Things that are surprisingly worse with new technology


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
I've noticed many times when I talk to people on the phone, there's a delay that causes us to talk over each other because we think the other person is done talking.

I don't ever remember this being an issue with old landline phones. Feels like it cropped up once everything went to cellular and VOIP.

What other things have inexplicably gotten worse as technology has gotten better?
Game consoles.

Used to be able to get a new console, connect it up, chuck in your game &'re playing.

Now you plug it in, sign into bullshit, put in a game & download crap for hours....then you can start playing.

I've noticed many times when I talk to people on the phone, there's a delay that causes us to talk over each other because we think the other person is done talking.

I don't ever remember this being an issue with old landline phones. Feels like it cropped up once everything went to cellular and VOIP.

What other things have inexplicably gotten worse as technology has gotten better?
I think communication as a whole has suffered massively due to technology sir.

Customer service of every kind just about.

Dating is a fuckin mess from what I can tell.

Shopping (I still don't buy online).
Game consoles.

Used to be able to get a new console, connect it up, chuck in your game &'re playing.

Now you plug it in, sign into bullshit, put in a game & download crap for hours....then you can start playing.


Im glad I don't play games anymore lol.
Stopped 10 years ago and haven't missed it a bit.
AC controls in cars. The fucker who decided they should be hidden in the sensir infotainment panel needs to be lynched.
This. I work at a car dealership and we've had customers bring there cars in because their touch screen controls were acting up. One was turning on the heated front seats in the summer and another was the heat beaing turned on full blast, that customer also had a manual knob to turn it off, but i don't think the heated seat customer had a switch to turn it off.
This. I work at a car dealership and we've had customers bring there cars in because their touch screen controls were acting up. One was turning on the heated front seats in the summer and another was the heat beaing turned on full blast, that customer also had a manual knob to turn it off, but i don't think the heated seat customer had a switch to turn it off.

Nothing should be touch screen in a car. You have to look at the screen and take your eyes off the road.

Reject touch screen. Return to knobs and buttons.
This. I work at a car dealership and we've had customers bring there cars in because their touch screen controls were acting up. One was turning on the heated front seats in the summer and another was the heat beaing turned on full blast, that customer also had a manual knob to turn it off, but i don't think the heated seat customer had a switch to turn it off.

All console car controls. The old knobs and dials worked fine. The touch screens add nothing except an expensive part to break and need replaced.
Simple single function machines Will run for decades with very little maintenance work. But we all decided we'd much rather have a washing machine with Wi-Fi that lasts exactly as long as the warranty.
Searching for jobs. All these web applications to help you complete or apply for a job are terrible. Back in the day it was fill out this application and done. Now it is upload your resume and then it loads incorrectly. Then you have to fix what was put in and then you have to add attachments, and don't even get me started on assessments that you have to take after the long ass application process.
Appeals to authority.

Few people have real debates with their own opinions and thoughts. People just shove "sources" in each other's faces, with nary an original thought to be had. It's why when you take these phones away, a lot of people have trouble doing basic math. There's no "source" to tell them if it's right or wrong, and they don't know how to do it in their heads, let alone be confident enough to know what the right answer is.
Samsung refrigerator
Yeah I’ll add refrigerators in general. Used to be they went decades before having problems, and when they did you could get them fixed for a reasonable price. Now you’re lucky if they last 10 years and cost more to fix for even a minor problem than to just replace. It’s fucking criminal