Social Tlaib urges boycott of Bill Maher after he slams BDS movement. Update: Maher responds

Israel has as much of a military edge over Palestine as its ever had and now with the recent emergence of its regional alliance with Saudi Arabia and Egypt against Iran it has as much of a diplomatic edge over it as well. They've never been in such a secure position and yet if we were to believe the alarmists they're on the brink of destruction.
These guys, the alarmists as you put it, are full of shit and they know it. They peddle this Israel = victim narrative so that Israel can justify its oppression of the Palestinians.
I think the dual citizenship shit in government is garbage, but other than that I distance myself from the criticism of Israel. They do what they need to survive in an area surrounded by violent nut jobs.

Most right wingers who criticize Israel do so for the same reason most Muslims do; hatred for Jews. Simple as that.
At the same time. A lot of right wingers support Israel because of their hatred of jews. Nixon wasn't a fan of jews but didn't mind them contained and out of the way in Israel. You also have right wing fundamentalists who are looking forward to the rapture. A lot of white nationalists like the idea of Jews leaving for Israel as well.

Actually this is the first time I've heard this bit about Bedouins actually being Jews, and I think it's nonsense. So you are wrong about that.

But Israel's critics are anti-Semitic because they want to strengthen the hand of people who have made their intentions to kill Jews very clear. The critics think they are being clever by feigning compassion and concern for the Paleos, but that is just camouflage. They only give a fuck about arabs suffering and dying when it lets them cluck about American foreign policy and the filthy :eek::eek::eek::eek: state.

And LOL at this "Levantine people bit". As if they were aborigines living isolated in the M.E. and the Jews were all a bunch of European invaders who showed up recently. Jews have been in the land for millennia in various amounts. A huge chunk of the Jews in Israel now come from "native Levantine people". Just ask all the ones who fled or are descended from Jews that fled Arab countries.

The issue here is that Israels critics are on the side of people who want Israel eliminated and any survivors violently subjugated. These critics don't actually care about Palestinian suffering or a fair deal. If Israel was gone tomorrow and the paleos started ripping each other to shreds they would not care.
I've browsed a lot of left and far left forums and haven't seen an anti jew comment that hasn't got down voted into oblivion. I guarantee you any anti jew sentiment isn't approved of. Go to any right wing forum and you'll see the exact opposite. American leftists have an obvious stake in the plight of Palestinians because it's their taxes that are funding Israels expansion.
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Also. I'm way ahead of you Tlaib, I stopped watching that arrogant liberal elite years ago. I guess you could call that a boycott.
Of course Maher is going to be a Zionist shill, can't be surprised at that. Funny that Maher is accusing others of being the ones who slept through history class, I would bet both Omar and Tlaib know more about the conflict than he does. Certainly many other anti-Zionists do. Maher has convinced himself that because he has a show that talks about topical political issues and that because he does so wearing a suit that he actually knows what he's talking about. He doesn't though and his thinking on the matter is just as shallow as he accuses others as having. The Palestinians are Muslims therefore the bad guys and the Israelis look like him so therefore are the good guys.

Few people enjoy the sound of their own voice and overestimate their own intelligence more than comedians and Maher is a perfect example of that.

Uh yes exactly, I'm accusing him of being guilty of the same thing he's accusing others of.

No I'm not, I'm assuming that based on what I know of Bill Maher. He's like a friend of mine, a leftist as well. Both very clever but they have tricked themselves into thinking that being clever is a substitute for knowledge and thumb their noses at others despite not being as smart as they think they are. Its a common trait among comedians, they think because they can string together a few quips and make some basic point in some clever manner that suddenly they're the smartest person in the room.

Obviously despite my disagreements with them there are Zionists who are well informed on the topic. Even someone like Alan Dershowitz who is dishonest and speaking outside his area of expertise when discussing the conflict is someone I'd bet has a lot more knowledge about the issue than Maher because he's at least holding himself to a higher minimum standard by tangling with the likes of Chomsky and Finkelstein in a more academic context on the topic. Maher on the other hand is just a comedian delivering a brief monologue.
Funny, if she were confident in her knowledge, or if you actually were, you'd think the response to this would be for her to go onto his show and eviscerate him in front of his own audience with her superior knowledge, but like most savage dilettantes, her first instinct is to do the opposite; to shut down his ability to speak rather than to demonstrate her superior knowledge, and why her policies should be favored.

