually wondering the other day what Asanoyama thinks when he watches Shodai and Mitakeumi struggle to get 5 wins.

I think any Yokozuna from any era would stomp the shit out of the current crop of Ozeki.
wow, never thought Tamawashi would win one tournament, much less two. what an amazing guy. really, really glad for him and still a little gutted for Takayasu. close but no cigar again.

what a nightmare of a tournament for Mitakeumi and Shodai. pretty terrible all around for them.

Tobizaru looking great this time around as well. i thought he was throwing the final day match away going for those trips, but that's his wild style and it all worked out in the end.

great stuff for the Waka brothers. I thought Wakatakakage was heading for a disappointing tournament after his rough first few days, but he got his head in the game real quick. great tournament and a good start to another Ozeki run.

Hokutofuji was looking great for a while, but struggled in the end (not a huge surprise) but it sucks to not come away with a special prize.

great return for Ryuden as well.

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