Law Supreme Court sides with Catholic foster agency that excludes same-sex couples in 9-0 ruling

This is pretty slam dunk. 9-0 pretty sures this up. This opinion is very relevant to the Baker who won't make a cake for the gay wedding.
That's nothing. In Canada, a Christian foster couple had their child taken from them because they refused to tell their foster children that the easter bunny was real.
that has to be fake.
You wish. Here is the court decision:

[1] The applicants Derek and Frances Baars (“the Baars”) seek a declaration in respect of the respondent’s Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton’s (“the Society”) conduct and subsequent decision to remove two foster children from their home.

[2] The nub of the application stems from the Baars’ refusal to utter or affirm the existence or role of the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus in relation to foster children under their care in celebrating Easter and Christmas respectively.

[202] The Court declares that the Society violated the Baars’ fundamental rights to freedom of conscience and religion and freedom of expression, in respect of ss. 2 (a) and 2(b) of the Charter respectively, by:

a. Creating in bad faith and for an improper purpose a requirement for these foster parents to actively or proactively inform the children in their care that the fictional character of the Easter bunny is real;

b. Ordering or otherwise directing the Baars to tell the foster children under their care that the Easter bunny is a real entity in celebrating Easter and threatening to close their foster home if the applicants refused;
c. Closing the Baars’ foster home due to the applicants’ unwillingness to lie and proactively inform the children in their care that the Easter bunny is real, such closure being unreasonable, arbitrary and discriminatory."
Speaking on behalf of all Steves, are you suggesting God didn't make us?
No, you were probably like his grandkids. Had he made Adam and Steve, there would have been no future generations.
“We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid.”

As an Atheist, I call bullshit

Every study I've seen shows religious people to be more charitable
2 dads or 2 moms is better than being raised by the foster care or group home system.

Sometimes 2 moms or 2 dads can be better than a mom and dad. Since straight men for some reason seem incapable of being a decent father.
“We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid.”
I’ve known and hung out with a lot of gay people. They generally like(d) young stuff, openly, and that gives me concern.

I know a weird heterosexual couple that adopted a small Asian girl, and I think they are weird as well.. Coincidentally the husband speaks effeminately.
<Kobe213> Didn't you have sex with a 17 year old when you were 29?
Sometimes 2 moms or 2 dads can be better than a mom and dad. Since straight men for some reason seem incapable of being a decent father.
Eh, my dad was an awesome father. But I’d rather a kid be able to be raised by caring loving parents, which anyone approaching an adoption agency likely is. It’s far better than the setting of being raised by the system.
Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) upheld because there is no standing to pursue the lawsuit.

Also Nestle wins their lawsuit against 6 child slaves who sued because the U.S. Courts don't have jurisdiction
That Nestlé one is irritating and sad. I'm soo happy there are so many loopholes to just allow shit like that. And then you have all these shit head corporate mouth pieces that play this woke politics shit while benefiting from such exploitation.
Not sure why people are so short sighted ... "kids now will be fostered instead of having two dads"... The supply is way greater then the demand ...

There is a lot more ways to adopt then through a catholic foster agency..
I am 100% for gay couples adopting. There are plenty of children in need and it's terrible for a child to grow up without a parent. That being said, you don't stop charitable private organizations from doing their good work under their beliefs. Gays can still adopt, as there are plenty of other channels. Grow the fuck up religion haters.
It's nice to see the Supreme Court is just calling balls and strikes now instead of voting left or right.
<Kobe213> Didn't you have sex with a 17 year old when you were 29?
I fucked 19 year olds regularly when I was 30 to 31 and then married a girl 10 years younger than me.

Anyone of age to go to the bars here is fair game. Usually you don't even discuss ages if you are just looking for a quick pickup

17 tho? How do he even meet girls that young and why? Unless she snuck unto thr bar with a fake ID and he was unaware
perhaps you should research the topic of sin before saying such nonsense.
This is the kind of religious brainwashing I can get behind sherbro :D

When you start to think about sin, creation and choices in a logical way, you will see its just a way to control peoples lives and thoughts. Or probably not, since you are not supposed to question things that are "absolute".
Supreme Court soon to be targeted by Disney and Hollywood propaganda

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