She's free to do this, and she's free to be held in contempt for the transparency of her authoritarian antics. It's obvious she slept through history class.
Maher is a shit sipper and I'm still amazed so many in the public eye fall for his shtick of being basically a troll.
Funny, if she were confident in her knowledge, or if you actually were, you'd think the response to this would be for her to go onto his show and eviscerate him in front of his own audience with her superior knowledge, but like most savage dilettantes, her first instinct is to do the opposite; to shut down his ability to speak rather than to demonstrate her superior knowledge, and why her policies should be favored.

She's free to do this, and she's free to be held in contempt for the transparency of her authoritarian antics. It's obvious she slept through history class.
Uh, are you saying I should debate Maher on the conflict on his show? Or are you saying if I was confident in her knowledge? That would make more sense I guess. Anyway even if I were confident that she knew more than him that wouldn't mean she would be able to "win" a "debate" on his show.

Part of the reason comedians like Bill Maher overestimate their own intelligence is because their cleverness allows them to look good in short exchanges like the ones he has on his show even if they really don't know what they're talking about. Bill could probably get his audience to clap for him like seals even if he had Chomsky on to debate Israel-Palestine because despite what I said about his actual knowledge I will admit he is a quick thinker with his quips and has great comedic timing. Those matter a lot more than actual knowledge when it comes to the kind of political theater that passes for debate nowadays.
Everybody that stands on the holier than thou, anti pc bs is gonna get the silverman treatment eventually. All one big cycle
Funny how no one really attempted to refute bill Maher, instead they resort to typical "derp derp, he's just a Zionist shill" or "he's just a comedian! "

Lol, you silly clowns keep on defending the "squad". Pathetic
If I convert to Judaism can I get Israeli citizenship? Serious question. Need a way to get out of this greed infested country
Would it be wrong for Buddhist Japanese to go colonize Nepal, since the Buddha was from what is present day Nepal.
Uh, are you saying I should debate Maher on the conflict on his show? Or are you saying if I was confident in her knowledge? That would make more sense I guess. Anyway even if I were confident that she knew more than him that wouldn't mean she would be able to "win" a "debate" on his show.

Part of the reason comedians like Bill Maher overestimate their own intelligence is because their cleverness allows them to look good in short exchanges like the ones he has on his show even if they really don't know what they're talking about. Bill could probably get his audience to clap for him like seals even if he had Chomsky on to debate Israel-Palestine because despite what I said about his actual knowledge I will admit he is a quick thinker with his quips and has great comedic timing. Those matter a lot more than actual knowledge when it comes to the kind of political theater that passes for debate nowadays.

That's the thing: a person can be factually right but can still lose arguments if they are not great at arguing and not cunning enough to play rhetorical chess with their opponents. I am reminded of this when I hear the verbal diarrhea spewed forth by Dinesh D'Souza in his debates.
Funny how no one really attempted to refute bill Maher, instead they resort to typical "derp derp, he's just a Zionist shill" or "he's just a comedian! "

Lol, you silly clowns keep on defending the "squad". Pathetic
If you're going to refer to my argument maybe you should actually quote me or tag me instead of being a coward. Then again with how easily I can provoke you when off you're meds its probably a good idea you didn't if you want to avoid your inevitable ban.

Nothing Maher said is even worth refuting. He didn't make any claims about the history of the conflict or why he supports Israel, he just accuses others of being motivated by identity politics despite the fact that he clearly is as well. Sure there are anti-Zionists who are motivated by identity politics but how do you explain the two biggest critics of the Israeli occupation in the US, Finkelstein and Chomsky? I guess they both slept through history class as well right?
If you're going to refer to my argument maybe you should actually quote me or tag me instead of being a coward. Then again with how easily I can provoke you when off you're meds its probably a good idea you didn't if you want to avoid your inevitable ban.

Nothing Maher said is even worth refuting. He didn't make any claims about the history of the conflict or why he supports Israel, he just accuses others of being motivated by identity politics despite the fact that he clearly is as well. Sure there are anti-Zionists who are motivated by identity politics but how do you explain the two biggest critics of the Israeli occupation in the US, Finkelstein and Chomsky? I guess they both slept through history class as well right?

