Tommy Morrison Dead

At least partly in response to Magic Johnson the NBA adopted a rule that requires the referees to stop play if a player incurs any kind of injury that causes blood to appear. The player has to leave the court before play can resume, and can't return until the blood flow is completely stopped.

Imagine that rule in the NHL and trying to enforce it lol
Sad news. I always love Tommy when I was a kid after seeing him in Rocky V, I thought it was totally fascinating that he was a real boxer, and a good one at that. I followed his career for many years...
Yeah, that's being honest. Wishing a dead man good riddance and topping it off with calling him a douche bag.

No, that's not honest.... That's being an asshole.

Being an asshole is fighting with aids and denying it. You're taking someone's life into your own hands and putting them at risk without their knowledge. Good boxer but really, fuck that guy. That's probably one of the most evil and horrible things any human being could do to another human being.
ya, and Magic Johnson played after HIV, Arthur Ashe lied on his passport when entering foreign countries, I guess they are worthless too then. It's not that easy to transmit the disease. It's fragile, dies on contact with air, I forget, but I think the lifespan is like 14 seconds airborne, probably wrong about that. Cuts do not bleed in, the bleed out and thus far no one has been known to contract aids in that fashion.

That's not the point. No matter how small of a chance that it could be passed it wasn't his chance to take. He took potentially life ending risks with other people's lives.
Sad shit.

Will always be a fan.
Sad news. I always love Tommy when I was a kid after seeing him in Rocky V, I thought it was totally fascinating that he was a real boxer, and a good one at that. I followed his career for many years...

What's your av about?
RIP Tommy Morrison.

He was in some great scraps. A true warrior.

that's stuffs always confusing to lay people. looks like oppurtunistic infection of some kind, oppurtunistic infections are the kinds of condition which overtake and take advantage of a weak immune system. I don't think that AIDS would necessarily even appear on a death certificate. I remember when liberace died, they rushed to bury him but the county demanded an autopsy of him and it's highly detailed right down to the swollen rectum, celebrity is as alex haley once said "like riding a tiger".
My attorney told me that "septic shock" is basically saying, "someone died and this covers our asses."
My attorney told me that "septic shock" is basically saying, "someone died and this covers our asses."

it looks like the 2 and 3 conditions are brought on by weak immune systems so that's pretty much caused by HIV, what I still don't fucking get is, they say Hiv antibodies is how they know you have the infection, but I thought antibodies mean you developed a resistance to a virus, why don't they test for the virus? it's those kinds of questions that give the conspiracy nuts cannon fodder.
it looks like the 2 and 3 conditions are brought on by weak immune systems so that's pretty much caused by HIV, what I still don't fucking get is, they say Hiv antibodies is how they know you have the infection, but I thought antibodies mean you developed a resistance to a virus, why don't they test for the virus? it's those kinds of questions that give the conspiracy nuts cannon fodder.

why dont you just say that HIV doesnt cause AIDS and get over with it
I thought his bout with Foreman was awesome. He landed some monster shots on Big George, including his patented left hook. Foreman's chin was always amazing, however, and he managed to endure.
I thought his bout with Foreman was awesome. He landed some monster shots on Big George, including his patented left hook. Foreman's chin was always amazing, however, and he managed to endure.

Foreman was a sore loser that night. He didn't like losing to Morrison.
why dont you just say that HIV doesnt cause AIDS and get over with it

what's your problem? I'm just saying what doesn't make sense to me with my limited medical understanding. Tell the truth, if I had a reason (I don't use drugs and don't do the "high risk" behaviors) I'd probably study more about it. No excuse for ignorance, I watch lots of things these days on youtube in fields i know little about, that's just me, I don't want to drink nobodies koolaid but I listen for new info all the time. For instance, I should stop eating the shit we call food before I get nut cancer, I wouldn't know that if i was a koolaid drinking imbecile.
does it really matter whether or not he had HIV/AIDS? The guy is dead so leave him be.

He wasn't perfect but boxing isn't exactly a profession full of stand up guys.

It is a tough sport and at times is the only means of escape from a ghetto lifestyle.
you're right but the nature of celebrity is ruthless, we want to know things which have nothing to do with the activity that brought them fame. Just think for a minute, Liberace was on his way to the graveyard and THEY STOPPED THEM AND BROUGHT HIS ASS BACK TO THE HOSPITAL! That's brutal, autopsies do not get performed on everyone because they take resources, that's just being nosy. Also, Tommy had a fucked upbringing, put in tough man comps as a teen if his bio is to be believed and he came from a hick town, not a ghetto but same difference.