Social Tense Encounter Between Covington HS Kids and Nathan Phillips

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The Native Americans walked over to the where the kids were and the kids started singing along with them. Then the old guy had a stare down with the kid.
The Native Americans walked over to the where the kids were and the kids started singing along with them. Then the old guy had a stare down with the kid.
That is exactly what happened. The Liberal media keeps sharing the edited video in the first post of this thread.
Despicable. The man is a member of a hate group with a long history of violence and sedition, the American Indian Movement. Look them up. The Native American equivalent to the New Black Panther Party. He initiated the confrontation with a bunch of teenagers and they did absolutely nothing wrong.

Nathan Phillips is cut from the same cloth as Leonard Peltier.
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Despicable. The man is a member of a hate group with a long history of violence: American Indian Movement. The Native American equivalent to the New Black Panthers. He initiated the confrontation with a bunch of teenagers and they did absolutely nothing wrong.
But but but those kids were mostly white!! And don't forget MAGA is a dog whistle!!!1
The kid had an awkward smile on his face. He probably didn't know what the old man was trying to do there staring at him face to face.
Kid has that “touch me and my father will sue” grin on his stupid face.
The kid had an awkward smile on his face. He probably didn't know what the old man was trying to do there staring at him face to face.

That kid was in a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. If he didn't have that red hat on, no one would give a fuck about any of this.
Some of the students were shouting "Build the wall" at the men, and one kid walked up to smirk in the veteran's face.
for the record, indigenous peoples of the united states look very similar racially to what White Americans think of as "Mexicans". So it is very possible that those boys were yelling that because of the Native veteran's race. In other words, if you are indigenous racially, a sizable portion of the united states populace will question your status as an american. I have Native American friends who have been called "mexican" because of the way they look.
That Native American guy should have buried his foot deep in that brat's ass and then claim he thought the kid had a weapon, feared for his safety and was only acting in self defense.

Why did the Native Americans walk OVER to the boys? Why did that old man walk over to that kid and stared at him face to face?
Looks like a whole lot of disrespectful, worthless, impy little motherfuckers that need to get slapped. That's putting it as nicely as I can.
Which one is the Native American in the video ?
Okay, that is a pretty shitty misportrayal.

Yeah, the kid is just standing there and the old guy singles him out and beats the drum in his face. Like what is the kid supposed to do? At least he smiled.
Showing respect should be the default in all situations. The fact that this man was elderly only makes the entitled brat even more ignorant.

The problem is, these kids believe they are serving Trump's cause. Everybody needs to take a serious look at how divisive and disrespectful Trump has been, and the very real effect that it has on people. These kids seemed genuinely proud to chant, "Build the wall," at random Native Americans.
I agree with a lot of your post. Treat everyone with respect. And I agree that Trump is disrespectful and divisive sometimes.

But the Left has some blame in this with all the leftists attacking people at Trump rallies and pushing back on Trump voters in public. That's no excuse for what the kid did.

I'm not putting the old Native American man in that group. The kid did wrong there, it was awful.

Edit: I now see another video with the Native old man approaching the kids. If the old man went in to them first, he may have asked for this to some degree. The old man may have started something with the kid. It's tough to say though from such a short clip.
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Why did the Native Americans walk OVER to the boys? Why did that old man walk over to that kid and stared at him face to face?
That's why I changed my post, he shouldn't have walked over to those brats.
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