This post is the very definition of cringe
Funny how no one really attempted to refute bill Maher, instead they resort to typical "derp derp, he's just a Zionist shill" or "he's just a comedian! "

Lol, you silly clowns keep on defending the "squad". Pathetic

What's there to defend? People opposed to Israeli government policies want to boycott goods from Israel or atleast the Occupied Territories. No different to the boycott of Apartheid South Africa or anyone wanting to boycott Chinese goods or Saudi goods , because of their domestic and or foreign policy. You can also throw in boycotts against corporations and or public entities, eg: rightwingers boycotting Nike, or the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Whereas the BDS campaign is voluntary and non-violent, the sanctions against Iran are not voluntary and use violence to enforce it. The Israel lobby, while bitching about BDS, pushed for sanctions against Iran.
Looks like Israel didn't sleep through history lessons then.
Well Israel supported Apartheid South Africa and helped them make nukes.
In 1933 Jewish groups led an international boycott of Germany.
Uh, are you saying I should debate Maher on the conflict on his show? Or are you saying if I was confident in her knowledge? That would make more sense I guess. Anyway even if I were confident that she knew more than him that wouldn't mean she would be able to "win" a "debate" on his show.

Part of the reason comedians like Bill Maher overestimate their own intelligence is because their cleverness allows them to look good in short exchanges like the ones he has on his show even if they really don't know what they're talking about. Bill could probably get his audience to clap for him like seals even if he had Chomsky on to debate Israel-Palestine because despite what I said about his actual knowledge I will admit he is a quick thinker with his quips and has great comedic timing. Those matter a lot more than actual knowledge when it comes to the kind of political theater that passes for debate nowadays.
No, I'm saying that Rashida should go onto Maher's show. But that isn't what these #woke morons do, is it?

They immediately attempt to shut down their antagonists' platform to speak. This is why we need fewer like the Squad in Congress. Toxic, primitive, unstudied dilettantes.
No, I'm saying that Rashida should go onto Maher's show. But that isn't what these #woke morons do, is it?

They immediately attempt to shut down their antagonists' platform to speak. This is why we need fewer like the Squad in Congress. Toxic, primitive, unstudied dilettantes.
Why should she? Maher never plays fair, he stacks the guests in his favor and his audience tends to back him up as well. It wouldn't accomplish anything good for her and would probably only be good for Maher, no reason for her to entertain that idea.

She's not forcing anyone to do anything, she's calling for a boycott. That's her right, her hat in the so called marketplace of ideas. In the end I doubt anyone will actually boycott his show over this, those who like Maher will keep watching and those who don't probably weren't anyway.
Jewish guy sides with Jews, Muslim sides with Muslims, what else is new?

No matter how much we attempt to portray ourselves as "beacons of objectivity", ultimately, when it comes down to it, we will eventually side with our "pack", above the others.

That's just how it is and always will be.
I am not a fan of Maher. I don't find him funny. I saw a short clip of this and he didn't say intifada correctly.

Anyway. Tlaib lost people like me when she worked to get J Street's (center or center left American group) endorsement and they endorsed her, gave her a small amount of funding before the primary and let her express her views on their website.

She wrote that believes that the U.S. should be directly involved with negotiations to reach a two-state solution and that she supports all current aid to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, particularly to fund initiatives that ‘foster peace, as well as economic and humanitarian services. She did not support the expansion of settlements and believes that they make it difficult to reach a sustainable two-state solution.

That was all consistent with J Street's goals and agenda. And all reasonable to me.

But after she won the primary and pretty much guaranteed she would win the election, she said fuck that and endorsed the one-state agenda. J Street then was left going wtf and rescinded their endorsement.

If comes off as more of an activist than a politician who wants to get things done. I get that with this and how she talks about Trump. Some people like activists types and who won't bend.

When she was given the opportunity to go to visit her grandmother if she was a good politician she should have gone. The trip would have gotten a lot of press and she could have shown what is going on the West Bank.

If she stuck with her platform before the primary, there would have not been any reason for Trump or Israel block her from going in the first place.
Jewish guy sides with Jews, Muslim sides with Muslims, what else is new?

No matter how much we attempt to portray ourselves as "beacons of objectivity", ultimately, when it comes down to it, we will eventually side with our "pack", above the others.

That's just how it is and always will be.

I don't think that is true for all peoples and all cultures. Gentile Whites don't necessarily side with Gentile Whites in opposition to Jews, Muslims, non-Whites .

There are Jewish and Israeli critics of Israel. Phillip Weiss and Ilan Pappe are 2, and there are others. The Jewish groups IfNotNow and Jews for Peace are also critics of Israeli policies. On the Muslim front, there are Muslims who criticize Muslim society for its treatment of minorities.
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